Brave diver swims with killer sharks (video)


Ocean Ramsey, an attractive blonde from Honolulu, unlike most people, is not afraid of sharks and claims that there is nothing wrong with them, including white sharks, which are considered the most dangerous for people. In her opinion, the notoriety for these predators of the sea was fixed thanks to the cinema, in particular the thriller Steven Spielberg "Jaws". Sharks must be respected, she said, as their role in the underwater ecosystem is extremely important.

On Valentine's Day, a video appeared on the network that captured her communication with a white shark. Moreover, communication is not through the bars of a strong steel cage. You can clearly see how this brave diver swims, holding on to the fin of a three-meter sea predator. The girl herself believes that there is nothing heroic in her act.

Ocean told how she managed such "dancing" with sharks. The most important thing is not to disturb the predators. Breathing should be even, because even a fast heartbeat can alert these sensitive animals, and an alarmed shark is dangerous. So it was this time. Having carefully examined the outlandish creature and realizing that it does not pose a threat, the toothy predator calmly reacted to being approached and taken by the fin.

For all the time, while Ocean dives to sharks from the age of 14, she has never been attacked. Most likely, her complete calm really helps her maintain a trusting relationship with sharks. By the way, the girl dives to predators without scuba gear. And she managed to stay without air under water for 5 minutes 45 seconds.


Watch the video: Tiger Shark FACE-OFF! (June 2024).