Parting with your beloved - how to survive?


"Do not part with your loved ones!" - Calls a song from a popular movie. And what to do if you leave, after all, have to? You break up or break up with you. How to survive this difficult moment, when feelings and emotions are heated to the limit, when the heart is ready to break into pieces, and the soul languishes from longing and pain? What to do, who will help and give advice? How to survive parting with your loved one? Here, as they say, there are three scenarios.

Option One - mutual separation

This is ideal for both parties. There were feelings, but they left, no one was offended by anyone, quietly and peacefully dispersed without scandals and tears. Even, perhaps, remained good friends. Rarely, of course, but it happens. And if you know how to part, then this article is not for you. Although no one can guarantee that the separation will go smoothly and calmly with the next partner ...

Option two - you are the initiator of the separation

Feelings have passed with you, your partner has become uninteresting, and maybe you met another and loved him. In general, whatever one may say, and the former favorite becomes an unnecessary ballast, from which one must somehow get rid of. It is unpleasant, of course, it is a pity for him even somewhere. But their own feelings are not particularly affected, and it is possible to survive this separation without much difficulty. And if there is an object next to a new love, then generally wonderful. In such a situation, one can only hope that the once beloved one left is a proud and noble man who will proudly and nobly leave without a loud and rude clarification of relationships.

If the "former" turns out to be an annoying sticky who detracts to forgive him and give him one more chance, or worse, enraged Othello, who is haunting you with threats and insults, here to neutralize the former hero of your novel, it will not be superfluous help from friends and acquaintances. They will help calm and divert the unfortunate retiree. And at the same time you are sure to make the right choice, parting with it in time.

Maria, 22, development manager: “There was a fear that the“ former ”would see me with another person to whom I left him - and this fear haunted me for several years. Why was she afraid? Because I thought he would haunt us. I told him at the breakup that he is my best friend, but we cannot be together. It was a terrible period. I am still afraid to meet him in the subway ... "

Daria, 30 years old, local doctor: “It was on the eve of my birthday, he came to my parents (I was visiting with them at that time in another city). I collected my thoughts and said that I wanted to part with him. I knew that I didn’t love him, but I hardly He didn’t cry. He apparently didn’t believe me completely and said that when I get back to my house, we’ll talk. Then he began to blame that I almost didn’t have an accident because I felt hurt and somehow immediately felt better. Leaving my parents, I asked for the keys to my apartment, referring to the repair in his apartment. Well, I gave it to him. And when I returned, I found it in my th room used condoms and glasses of wine drunk. What was it? Tiny revenge? Funny ... I didn't talk to him for a month, and then I just started talking as friends. "

The third option - the initiator of the separation becomes your favorite

This is the most unfavorable option ending the relationship. It is very painful, insulting, bitter ... Especially when you don’t notice anything until the very last moment - everything was fine, and suddenly, like a bolt from the blue ... In general, the heart is broken, the soul is wounded, and it seems that life is over and love is more never will be. It is very difficult to survive this stage - you have to wait until the feeling for the person who left you dies. And how much will it die - no one knows. Some are released in a month or two, others in six months, and there are those whose love agony lasts for years.

Help in this situation can only you yourself. Every woman has her own way to experience parting with her beloved. Someone goes to the spree, trying to fill with new impressions and emotions the emptiness formed in the soul. Someone relies on sweets to compensate for the unexpectedly lost hormone of happiness. Someone is looking for support from her friends.

Oksana, 32, housewife: "Klin wedge knock out. We need to find a new one, if the former is not appreciated."

Anna 23 years old, journalist: "There were many love stories, and the circumstances that contributed to separation were very different. I am very in love, so every time I thought it was the end! The end of my life, me ... At such moments I preferred to spend time with my best friend and there are many ice cream and chocolate. But the suffering went as fast as a new love appeared! "

Tatyana 31 years old, seller: “We were introduced by a mutual friend, they served together at that time. They came to visit me. At first I didn’t even pay attention to him. And when he left, he suddenly kissed me and something turned upside down in my chest. We started dating, I was very happy. This went on for three years, but he didn’t dare to move to a new stage of our relationship. He said he wanted to marry, but he didn’t understand himself ... The separation was terrible for me: it seemed that life was over. I cried without ceasing, the pain did not pass for a very long time. Well, the friends helped, all the time I tried they distract from sad thoughts. Recently, many years later, we saw each other again. He was very sorry that he had offended me so much, apologized even. In general, we were friends. So, time heals, I know from my own experience. "

Lily, 32, housewife: “I experienced parting with my beloved for two weeks. I cried for the first week and suffered for the second. I felt sorry for myself rather. I tried to distract myself. Friends helped. The main thing is not to stay at home and not feel sorry for myself: bad thoughts. Personally, it helped me. The main thing is to understand and tell myself that the light on him did not come together !!! And that, like him - a million !!! And it became easier for me. And how it all began! I looked very nicely. As they say, everything is at my feet. And then he suddenly disappeared for two weeks. No answer, no greeting. When the And I got married, I got married. He found out, asked for a meeting, but I didn’t want. It was a shame: first I disappeared, and then, as if nothing had happened, let's meet. I also knew that if I saw him, I would not get married After all, he was not indifferent to me, but she also loved the future husband already. In general, I decided to forget the past, and with grief in half I forgot. That's it. "

In my personal opinion, and based on the experience, the main thing is how to survive the separation from your loved one - it is to endure the acute phase of pain and frustration. We must gain strength and believe that someday it will be easier. Be sure to be! Believe that today's separation is not the end, but the beginning - a new life, a new relationship, a new love. Believe me, I know that for sure.


