What are the dangers behind a frozen pregnancy in the first trimester? Diagnosis and treatment of missed pregnancy


The process of expecting a future baby for most couples is accompanied by indescribable feelings of tenderness and mystery. Happy couples are preparing for his appearance, are happy with the first signs of birth.

But not all pregnancies, even the most desirable ones, end in childbirth. One of the dangers along the way is a frozen pregnancy. In the first trimester, this phenomenon is encountered before 15% steam

Fear, disappointment, guilt and despair are the woman's natural sensations. Frozen pregnancy in the first trimester is not a sentence for motherhood, in most cases a new conception is possible, which will necessarily end in a successful birth. But at the time of the shock, women are incredibly worried about how to act after the fetus freezes, which provoked pathology and whether it is possible to prevent the recurrence of fading pregnancy in the first trimester.

Frozen pregnancy in the first trimester - what is it?

The development and growth of the fetus under the influence of internal pathologies or the influence of external factors can suddenly stop, which is necessarily accompanied by its death. In the absence of spontaneous rejection, a dead pregnancy is diagnosed. In the first trimester, the likelihood of such a pathology is especially high.

The susceptibility of the fetus, embryo to harmful factors, the greater, the shorter the gestation period. However, with the course of intrauterine development, it decreases unevenly. The critical periods when the risk of miscarriage is increased include the period from 7 to 12 day during embryo implantation, during 3-8 weeks - during embryogenesis, as well as until the end of the period of formation of the placenta up to 12 weeks.

The process of the emergence of a new life goes according to the scheme provided by nature, but when faced with obstacles, it suddenly breaks off. Once a fertilized egg enters the uterus, it is implanted and even tries to develop for some time, however, genetic errors, autoimmune processes, infections, and other pathologies inhibit or completely stop this process, resulting in fetal death.

Abnormal processes occur when the development of the membranes in the absence of an embryo is recorded. An "empty fetal egg" or anembryony is accompanied by the synthesis of chorionic gonadotropin, as evidenced by analyzes and pregnancy tests. Such a pathology, due to genetic errors, is doomed to interrupt development.

Habitual miscarriage is recorded after repeated frozen pregnancy or spontaneous rejection of the fetus. But even several times the repeated deplorable scenario does not reject the possibility of a successful pregnancy.

What triggers the occurrence of a frozen pregnancy in the first trimester?

The factors that provoke the fading of pregnancies in the first trimester are quite numerous. There are single inexplicable pathologies. There are several main groups.

Genetic pathology

Most of the frozen pregnancies in the first trimester are due to the usual natural selection. Nature, having discovered a pathological gene, an extra chromosome by any means, is trying to stop the further development of an inferior organism. In this case, the embryo has numerous abnormalities in development that are completely incompatible with life. Or maternal forces are significantly depleted, trying to maintain and maintain pathological development, and the process of pregnancy progression stops. But this does not mean that subsequent pregnancies will face this pathology.

Abnormal genetic malfunctions can occur under the influence of external factors that have a dangerous effect on the body (alcohol, radiation, nicotine, drugs), and also be of hereditary origin.


Some infectious diseases, especially those that appear during pregnancy, have a detrimental effect on the fetus. The most dangerous are TORCH infections of a viral nature, which literally kill the unborn baby in the initial stages and are the causes of pathological abnormalities in the future.

Such anomalies occur during infection:

• rubella;

• toxoplasmosis;

• herpetic infection;

• cytomegalovirus infection.

On the condition of the fetus, genital infections are reflected in the form of gonococcus, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis.

Fading of pregnancy in the first trimester can occur even under the influence of commonplace colds infectious diseases, such as flu or SARS.

Hormonal disorders

The unstable hormonal background of the mother resists the normal development of the fetus. The following deviations are able to completely stop him:

• progesterone deficiency;

• increased levels of androgens;

• Thyroid abnormalities.


Sperm failure, manifested by a short tail, irregular head shape, vacuole cells in the head, missing chromosome, tail bend, thickening, is a factor in male infertility. There are exceptions, but the embryo conceived by such a sperm has pathologies in development and usually dies.

Autoimmune pathologies

Autoimmune malfunctions of the mother's body lead to the formation of antibodies, the action of which is aimed at destroying their own cells. Perceiving the fetus as a foreign organism, they begin to systematically destroy it and lead to a frozen pregnancy in the first trimester.

