Exercises for weight loss: abdomen, legs, hips, sides, arms and buttocks


Overweight is an ordinary and painful problem. Some diets can not do here - you must definitely perform certain exercises for weight loss. Any organism is individual. To correct the figure, you need to create for yourself a certain program in which to focus on the most problematic areas.
Study carefully several rules, and if you are ready to follow them, you can safely plan your training.

1. Pay attention to your daily menu. Efficiency from training will be higher if you approach the problem comprehensively. We burn calories through exercise and break down fat, but if more and more calories come in, losing weight will remain a pipe dream. Food should be well balanced, but no frills.
2. The number of workouts per week - 2-4 times from 30 minutes.
3. Watch your breath. Training should have such a load so that breathing quickens and heart rate increases - this is a necessary condition for burning fat.
4. Weigh before starting a workout and measure weight 2-3 times a week.
5. Do not force events, so that the weight decreases evenly and the result has time to gain a foothold. Remember - not fanaticism, but regularity!
6. In order not to spoil the posture, alternate exercises for the abdomen, arms, legs, sides and so on.

It is advisable not to eat food for 1-2 hours before training. You should not train before bedtime, it is best to choose the time in the morning or in the middle of the day.

Abdominal Slimming Exercises

Start the complex lying on the floor. Focused? Go!
1. Bend your knees, press your feet to the floor. Raise your hands behind your head and slowly raise the case up. Watch your elbows - they should be directed to the side, lower back pressed to the floor. Perform 20-40 lifts, starting with a small one. Each time, try to increase the number of exercises.
2. We return to the starting position. Pull the bended knees to the shoulders, the lower back remains pressed to the floor. We pull up at least 20 times.
3. Twisting. The starting position is the same, but the left leg rests on the bent knee of the right. With the body we reach the left knee, while the hips remain in place. Perform 20 times.
4. We return to the previous starting position and “twist” the bent legs to the shoulders - 20 times.
5. Change the legs - now the right is placed on the left and the left elbow goes to the right knee (also 20 times).
6. Starting position from the last exercise. We try to connect our shoulders and bent legs as close as possible, pulling them (20 times).
7. Hands behind your head, raise your legs. Lower and raise your legs until your fingers touch the floor.
8. In this case, we raise our shoulders - also 20 times.
9. Keep the legs at an angle of 45 degrees, raise the shoulders. After a few seconds we lower our shoulders, while bending our legs. (6-7 times)
10. Bend your knees, leave your hands behind your head. Circular movements of the body are carried out, tearing off the shoulders from the floor. Make three sets of sweat three times in each direction.
11. Straighten your legs while lying on the floor. Stretch your arms up behind your head. Raise the housing to a sitting position. Stretch your hands to your socks. Return to starting position. 10 climbs.
12. Straighten your legs and extend your arms behind your head. Raise the body to the "sitting" position, reach for the socks, return to the original position. 10 times.
13. Just raise your straightened legs up, holding your hands behind your head. "0 times touch the heels of the floor and lift them up.
Lie on the floor for several minutes, relax, do not rise sharply. It is advisable to drink water no earlier than after 10-15 minutes, at first you can only rinse your mouth.

Leg Slimming Exercises

To make legs attractive to the strength of any woman, but for this you need to include willpower and make some effort. The best exercise for all leg muscle groups is jumping. To do this, get a skipping rope and adjust its length to your height. This simple simulator is perfect for a housewife, a young mom, and even a pensioner. Just a few free minutes, and your legs will always be in good shape.

- on the spot;
- on one leg, alternating from every 10 jumps, alternately and so on;
- in two passes and a jump.

It is enough for beginners to jump 1-2 minutes. If the weight is very large, do not overwork - get involved in other complexes. And go back to jumping rope after the relative normalization of weight.
Running helps strengthen muscles and gives the legs a sporty, harmonious look. Daily runs train endurance, help burn fat in other areas. Classes on simulators are almost no different from running on the sports ground, but it’s more beneficial to breathe fresh air. Feel free to go to the park or to the stadium.


A great way to move with simulated walking stairs. The stepper gives the legs the same load as when lifting to high floors without an elevator (which, by the way, can also be used). At the same time, a lot of calories are spent, the stepper is designed for just that.


The pool will help not only lose weight, but also have a beneficial effect on all muscle groups, and without much stress. Classes in aqua aerobics require greater returns, but just swimming will bring many benefits. Just swim for fun! Water takes a lot of calories, and it is no secret that after swimming an appetite is played out. Do not pounce on food supplies in the form of buns and meat - replace them with herbal or green tea.