Tatyana A. 12/10/2016
It is very, very difficult to survive parting with your beloved (as it seemed to me then) person !!! The main thing - do not eat yourself from the inside! Of course, the wound will heal for a long time, but we must with all our strength hold on and not fall into depression ... Perhaps the article will be useful to someone: // -bystro-zabyt-muzhchinu I, too, became a victim of parting ... initiator, fortunately, too! His frequent lies and unreasonable jealousy just got me !!! Serious relationships can not be built with a very frivolous man! About a week I was getting calls, looking for a type of chance meeting ... She washed with tears for almost 3 months, didn’t want to see anyone, eat anything ... and in general live ... (((... I lost weight very much ... almost 5 years have passed since that time, but I still cannot gain weight ... and my health was good then ... Thank you so much for those wonderful people who supported me at that moment and literally forced me to eat !!! They are my saviors !!! And even a huge, most immense thanks to my present husband (then we only communicated on the Internet) ... How did I warm my soul his electronic words of support !!! I am grateful to judge e, that we six months later we were able to meet and see each other live ... I liked him very much ... and it was mutual! ...))) ... however, he didn’t admit it to me right away)) ... and I was afraid to let me in new feelings ... distance for us was not a hindrance ... yes, we rarely saw each other, but there was no end to telephone conversations and Internet correspondence ... After a while he confessed his love to me ... but I could not do the same, although all my thoughts were only about him ... most likely I myself could not admit that I also loved him ... and I answered him that he I really, really like it ... He didn't rush me, said that he understands everything, because he knew almost everything about me (much more than his parents knew) ... You know, I loved him with all my heart! And then I realized that I had never truly loved anyone !!! only, it’s a pity you won’t return the broken nerves and lost health ... (((... I love my husband more than my life !!! And I don’t need anyone else !!! Dear women, try to worry less about breaking up relations! understand that undermined health is very difficult to restore, and sometimes it is impossible ... take care of yourself !!! Oh, how you need your health for children! Let everything in your life be good !!! even wonderful !!!

Tatyana A. 12/10/2016
It is very, very difficult to survive parting with your beloved (as it seemed to me then) person !!! The main thing - do not eat yourself from the inside! Of course, the wound will heal for a long time, but we must with all our strength keep and not fall into depression ... (// I also became a victim of parting ... the initiator, fortunately, too! His frequent lies and unreasonable jealousy just got me !!! Serious relationships can not be built with a very frivolous man! About a week I was getting calls, looking for a type of chance meeting ... She washed with tears for almost 3 months, didn’t want to see anyone, eat anything ... and in general live ... (((... I lost weight very much ... almost 5 years have passed since that time, but I still cannot gain weight ... and my health was good then ... Thank you so much for those wonderful people who supported me at that moment and literally forced me to eat !!! They are my saviors !!! And even a huge, most immense thanks to my present husband (then we only communicated on the Internet) ... How did I warm my soul his electronic words of support !!! I am grateful to judge e, that we six months later we were able to meet and see each other live ... I liked him very much ... and it was mutual! ...))) ... however, he didn’t admit it to me right away)) ... and I was afraid to let me in new feelings ... distance for us was not a hindrance ... yes, we rarely saw each other, but there was no end to telephone conversations and Internet correspondence ... After a while he confessed his love to me ... but I could not do the same, although all my thoughts were only about him ... most likely I myself could not admit that I also loved him ... and I answered him that he I really, really like it ... He didn't rush me, said that he understands everything, because he knew almost everything about me (much more than his parents knew) ... You know, I loved him with all my heart! And then I realized that I had never truly loved anyone !!! only, it’s a pity you won’t return the broken nerves and lost health ... (((... I love my husband more than my life !!! And I don’t need anyone else !!! Dear women, try to worry less about breaking up relations! understand that undermined health is very difficult to restore, and sometimes it is impossible ... take care of yourself !!! Oh, how you need your health for children! Let everything in your life be good !!! even wonderful !!!

'kbyf 12/02/2016
I quit two days ago. I live as in a nightmare and can’t imagine how to live without it. It seems there are a couple of acquaintances, but somehow they don’t really reach out to me, and I don’t really want them. It is foolish to believe in a miracle, it is foolish to hope that he will return, and I ... As a fool I sit and do not understand how to live without a man who for 3 years in a row was for me ALL and ALL. I lived only them. This is crazy, I need a madhouse. I know. As I want to forget about him, my real dream is to find someone who would love me more than he once loved, who would be better than him. I know about all its shortcomings, but why do I see them and do not draw conclusions? Time would have passed soon. I really want to forgive him, let him go on all 4 sides and not think about him.

Diana is 22 years old. 09/22/2016
I can not live without it. I understand that I am dying. Already a week has passed and I'm worse and heh.

Poli99 09/04/2016
Those who do not believe in love, believe me!
Two years met a guy. Everything was good, and then it was replaced. Became strange and cold. I did not go to the contact, I did not take the phone. In a panic, I began to look everywhere for how to be in such a situation. Found on the Internet site //, and on it the magician Voodoo Bonsam Nana. I wrote to him. He asked how old my boyfriend was, asked to tell about his friends. After my story, the magician made a love spell. Now we are together again, love each other. If you have any difficulties in your relationship, write to Voodoo Bonsam Nana, and everything will be fine with you!


Watch the video: The Way Of Escape. Pastor Steven Furtick (July 2024).