What to do at home to increase pressure? Methods for preventing low blood pressure at home


For some reason, the severity of the problems associated with low blood pressure is underestimated by patients.

Many people think that low blood pressure is the lot of young and suspicious young ladies who are absolutely not a threat to their health.

This opinion is fundamentally wrong. A person may experience low blood pressure, regardless of age or gender.

Not only does hypotension significantly worsen well-being, it also leads to impaired heart function, cerebral oxygen starvation, and other serious complications.

It is simply dangerous to ignore physical inactivity.

Low blood pressure at home: causes

Official medicine considers low blood pressure to be the condition of a patient whose systolic pressure drops below 100 units and the diastolic pressure falls below 60. However, not all patients show such abnormalities.

Indeed, in some people, especially women, low blood pressure is a normal physiological condition in which there is no certain discomfort. At physiologically low pressure, no measures can be taken to artificially increase it. Such actions will cause disturbances in the general condition and the patient with normal, from the point of view of medicine, indicators in 120/70 will feel all the symptoms of hypertension.

A pathological pressure drop is diagnosed as hypotension. In this case, indicators fall below the usual for a particular person.

This condition may be accompanied by:

• lethargy and weakness;

• general malaise and unexplained weakness;

• pain in the occipital region of the head;

• a feeling of lack of air;

• shortness of breath and excessive sweating;

• nausea, vomiting;

• sharp dizziness, fainting.

This condition can be associated with internal problems in the body and caused by external stimuli.

Low pressure problems arise:

• against the background of heart dysfunction;

• with hypofunction of the thyroid gland;

• in patients with low blood sugar;

• under the influence of chronic pathologies that weaken the body;

• during pregnancy;

• with prolonged and intense stresses of an emotional and mental nature;

• due to dehydration caused by diarrhea, vomiting, heat exposure;

• as a hereditary pathology transmitted from parents genetically;

• in professional athletes, as a protective reaction to increased loads;

• with abuse of drugs that reduce blood pressure;

• under the influence of harmful conditions of professional activity associated with labor underground, in conditions of high temperatures and humidity.

And the most common cause of low blood pressure is lifestyle. In the absence of adequate physical exertion, physical activity, fresh air, balanced nutrition, the likelihood of hypotension is high.

Adherents of strict diets and vegetarian diets are constantly faced with low blood pressure. A similar condition refers to a characteristic feature of vegetative-vascular dystonia by hypotonic or mixed type.

How to raise pressure at home: medication

First-aid kit hypotonic is not diverse. In addition, almost all drugs with complex and symptomatic effects are banned for self-administration, as they have serious consequences, and should only be prescribed or controlled by a doctor. Therefore, increase pressure at home with the permission of the doctor using drugs that belong to the group:

1. Alpha-adrenergic agonists. The drugs Midodrin, Mefentermin, Phenylephrine (mesatone), Norepinephrine (norepinephrine) constrict blood vessels, stimulating alpha adenoreceptors. This action allows you to eliminate stagnation of venous blood and maintain the level of blood volume and pressure.

2. Analeptics in the form of Nitsetamide (cordiamine), Etymizole, Effortil, Symptol increase cardiac output without increasing the number of heart contractions.

3. Anticholinergic drugs in the form of Bellataminal, Bellaspon, approved for use only after examination.

Under reduced pressure, you can take over-the-counter productsthat help improve the condition at home. To do this, you can use:

1. Caffeine tablets, for which there are no contraindications. Abusing such a drug can provoke arrhythmia.

2. Ginseng tincture, used as a tonic and immunomodulating agent. It is not recommended for reception in the evening, as it can provoke insomnia.

3. Tincture of Eleutherococcus, capable of normalizing pressure and improving mental performance.

4. Tincture of lemongrass, which is able to increase physical stamina.

Any pills containing caffeine will help increase blood pressure at home. Using Askofen or Citramon, you can eliminate headaches and slightly increase pressure.

How to raise pressure at home: folk remedies

If the home medicine cabinet does not have suitable drugs to increase pressure or prefer treatment without tablets, you can use folk tips and recipes.

The most common way to raise blood pressure at home is to drink coffee or some cognac. Indeed, a short-term effect of such treatment is observed. This is due to a sharp narrowing of the vessels, which allows to increase the pressure. However, after a certain time, the vascular tone decreases again, and the pressure indicators will fall. As a truly healing drink, a cup of good natural coffee is suitable. Its effect will increase if you add a little cinnamon to it.

Be careful with green tea.. Despite the high content of caffeine in it, natural green tea can increase pressure. Therefore, hypotensive use of such a drink is contraindicated.

Cold water will help to cope with a hypotonic seizure. You can wash your face, make ice baths for the feet or hands or a compress on the temples and the back of the head.

Acupressure also helps with reduced pressure. Dots are massaged behind the ear, between the thumb and forefinger on the hands, whiskey.

Quickly lowering the pressure will help a pinch of salt, which must be put on the tongue and absorbed without washing down with water.

There are effective recipes using cinnamon:

1. Pour a small spoonful of cinnamon powder with boiling water, allow the drink to cool and add a spoonful of honey to it. Drink cinnamon tincture early in the morning before meals and a couple of hours before a night's rest.

2. To urgently lower the pressure, you can eat a piece of bread, which is spread with honey and sprinkled with cinnamon powder on top.

If the pressure drop is caused by dehydration during the heat, simple cold water will help, which must be drunk in sufficient volume.

For patients with vegetative-vascular dystonia or with reduced pressure provoked by nervous overloads, it is necessary to calm down. If the anxiety does not release, you can use sedative tinctures based on herbs.

Various herbal tinctures and teas also help to cope with the problem of low blood pressure at home. You can cook and use it yourself for treatment:

1. Tea from flowers, leaves of thyme. This drink is used instead of regular tea. It helps to restore strength, increase the body's resistance and improve performance.

2. A drink prepared by their herbal collection, in which you need to put the herbs of immortelle, tansy, yarrow, stalnik. Brew a small spoonful of the mixture with boiling water and drink it like tea before dinner.

3. Tincture of powder prepared from the root of the pink or ginseng radiol. Healing powder is brewed in a thermos and drink it up to three times during the day.

4. Tea made from mistletoe, shepherd’s bag or lewsee.

You can add honey or homemade jam made from rose hips to any drink.

How to increase pressure at home: doctor's advice

For patients suffering from low blood pressure, it is important to follow the recommendations related to the correction of the rhythm of life.

Hypotonic patients should:

1. Get enough sleep. A night's rest should be full. Lack of sleep often provokes weakness, dizziness and low blood pressure. Hypotensives also need daytime sleep. Even a short rest can improve the condition.

2. Do not avoid motor activity. They will help prevent a decrease in the pressure of walks in the fresh air, the daily exercise with which the hypotonic is obliged to start his day, and regular exercise in sports.

3. Carry out water procedures. Every morning, patients prone to lowering blood pressure are advised to take a contrast shower. Such a simple procedure will invigorate and improve vascular tone.

4. Follow the recommendations for proper nutrition, which should be regular. For hypotension it is important not to skip breakfast, which will give morning exercises for the body and not take too long breaks between meals.

5. Refuse the frequent use of pathogen drinks. Strong tea and coffee temporarily improve the condition, but they provoke dependence and negatively affect the state of blood vessels.

And remember, a good mood is the best medicine. Avoid stress, negative emotions. Despondency, anger, causeless experiences are the main enemies of hypotonics.


Watch the video: How can you increase blood pressure if you have hypotension? (June 2024).