Diet for type 2 diabetes - a detailed description, useful tips, examples of the diet


Diet for type 2 diabetes - description and general principles

The need for a special diet for diabetics was first discussed in 1796. The main emphasis is on replacing part of the carbohydrates with fats. This achieves a decrease in blood glucose, and also increases the sensitivity of tissues to the action of insulin. Also, in combination with a diet, doctors recommend using physical activity. They learned to determine the sugar level in urine after 1841, and already in 1921 the first insulin was obtained.

Type II diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease that requires constant compliance with many rules. Food is perhaps the most important area. The disease itself is directly related to metabolism. Tissue cells have a reduced sensitivity to insulin, so it can not fully perform its functions. The body requires an increased amount of insulin, and the pancreas is not able to provide it. Patients need a diet in order to normalize blood glucose levels. This is the first step towards the prevention of obesity and overeating, when the body begins to "extract" energy using other sources - the fat cells preserved in it.

With type 2 diabetes, the diet becomes a lifelong diet, taking into account the regimen and characteristics of the body. Therefore, you need to strive to find those dishes that contribute to the normalization of glucose levels in the blood, but at the same time will be tasty and varied. The number of calories should be reduced to 1000-1200 for women and 1200-1600 kcal for men. Due to a decrease in the intake of substances that contribute to the production of energy for life, a person loses weight.

Diet for type 2 diabetes - what foods can be consumed

In the diet should be presented foods that contain a lot of plant fiber, and most importantly, water. The first category of products is used in unlimited quantities. Vegetables, especially when raw, can be used without restriction, with the exception of potatoes. These are carrots, beets, all kinds of cabbage, turnips, radishes, cucumbers, tomatoes, a large amount of greens.

The first category of products also includes mushrooms, drinks on a sweetener, tea and coffee without sugar. Non-nutritive drinks should be prepared on non-nutritive sweeteners (stavioside saccharin, aspartame, cyclamate). They not only do not increase blood sugar, but also help maintain a normal weight. Patients who have a lot of extra pounds should remember that high-calorie sweeteners are simply contraindicated for them.

Only low-fat varieties are selected from meat, the same should be done with dairy products. This is the 2nd category of products, they can be consumed in limited quantities. They also include cereals, low-fat cheese (less than 30%), legumes (peas, beans), bread.

Diet for type 2 diabetes - which foods should not be consumed

It is clearly required to limit the use of high-calorie foods, as well as those that increase blood sugar. These are high-calorie butter, (including vegetable), mayonnaise, animal and vegetable fats, margarine, high-fat cheeses, fat sour cream, cream and cottage cheese, seeds and nuts, smoked products and offal.

They increase blood sugar: sugar, ice cream, confectionery, muffin, jam, honey, chocolate, fruit juices and soft drinks, dried fruits, kvass. Products that are completely excluded belong to the 3 food category.
Alcoholic beverages should be limited, primarily because they are a source of “naked” calories. In addition, alcohol can provoke a hypoglycemic condition that is dangerous for the body.

Type 2 diabetes diet - examples of menus

With diabetes, you can lead a very ordinary lifestyle by rebuilding your diet. Many women, and without this disease, are forced to control their weight with the help of various diets, if only to monitor their appearance. The main principle is fractional nutrition.

Exemplary menu for type 2 diabetes

When describing dishes, the percentage of the daily caloric value is indicated

Breakfast: cook porridge from oatmeal (better than whole, but oatmeal is also suitable). You can also cook buckwheat porridge. The first meal is very early - for example, at 7 in the morning (25%).
2 breakfast: two hours after breakfast, you can eat 100 grams of low-fat and unsweetened cottage cheese cooked no more than 1-2 days ago - (15%).
Lunch: chicken cutlets, vegetable stew on the water, vinaigrette - (30%).
Snack (3 hours after lunch): fruit - (10%).
Dinner (5 hours before bedtime), boil or stew fish with vegetables. Another option is scrambled eggs. ( 20%)
An hour or two before bedtime - milk or kefir, 1 cup (included in the total calorie content).

Type 2 diabetes diet - helpful tips

Many people cannot imagine their life without sweets - patients with diabetes can use sweeteners. Sorbitol, xylitol and fructose are considered caloric, so this should be taken into account when calculating calories. Aspartame (NutraSvit, Slastelin), cyclamate and saccharin are non-caloric. They can not be boiled, otherwise bitterness arises. Acesulfame potassium belongs to the same species. When choosing the right drug, you should always consult your doctor so that there are no contraindications.

The sweetest drugs:
- SAKHARIN - the sweetest substitute - 375 times sweeter than sugar. The kidneys are actively involved in its processing and withdrawal. Therefore, with diseases of the kidneys and liver, it can not be used. A day you can eat no more than 1-1.5 pieces per day.
- Aspartame - 200 times sweeter than sugar. Do not take patients with phenylketonuria (a serious hereditary disease leading to impaired mental development).
Dose - 1-2 tablets per day.
- ACESULFAM POTASSIUM (ACE-K, SWEET-1) (200 times sweeter than sugar, consume 1.15 tablets per day.) Reception is limited in case of renal failure and diseases in which potassium is contraindicated.

Other drugs are also available:
- SORBIT - consumed at 20-30 grams per day, it helps to enhance metabolism.
- Fructose - made from grapes, compared with sugar, fructose is 2 times sweeter (no more than 30 grams per day).
- XILIT - obtained from corn cobs (cobs). It is absorbed without the participation of insulin. When using it, the digestion of food slows down, so you can reduce the amount of food. Recommended volume is not more than 30 grams per day.


Alexey 11.29.2016
Find on the Internet the proven Indonesian folk remedy for diabetes - the drug "Diapil" and be treated for health!

Irina 08/23/2016
Information for diabetics 2 groups
At the Department of Endocrinology of the First Moscow State Medical University. THEM. Sechenova *, currently enrolling patients in a clinical trial of a new tablet sugar-lowering drug. The drug is taken individually and in combination with metformin. You can take part in the study if: 1. You are over 18 years old; 2. You have recently been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes; 3. You have not yet taken any drugs to treat your disease; 4. You do not have extremely serious complications of diabetes or other extremely serious concomitant diseases. If you want to learn more about the study, send a letter with the subject “I am interested” to [email protected] and we will contact you!
* 25 research centers from different regions of the Russian Federation also participate in the program

Andrey 03/29/2016
I have not only that type 2 diabetes is even more and 80 extra pounds I read an article and I do not know how to be kago listen to so many diets on the Internet I'm already completely confused

Darina 03/24/2016
I have not only diabetes, but 20 extra pounds! My doctor, very strongly advises me to lose weight. I’ll take the given menu for a day as an example, I don’t know how much will be enough for me ... I’ll try, at least lose my weight, and then we'll see.

Alla 03/24/2016
Thanks for the sample menu for the day. I did not know how to compose it. I tried to simply reduce the usual dose. I have a positive attitude to cereals and milk, so there will be no special problems. Well, what's on sale now, there are many products for diabetics. Sweet, also very fond of)))


Watch the video: Mayo Clinic Minute: Type 2 diabetes What you need to know (June 2024).