Weight Loss Exercises

Almost every woman has problem areas. We are constantly tormented by cellulite or sagging skin. One has only to get a little better, and on the inner side of the thigh there is a treacherous accumulation of fat. This is understandable from the point of view of physiology - after all, the inner sides of the thigh are practically not involved in walking. Exercises for weight loss are often called exercises on the inside of the thigh. Before the start of the lesson, a warm-up is needed to prepare undeveloped muscles. You can perform several turns of the body and head, bends, lunges on each leg. Knead the ribs of the foot for about 3 minutes.

Exercises for the inner thigh

1. Exercises for weight loss in shortly will soon make slimmer inner side of the thigh. Stand straight, straighten your shoulders, put your hands on the waist. Legs should be shoulder width apart. Weight is transferred to the left leg. Expand the right foot with the toe toward you, and make movements toward the left foot 15-20 times. After changing the legs, repeat the exercise.
2. Standing straight, fix your hands on the waist, spread your legs wider, squat slowly as many times as it is not difficult for you. Make sure that it doesn’t hurt. 10-15 times.
3. In the same position, place the feet in parallel, squat deeply, roll over on the right foot and straighten the left leg in the knee. 15 times with both legs in turn.
4. Sitting on the floor, lean on your back with your arms outstretched legs forward. Both legs immediately raise to a height of 10 cm. The exercise is to raise and lower legs as many times as you can.
5. Lying on your left side lean on your right hand. The right one remains ahead. Place the right foot on the floor in front of the left knee and raise and lower the left foot (do not touch the floor).
6. Crossing x-shaped movements with legs raised upward (at 90 degrees) lying on the floor with support on the elbows.
7. Exercises in a sitting position on the edge of a chair. Squeeze a thin book between the knees and strain the muscles of the hips, squeezing it for 30 seconds and relax the hips. Perform 15 times.

Hip Slimming Exercises

Excess volume of the hips mainly worries women. Since the hips occupy the visible part of the body, a disproportionate appearance can spoil the overall impression and cause a lot of trouble. Simple exercises do not have to be performed in the gym; you can easily do it at home.

Squats near the wall

To stand against the wall and cuddle against it with the entire surface of the wall. Watch your posture. We put our feet shoulder width apart, inhale slowly and slide along the wall until the knees bend to 90 degrees. Hold the position, and after a few seconds slowly return to its original position. 2 sets of 10 times.


Great tonic exercise. Place your foot on the step platform one step above the other foot. Turn your knees in different directions. Squat until your knees are parallel to the floor. Repeat 10-12 times, change legs.


With this exercise, the front of the thigh gets a load. To the effect of losing weight was more intense, you should take dumbbells in your hands. Step forward with the right foot and lower the body down until the knee touches the floor. 10-12 times and change the leg.

In addition, you can use an ordinary staircase for exercise. Climb up, stepping over a step to enhance the effect, and your hips will always be in good shape.

Side Slimming Exercises

Excess fat on the sides makes our waist far from ideal.

1. The best way to lose weight is to raise and lower the body in a prone position. This is the most popular way, which is called "swing the press." If you add the correct breathing to this (raising the body to inhale, returning - exhale), the effect will be even greater. You can raise both the shoulders and the entire torso.
2. Another way is to pump up the muscles of the abdomen. To strengthen them, we sit on the floor, put our hands behind our backs and put our palms on the floor. Raise your legs to an angle of 45 degrees, slowly return to its original position.
3. Slopes with weights. Legs shoulder-width apart, in the hands of a dumbbell - slowly bend to the side. So the lateral muscles are stretched.
4. A popular remedy is a massage hoop. Hulahup need to twist 20 minutes a day. When you get used to - weight it with different fillers.
5. Enough elastic ball - fitball can bring quite a lot of benefits. Sit on the ball and roll it left - right, keeping the body motionless. Lower your shoulders, after a while you will feel the tension of the oblique muscles. Lying on the ball, raise and lower the right leg, do 10 times. Then we change the leg.

Hand Slimming Exercises

If the muscles of the arms are flabby and lacking in tone, it looks very ugly. Exercises should be performed three times a week, while ensuring that excessive load does not strain the spine. Tighten your abs by bending your legs slightly to prevent sprains under the knees. At the beginning of the workout, the arms should be prepared with a small warm-up, so that the muscles become more supple to the load.

