Pizza in 5 minutes: a recipe for those in a hurry. Cooking pizza in 5 minutes: from products that are always at hand and in the refrigerator


We all love to pamper ourselves with something tasty and original. It happens that you want to eat some homemade, but still an interesting dish, and at the same time do not spend big money on imported products and save as much time as possible on cooking.

In this case, you can always make your own pizza in 5 minutes. Her recipe is very simple to perform, so even an aspiring housewife will definitely cope with it.

Principles of cooking pizza in 5 minutes

One of the most important components of a pizza in 5 minutes, a recipe, in addition to the filling, is dough. From its preparation by 50% will depend on the success of the whole dish. Therefore, it is worth very carefully to ensure that it turned out soft and gentle.

Of course, the taste of pizza in 5 minutes, the recipe may be different depending on which ingredients for the filling you prefer. The dish can be vegetarian, meat, with seafood, and with everything you want.

Thus, to make a delicious flavored pizza in 5 minutes you will need the recipe: favorite ingredients for the filling, ingredients for the dough, rolling pin and the form for the dish itself.

Pizza for 5 minutes recipe in the pan

To cook a pizza in 5 minutes a recipe in a pan you just need to get from the fridge the products that any housewife definitely has. In your homemade pizza, you can add whatever your heart desires. The main thing is that you like it.


1) 150 g of ham;

2) 200 g of grated cheese;

3) 2 chicken eggs;

4) 150 g of flour;

5) two tomatoes;

6) 5 tbsp. mayonnaise;

7) 5 tbsp. sour cream;

8) some vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

To cook a homemade pizza in 5 minutes, a recipe, first you need to mix in a container sour cream, mayonnaise and eggs. You can beat the ingredients with a mixer.

Next, gradually stir flour. The result should be a homogeneous mass.

Now you can cut the ham into small slices.

Cut the tomatoes into rings.

Pour the dough into the pan (greased with vegetable oil) and place the tomatoes and ham on top.

Top cover everything with a thick layer of chopped cheese.

Put the dish on the fire and wait until the cheese starts to melt.

After about 5 minutes, the instant pizza will be ready.

Pizza in 5 minutes recipe with mushrooms and chicken

To make the Italian dish more diverse, you should definitely pay your attention to pizza in 5 minutes, a recipe with mushrooms and chicken. It will appeal to absolutely all male representatives, because it has enough high-calorie and nourishing ingredients.


1) 150 g of mushrooms;

2) 200 g of grated cheese;

3) 150 g boiled chicken breast;

4) two tomatoes;

5) two chicken eggs;

6) 5 tbsp. sour cream;

7) 200 g of flour;

8) some vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

To prepare the dough, you must mix the eggs, sour cream and flour to obtain a homogeneous consistency.

Next you need to cut the chicken into medium-sized pieces.

Similarly, chop the mushrooms.

Cut the tomatoes into rings.

We grease a frying pan with vegetable oil and heat it.

Pour the resulting dough into it and spread the stuffing on top.

The final ingredient is grated cheese.

Now you need to cover the pan and cook for 5 minutes, after which you can enjoy a delicious hearty pizza.

Pizza for 5 minutes cooking recipe in a slow cooker

Multicookers have a great opportunity to try making pizza in it in 5 minutes. The recipe is very easy, and most importantly, quickly doable. The only caveat is that you need to wait until the pizza will be prepared in the slow cooker itself.


1) two chicken eggs;

2) 60 g sour cream;

3) 60 g of mayonnaise;

4) 150 g of flour;

5) 150 g of mushrooms;

6) one tomato;

7) 150 g of ketchup;

8) some vegetable oil;

9) 150 grams of grated cheese.

Cooking method:

Mix mayonnaise, sour cream, flour and eggs with a mixer.

Pour the ready-made dough into the multicooker bowl, pre-lubricated with vegetable oil.

Lubricate the dough with ketchup.

Now you can spread the stuffing.

First you need to fry the mushrooms and put them on the pizza.

The next step we spread the sliced ​​tomato.

Put grated cheese on top.

