March 22: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays March 22.


Holidays March 22

Baltic Sea Day

The ecological situation around the Baltic Sea at the end of the 20th century reached a critical point. The sea gradually turned into a landfill, the situation had to be urgently saved. In 1974 seven coastal states sign the general Convention for the Protection and Saving of the Marine and the Environment in Helsinki. And in 1986, by the same states, at the next meeting of their commission, it was decided to celebrate annually March 22 as the day of the Baltic Sea. The essence of this celebration is to attract the attention of politicians, scientists, the public, and the population to environmental issues not only in the Baltic Sea, but also in the entire Baltic region. Since 2000 the celebration has moved to St. Petersburg. Not only representatives of the states that have signed the Convention come here every year, but also everyone who is not indifferent to the fate of the Baltic. Currently, the holiday has transformed into a forum where discussions are held on the most acute problems and resolutions are adopted on their possible solution. Resolutions are sent to the higher authorities, which take measures aimed at improving and purifying the environment of the Baltic waters.

March 22nd in the folk calendar


On March 22, the church honors the memory of 40 Sebastian martyrs. A folk holiday called Magpies (with an emphasis on the first syllable) is timed to coincide with this date. This day, for the second time, they are expecting spring guests (the first time is on Sretenie, the third is on the Annunciation). The Magpies holiday has other names - Larks, Sandpipers, Winter Casters. On this day, they waited for the arrival of the first larks, baked cakes and rolls in the form of birds (usually in the amount of 40 pieces, according to the number of martyrs) and distributed them to the kids. And they, sticking buttercups on sticks, with rhymes and jokes, noise and fun, ran around and invited the cranes and spring to visit. Then the buns were crushed, and the crumbs were scattered on the sides, receiving birds. According to the folk calendar,

On March 22, winter ended and spring began, and day and night were measured, i.e. the equinox came. According to popular beliefs, it was believed what the weather would be like on the Magpies, it would remain so for another forty days.

Historical Events March 22

March 22, 1907 first cars with taximeters appeared

In London, March 22, 1907 For the first time, machines equipped with meters that fixed the distance traveled entered the line. The innovation did not really appeal to the drivers themselves, because it became difficult to withhold part of the proceeds from the owner and to overpay the fare for customers. But the passengers were satisfied, because the fare became unified and did not depend on weather conditions, time of day, or driver greed. Demand for this transport service has increased dramatically. And the day March 22 was celebrated as an international taxi driver's day.

March 22, 1935 Persia began to be called Iran.

The then ruler of Persia, the shahinshah Reza Shah Pahlavi, issued a decree in which he asked foreign diplomats to call his country not Persia, but Iran. The fact is that the residents themselves always considered themselves Iranians, and their state - Iran. Until 1935 both names were used in international relations, but after the request of Reza Shah Pahlavi, Persia officially became known to everyone as Iran.

March 22, 1941 Chernobyl received city status

This small Ukrainian town is located about 100 km from Kiev. Until April 1986 about 12 thousand people lived in it. He would have remained an inconspicuous place unknown to no one if it had not been for the tragedy that occurred here on April 26, 1986, which one day brought him world sad fame. After the Chernobyl disaster, which led to an explosion at a nuclear power plant, this once picturesque corner turned into an exclusion zone and one of the most polluted places on earth.

March 22, 1943 Hitlerites completely burned the village of Khatyn

On this March day, the Belarusian village of Khatyn disappeared from the earth. 149 people were burned alive, half of whom were children under 16 years old. People were driven into one large barn, which was doused with gasoline and set on fire. Only a few of them, charred and wounded, managed to survive. So the Nazis decided to avenge the murder of several German soldiers and officers by the partisans. In 1969 on the site of the burnt village, in memory of the innocent victims, a memorial complex was opened.

March 22 Born:

Georgy Stepanovich Zhzhenov (03/22/1915 - 08/12/2005) - Soviet, Russian actor.

After school, which Georgy Zhzhenov graduated in 1930, he entered the circus technical school at the acrobatic department. During the performance, he was accidentally noticed by film studio workers and invited him to shoot. So Zhzhenov was in the cinema, and stayed in it for 70 years. One of his first films was “Hero's Error,” where he played the tractor driver Pashka Vorobyov. During his career, he managed to play a lot of diverse roles in theater and cinema. Spectators could see him in the "Carriage", "Resident Mistake", "Resident Fate", "Starship" and many others. Zhzhenov had a difficult fate, he even managed to go to exile, in the Norilsk ITL. But no matter what trials she sent, he left them with dignity and honor, always remaining a real person. Georgy Zhzhenov was buried in the Novodevichy cemetery.

Marcel Marceau (22/03/1923 - 09/22/2007), French actor, mime.

Under the influence of films with the participation of Charlie Chaplin, young Marcel showed a huge interest in acting. From which he especially singled out the art of pantomime. And in 1947. He began to perform in the stage image of the clown Beep, whose lyrical image was imbued with a naive, joyful love of life. Beep, this pale-faced young man in a worn hat and striped sweater, was the main figure in all the mimic scenes. He made people laugh at the acute, topical problems of modern life. Marcel Marceau gained fame far beyond the borders of France, his performances took place at the world's best theater venues. He is the creator of the Paris school of pantomime. It is said that the famous lunar walk of Michael Jackson was copied from the reprise of Marcel Marceau - "Walking Against the Wind."

Valery Syutkin (born 22/03/1958), a Russian singer.

Fame fell on Valery Syutkin in 1990, when he came to work in the Bravo group. The blue-eyed blonde, always dressed up with a needle, with a pleasant voice and an excellent manner of performance, won the hearts of not only the female audience of listeners. Thanks to the new soloist, the Bravo group regained enormous popularity. And the songs he performed - “Moscow beat”, “Dandies from Moscow”, “Love, girls” and others, for a long time occupied the top lines in the leading charts. In 1995 the singer left Bravo and organized his own group Syutkin and Co. In the new group he wrote and sang such hits as "7000 underground", "Radio of night roads", "42 minutes", "Handsome" and many others. "The Last Romantic", as his listeners lovingly call it, is still engaged in a solo career, delighting fans with new hits.

Name Day March 22:

Alexandra, Natalia.
Alexander, Alexei, Dmitry, Ivan, Valery, Mikhail, Nikolai, Peter, Sergey, Cyril, Athanasius, Leontius.


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