Why dream to dance in a dream


If a person happened to start dancing in a dream - this is a good sign, foreshadowing positive events in life.

However, some exceptions are possible, because the exact interpretation of a dream depends on numerous details and nuances. Correctly decipher the vision will help modern dream book, which has answers to all questions.

Dreamed of dancing in a dream what it means

If you dream to dance in a dream, the dream book offers the following interpretations:

  • in a pair, to dance in a dream, the dream book claims that the person with whom you had to circle the hall makes you vaguely afraid of you, you know him badly and are a little afraid;
  • if you are dreaming of a dance and you are wearing a white dress - a bad sign that portends illness or bad news for a girl, perhaps her name will appear in dirty gossip;
  • if you dream of dancing with your husband - an atmosphere of harmony and complete understanding reigns in your family;
  • I had to dance with a stranger - this is a sign that you should arrange your personal life and find a couple;
  • if a man has a dream in which he dances with a young girl - a family man, such a dream foreshadows a divorce, and in love - parting with his beloved;
  • dance in the rain - you will find a great success, an important business for you will turn into a profit;
  • dance at a wedding - soon you will get a great deal;
  • circling in a waltz in front of a mirror - you will get bad news.

In a dream with a man to dance to what it is

Dream interpretation claims that dancing in a dream with a man is a good sign, but the exact value depends on the details of the dream:

  • to dance with your beloved person - you can call your waking relationships perfect, you completely trust each other and support everything in everything;
  • see that your favorite person has invited your rival - in reality she wishes to separate you, be careful and do not trust this young lady;
  • dreamed of dancing in a dream with a man waltz - you are waiting for a difficult relationship with a man who was with you in a pair;
  • partner threw you into the air - in reality he will try to benefit from your relationship;
  • to see a lot of dancing gentlemen without ladies - danger lurks you;
  • whirl in a passionate tango with a man - you will commit a rash act, but you will not regret it;
  • get an invitation from a man - in reality you will be just friends.

Why dream dance slow dance

  • If you had a chance to dance in a dream with a man, a slow dance in front of a large number of people - you will soon be drawn into a scandal.
  • If you waltzed on the stage, it means that you will soon have a great time in good company. Some interpreters claim that such an image portends gossip and gossip.
  • Soar in a slow dance in the rain - to the fulfillment of the most cherished dreams.
  • Seeing older couples - you have bright future prospects.
  • Circling with a partner without music - you are not sure that you have chosen the right way of life.

Dream to dance with the dead

  • Usually dancing in a dream with a deceased person is a kind of warning to the dreamer. For example, if a woman dreamed that her partner was someone from the close relatives of the deceased (grandfather, father, uncle), it means that she will soon have disagreements with the household or a strained relationship with her spouse.
  • If a woman dreams of a dead person, waltzing with her, whose face she seems unfamiliar - she faces numerous trials and tribulations, or the illness of a close relative.
  • If you dream of dancing in a cemetery with a dead man - a bad sign, foreshadowing trouble. Most interpreters recommend in such cases to visit the temple and put a candle there for the rest of the deceased's soul - such a step would save the unpleasant consequences of the dream.

Why dream of dancing alone in a dream

The dream interpretation asserts that there may be several values:

  • a woman to dance alone naked - the people around her will be outraged by her inappropriate behavior in reality;
  • if you also sing while dancing, you will be drawn into scandals and squabbles;
  • I dreamed that you were learning to do some “pa” - soon you will suffer because of your own levity and carelessness;
  • to fall in the process of dancing - sudden difficulties will prevent the achievement of a close goal;
  • show belly dance - you are too frivolous, and it interferes with your life.

To dream of myself dancing to what it is

  • If you had to watch asleep from the side and see yourself dancing in a round dance - in the near future you will have to discuss important matters, perhaps this will be a meeting at work.
  • If the dance takes place in your house, it means that soon you will be very lucky. A girl to see children circling - she is waiting for a speedy successful marriage.
  • If you dream of a ballet - maybe your boyfriend or spouse is cheating on you.
  • For business people, such a dream foreshadows losses, and for bachelors - entertainment and new interesting acquaintances with the opposite sex.
  • To see men dancing lezginka - in reality you will have to experience loneliness and longing.


Watch the video: I Dream of Dance - Trailer (June 2024).