Which oil will help prevent stretch marks during pregnancy? How to apply stretch oil during pregnancy?


No wonder the beauty of the female figure during pregnancy is praised by writers, photographers and artists. Indeed, a woman while waiting for a baby causes admiration of others.

But for the future mom herself, a growing belly is not only a reason for pride, but also an anxiety for the beauty of her own skin.

Almost all changes in the figure and skin that occurred during pregnancy, if desired and perseverance are eliminated after childbirth. The only exceptions are stretch marks, which women are so afraid of.

What causes stretch marks during pregnancy?

It is widely believed that up to 90% of women are predisposed to the appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy. What is the reason for this negative phenomenon? Why is it when the baby is waiting for female skin to pass such a test?

It is common for human skin to adapt to external conditions and internal irritants. It is easy to stretch and is able to recover quickly. Such elasticity and stress resistance is provided by collagen and elastin fibers.

When the skin undergoes overstretching, the inner layers of tissues do not stand up and are torn. In such cases, unsightly scars saturated with micro bruising are observed through the upper layer of the epidermis. Tissues are quickly restored, but the consequences of such tears remain for almost the whole life.

Over time, striae lose their saturated reddish, purple or blue color. Old stretch marks look like inner scars are whitish. Due to the lack of melanin in damaged tissues, such marks do not succumb to tanning and, after sunbathing, stand out even more on the skin.

The main predisposing factor during pregnancy for the appearance of stretch marks is, of course, a growing stomach. From excessive stretching of the skin on the tummy, stretch marks begin to appear.

But this one the process cannot be called regular. After all, happy future mothers are often observed with a huge belly and absolutely smooth skin without flaws. While a miniature beauty, striae may appear even before the moment of rapid growth of the baby.

The appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy is associated with a whole complex of factors predisposing to a negative reaction, which in each case works unpredictably.

Reconstructing the hormonal background. Due to the increased production of progesterone, which is so necessary for bearing the fetus, the formation of collagen and elastin fibers is inhibited. The skin actually loses its natural elasticity, becomes too thin and is easily injured.

Genetic predisposition. The individual properties of the skin are inherited by women. “Naturally thin skin" is nothing more than a gift from older relatives. Just like a predisposition to the appearance of early wrinkles, to loss of skin elasticity, to the rapid formation of bruises with bruises, there is a tendency to the formation of stretch marks.

At risk are future mothers who:

• rapidly gaining weight;

• do not adhere to a balanced diet;

• do not comply with motor mode;

• do not receive the necessary vitamin for the skin;

• belong to the older age group.

But this does not mean that it is impossible to avoid the appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy. By approaching the problem comprehensively, you can significantly reduce the risks of a negative phenomenon.

What to do to avoid the appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy?

Fighting stretch marks is not only possible, but also essential. The skin, losing elasticity and drying out, lose their physiological abilities. The skin, as the largest organ of the body, takes a direct part in the metabolic, respiratory processes, maintains the water balance in the body. Therefore, it is extremely important for a woman to maintain the health of her skin during pregnancy.

The problem with the appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy it is necessary to solve only in complex, taking care of providing the skin with the necessary building material, nutrition and moisture.

First of all, you need to review your diet:

1. Provide skin with collagen proteins will help. Safe protein for pregnant women is considered chicken dietary meat.

2. You can maintain the elasticity of the skin by adding marine fish to the diet, which contains the necessary unsaturated fats.

3. Fruits and vegetables, due to the content of vitamin C, contribute to the accelerated synthesis of collagen fibers.

4. To ensure the balance of calcium will help dairy products, cottage cheese.

5. Potassium deficiency can be dealt with by eating various cereals.

6. Do not forget about the vitamin of beauty. Vitamin E is recommended for pregnant women from the first days. It not only supports the health of the skin and hair, but also, as a powerful antioxidant, fights free radicals and other harmful substances. Therefore, vegetable oils and nuts should be present in the diet of a pregnant woman.

About cakes and cakes have to forget. Sweets, especially in combination with fat, contribute to the adhesion of collagen, which makes the skin rough and prone to injury.

In addition to nutrition, the complex of preventive measures must include:

1. Permissible exercise. Regular exercise will help ensure stable blood flow and stretch muscle tissue.

2. Sufficient fluid intake. It is water that helps accelerate metabolic processes in the skin. But do not forget about controlling the amount of fluid you drink, especially if swelling is observed.