- Put your hands on your belt, spread them in different directions. Further, the previous position - and the same movement to the left, then to the right. Near the sofa or chair lie down on the floor and raise your legs, putting them on a raised platform. Do push-ups, lingering briefly in the lowest position. (20-30 times).
- Legs shoulder width or wider, arms to the side. Perform circular movements of the hands forward and backward, 8 times.

Dumbbell Exercises

Dumbbells - one of the most effective tools for losing weight. The weight of the dumbbells needs to be increased little by little, but the safe limit is not more than 4 kg.

1. Stand straight and lower your arms with dumbbells down. Bend the elbows and separate their different sides, lower them down (10 times).
2. Hold hands with dumbbells behind the head, raise it up, lower it down (30 times).
3. For lying exercises we take dumbbells weighing no more than 2 kg. Lie down, spread your arms with dumbbells to the sides, connect at chest level, return to the starting position. 30 times. Now just spread your arms to the sides and bring them back. (30 times). The next stage is hands forward, then to the starting position.
6. Put your feet shoulder width apart. Pull the right hand with dumbbells up, positioning so that the elbow remains near the ear. We twist the brush away from us, the hand slowly winds up behind the back of the head and drops down. The dumbbell should be at the level of the left shoulder. We support the elbow and gently straighten the arm. Exercise to perform 20 times, then change arm.
7. Press arms with dumbbells to your chest. At the same time, stretch your arm and leg forward, alternating such attacks. For each hand, repeat 10 times.

Push ups

Legs rest against an obstacle, pressed against each other. Hands at the elbows clench, focus on the hands. We squeeze our hands and lower ourselves to lightly touch the chest of the floor. Push up 10 times. Also squeeze from the wall, then squat down and lean on the chair with your palms. Push up 10 times.

Buttocks Slimming Exercises

The body and structure of a woman is very different from the male, therefore, training should be planned in a certain way. In general, the formation of the female body type occurs under the influence of the female hormone estrogen. The shape of the pear involves the deposition of fat on the hips and buttocks, while fat deposits are simply necessary in order to participate in the reproductive system. Correcting their shape is quite difficult. If you perform 3-4 hours a week regularly for 1 hour, the muscles will tighten in a month.
1. Sitting on the floor, stretch your legs forward, Keep your back straight. Using your muscles, start moving back and forth for 2-4 minutes.
2. Rest your knees on the floor, spread your arms parallel to the floor. Lower the buttocks on the floor, to the right and left of the feet in turn. 20 times to the left and as many to the right.
3. Draw the figure eight with hips for 3-4 minutes, while standing.
4. Lower your hands down, standing straight. Raise the knee up, fix for 5-7 seconds, return to the main position. Also left foot (12-15 times).
5. In the same starting position, squat, stretching your arms forward (20 times).
6. On the knees with emphasis on the hands we perform another effective exercise. The leg bent at the knee is pressed to the chest, then straightens back. The body weight is distributed evenly. Perform this exercise 10-12 times rhythmically for each leg.

In addition to these exercises, aerobic exercise, running, walking, and cycling gives a wonderful effect. The lower muscles work better if you do the exercises by leaning forward a bit. When tilted up, the lower muscles work better, burning more calories. Remember that self-control is the main driving force behind successful training. It is you who must control the body, not it you. Spend 1 hour several times a week, and your body will become obedient and beautiful.


Olga 05/26/2016
Thank you very much. Such good exercises

Olga 05/26/2016
What a cool article. Thanks a lot.

Kristia 03/24/2016
Yes, there’s nothing to add here. Exercise will not replace anything. You need to devote at least half an hour a day to exercise, everyone can afford it. And with regular exercise, your body will become perfect. With the help of special exercises you can even grow up!

Alla 03/24/2016
Now, this I understand - a great way to keep fit! No dangerous consequences for you. Reduce diet, do physical education - all you need! I am a supporter of just such methods of dealing with excess weight and generally with flaws in the figure.

Adelaide 03/24/2016
Oh, sides, my sides ... Well, how can it be that all parts of the body are normal, and the sides - as if not mine ?! Always, every piece eaten is laid on its sides. I’ll start doing exercises, I’ve bought a hoop, I'm already spinning)) Thanks for the advice on breathing!


Watch the video: 5-Minute Thigh-Slimming Workout (July 2024).