External factors

In addition to diseases of the parents, external factors expressed in the development of the fetus are reflected:

• improper lifestyle in the form of deviations in nutrition, daily routine, bad habits;

• exposure to hazardous working conditions;

• side effects of drugs;

• the age of the pregnant woman;

• unstable psycho-emotional environment;

• climate change.

Pregnancy in the first trimester can also die after numerous abortions, leading to endometrial failure, depriving the fetus of a stable diet and oxygen.

This pathology is also inherent in couples, resorted to IVF.

What are the signs of a frozen pregnancy in the first trimester?

In the first trimester, frozen pregnancies do not have pronounced symptoms. First of all, the signs of pregnancy disappear, manifested in the form of:

• nausea;

• vomiting;

• intolerance to odors;

• tension of the mammary glands.

But, it should be remembered that these symptoms can disappear in the normal course of pregnancy. And some women, in general, do not initially observe signs of toxicosis and chest tension. Therefore, the death of the fetus during this period often goes unnoticed.

It does not make sense to rely on the results of pregnancy tests, because hCG is not immediately excreted from the body and can show positive reactions for a month. A clear sign is a decrease in basal temperature to 37 degrees and below.

Long-term presence of a dead fetus in the uterus (more than 4 weeks) is expressed intoxication syndrome:

• increase in temperature;

• general weakness;

• malaise;

• dizziness.

Also join in 2-6 weeks manifestations of spontaneous abortion as:

• smearing dark discharge;

• pulling pains in the lower abdomen;

• aching lower back pain.

Gynecological examination during bimanual palpation of the uterus determines the discrepancy between the size of the uterus and the approximate gestational age.

What to do if the pregnancy froze in the first trimester?

The slightest suspicion of a frozen pregnancy in the first trimester is the reason for urgent hospitalization. Confirm dangerous assumptions should doctors, having conducted additional examinations. What is an ultrasound done, an analysis on hCG, a coagulogram.

If a frozen pregnancy is confirmed, in the first trimester, several tactics are used to evacuate the fetal egg:

1. In the absence of signs of infection, symptoms of spontaneous abortion, and if no more than two weeks have passed since the death of the embryo, doctors use expectant tactics. Ovarian rejection occurs under the influence of uterine contractions, due to a sharp decrease in the level of hCG.

2. More common surgical method, which provides for curettage or vacuum aspiration.

3. Medical abortion possible for periods of less than 7 weeks. Why use drugs that block the production of progesterone.

After the operation, drug treatment with antibiotics is performed to prevent the appearance of endometritis, chorionamnionitis.

To identify the causes of a frozen pregnancy in the first trimester, the materials of curettage and tissue of the embryo are subject to research. To do this, they are sent for genetic research and histology.

What is the likelihood of a successful pregnancy and childbirth after a frozen pregnancy in the first trimester?

For a woman, a frozen pregnancy is not only a change in the physiological state and physical pain, but above all psychological stress and a big blow. Concern about the possibility of having children and the fear of a repetition of a deplorable experience comes to the fore. The next conception requires time and some preparation.

In preparation for motherhood, a woman undergoes significant hormonal changes and a pathological stop of the process is not able to reverse the natural changes. To restore the hormonal background requires a certain time. There are cases when, under the influence of stress, hormonal abnormalities do not return to normal until the "alleged birth".

Also, the uterus needs time to bounce back and be ready to accept a new embryo. Doctors recommend postponing re-conception until the woman’s psychological and physical condition is fully restored. Most often, this requires at least six months.

Recommendations for normalizing health include:

• exclusion of physical activity for a month and a half;

• antibiotic therapy to exclude infectious complications;

• the appointment of sedatives in the observation of psychoemotional disorders;

• taking hormonal drugs to normalize the hormonal background;

• timely examinations by a gynecologist.

If serious pathologies that provoke an interruption are detected, consultations of narrow specialists and appropriate treatment are required.

In time, the remote consequences of a frozen pregnancy do not provoke the occurrence of serious conditions and exclude the likelihood of infertility against this background.

Many women, having survived such a tragedy, safely bear the child in subsequent attempts.


Watch the video: This is Your Pregnancy in 2 Minutes. Glamour (May 2024).