3. Wearing special clothes for pregnant women. Bras with wide straps and bandages will help support a significantly expanding stomach and chest, which will help prevent overstretching of the skin.

4. Control over weight gain. With rapid weight gain, stretch marks appear much faster.

Oil for stretch marks during pregnancy: types and composition

To cope with the problem of stretch marks with the help of only advertised cosmetics will not work. Cosmetic care, of course, is important and no one cancels it. But, remember that many drugs are prohibited for use by pregnant women.

To a more gentle, but no less effective means to combat stretch marks are oils. They have nourishing and softening effects, which helps to prevent the appearance of striae and to combat those already existing.

For pregnant women, a huge plus is oil safety. Thanks to the natural components in the composition, they do not provoke negative reactions.

The choice of oils for pregnant women from stretch marks is quite extensive. The most popular include:

Nature's alchemy - made on the basis of extra virgin olive oil. Allowed for use at any stage of pregnancy in the form of a massage or moisturizer. The oil does not have aromatic fragrances, so it can be used as the basis for homemade mixtures with ethers.

Weleda - Oil from Germany, which contains natural ingredients in the form of almond oil, wheat germ and arnica extract. Promotes nutrition and smoothing of the skin. It is used for daily massages.

Now solutions - remedy for stretch marks with almond oil. Provides softness and health of the skin of pregnant women. Due to its light structure, the oil is perfectly absorbed without clogging the pores.

Enriched Coconut Oil (Palmer's) - the secret to the effectiveness of this tool in its unique composition. In addition to the main ingredient - coconut oil, it contains elements in the form of:

• collagen;

• elastin;

• Shea butter;

• coenzyme Q10;

• ginseng.

The tool helps to strengthen, regenerate and tighten the skin.

Enriched wheat germ oil. Company Jason natural created a natural mix of:

• wheat germ;

• almonds;

• apricot;

• avocado;

• sunflower;

• vitamin E.

The oil is suitable for the care of problem skin, helps restore its elasticity.

Cocoa butter for massage. Company Palmer's created a wonderful product for pregnant women based on:

• cocoa butter;

• Shea butter;

• bio-elastin;

• vitamin E.

The tool is effective not only in preventing the cosmetic effects of pregnancy, but also in the fight against existing stretch marks.

Bio oil - is especially popular among pregnant women. This is the only purcellin oil-containing product that promotes the effective absorption of vitamin and extracts. The drug is approved for use after the fourth month.

Weleda with pomegranate - A multicomponent product that occupies a leading position among oils from stretch marks designed for pregnant women. It has a regenerating effect, thanks to its constituent oils:

• pomegranate;

• macadamia nut;

• jojoba seeds.

It is considered an anti-stress agent that returns strength and beauty to weakened skin.

Oil for stretch marks during pregnancy: how to choose?

When choosing oil for stretch marks during pregnancy, focus not only on the personal preferences of a particular brand. During this period, first of all, you need to worry about the safety of the product. therefore start by examining the composition of the oil.

Immediately exclude products containing allergens. If there is an individual intolerance to certain ingredients, do not take risks.

Even being absolutely confident in the safety of the acquired funds, carry out a preliminary allergy test.

When choosing oil, give preference to products containing basic amino acids and hyaluronic acid. Good and preparations enriched with vitamins A or E, C.

Remember that during pregnancy Absolutely forbidden use oils, which include:

• ginger;

• oregano;

• juniper;

• basil;

• cedar;

• sage;

• the Rose;

• fennel;

• nutmeg;

• mint;

• rosemary;

• thyme.

Despite the manufacturer's assurances that the oil is safe and miraculous, if it contains prohibited components, do not risk it. Such components can provoke an increase in uterine tone, and even miscarriage.

Oil for stretch marks during pregnancy: when and how to use?

The effect of the use of oil from stretch marks during pregnancy will only be with regular use. Short courses or applying funds from time to time will not give the desired result.

Therefore, the application of healing oil should become a daily habit. Only in this case, you can count on certain results.

The most common method of applying oils is to apply in the evening, or even twice a day, to all problem areas with massaging movements.

Other methods are also common in the form of:

• compresses used in the local formation of stretch marks;

• bathtubs with oils, if stretch marks cover large areas;

• wraps to enhance the healing effect of oils.

To make the procedures for controlling stretch marks with oils as safe as possible, consult a doctor about acceptable means and methods in a particular case.


Watch the video: How To Prevent Stretch Marks During Pregnancy (June 2024).