Next, set the mode "Baking" and prepare 40 minutes.

Pizza for 5 minutes cooking in the microwave

If you have a microwave at home, you can easily make a pizza in it in 5 minutes. The recipe will appeal to supporters of the fact that it’s not worth spending too much time on cooking.


1) 150 g of flour;

2) 120 ml of milk;

3) one chicken egg;

4) one tbsp. ketchup;

5) 100 g of grated cheese;

6) 150 g of boiled chicken;

7) one tomato;

8) salt / pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

Sift flour and place it in a bowl, making a small depression in the center.

In this recess, we break the egg and add milk.

Now you can knead the dough.

When it becomes a homogeneous mass, roll it into a small circle using a rolling pin.

We transfer the resulting billet to a baking tray and grease the dough with ketchup.

Add salt and favorite spices.

Add sliced ​​chicken, tomatoes and cheese.

We set the oven to maximum power and cook 5 - 10 minutes.

Pizza for 5 minutes cooking recipe for kefir

If you have kefir at home, but you don’t know what you can do with it, make a pizza based on it. It is fast, simple, and most importantly delicious!


1) one chicken egg;

2) half a cup of kefir;

3) 150 g of flour;

4) 150 grams of grated cheese;

5) 100 g of ham;

6) 3 tbsp. ketchup;

7) a pinch of soda;

8) two tomatoes.

Cooking method:

The first step is to add a pinch of soda and salt to kefir.

Then add the egg and mix.

Lubricate the pan with butter and pour into it the finished dough.

A thin layer of grease dough with ketchup and lay out the filling: ham, tomatoes and cheese.

Cover the pan with a lid and fry over medium heat for 5 to 10 minutes.

Pizza in 5 minutes cooking recipe in the oven

This recipe is closest to the original, as here the pizza is cooked in the oven. Despite this, everything is done fairly quickly, literally in 5 minutes.


1) 50 ml of sour cream;

2) 150 g of flour;

3) 50 ml of mayonnaise;

4) one chicken egg;

5) 3 tbsp. ketchup;

6) 130 g of hard cheese;

7) two tomatoes;

8) 150 g of ham;

9) spices to taste.

Cooking method:

We mix together the following ingredients: sour cream, mayonnaise and eggs.

Add a little flour and stir until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The dough should be slightly thin.

Lubricate the baking sheet with butter and pour the finished dough into it.

Now you need to lubricate the basis for pizza with ketchup and put the rest of the ingredients: ham and tomatoes.

Put grated cheese on top.

The last step is to put the dish in an oven preheated to 200 degrees and wait about 7 minutes.

Pizza for 5 minutes recipe - tricks and tips

1) In order for the dough to quickly and easily move away from the dish in which it is kneaded, you need to rinse the container first with cold and then hot water.

2) When the pizza is ready, let it stand for another 15 minutes.

3) Be sure to grease the pan with butter before pouring the dough into it.

4) Instead of ketchup, you can use tomato paste. Pizza will turn out the same juicy and tasty.

5) If you want to make a pizza in 5 minutes a recipe with seafood, then scald the shrimp, mussels and squid with hot water in advance, and then put it on the dough.

6) To make the pizza more flavorful, add basil leaves to it. It goes well with tomatoes and cheese.

7) Ordinary hard cheese can be replaced with mozzarella. It is ideal for pizza "Margherita".

8) To make the pizza crusty, add a little more flour. So the dough can be rolled to the consistency you need.

9) For pizza is best to use a special round knife. Thanks to him, you can neatly and beautifully cut the pizza into identical pieces.

10) For the preparation of pizza, use olive oil first spin. With it, the dough will be smooth and soft.

If you suddenly want to please yourself and loved ones with a tasty and simple dish, be sure to try making a five-minute pizza. It is suitable as a quick and satisfying snack. You can even make each family member a separate mini pizza, because it only takes a few minutes of your precious time, but it will bring a lot of positive emotions to your loved ones.

Experiment more with ingredients, add your favorite delicacies and exclude what you do not eat. Cooking pizza will make it possible to use your imagination to the fullest!

Enjoy your meal!


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