How to determine ovulation - all ways. Learn how to determine ovulation at home without tests.


Some women want to learn how to accurately determine ovulation to increase their chances of becoming mummies, others, on the contrary, to protect themselves from this. Occurs on the 14th day of the menstrual cycle, which lasts 28 days.

It is at this point that the ripe follicle in the ovary is torn, and the egg cell, ready for fertilization, begins its journey to the fallopian tube funnel, which takes only about an hour. Reaching the goal, she is able to give rise to a new life for about a day (about 24 hours). It is the ovulatory period when the probability of fertilization is high and causes such a diametrically opposite interest in oneself.

Ways to determine the cycle of ovulation, quite a lot. Which one is the most optimal? It is better for a woman to study several methods, and then, on the basis of personal characteristics, to dwell on the most appropriate one for her. Each organism is too individual to dwell on any one algorithm.

How to determine ovulation without tests and tests

Those women who care about their own health care, know how to accurately determine the day of ovulation without the use of any tests and without testing. To do this, simply listen to the changes occurring in the body.

About the onset of ovulation can be judged by the following features:

- the appearance of aching pains, concentrating in the lower abdomen;

- quite noticeable tension in the female breast is akin to swelling;

- sharp mood swings, manifested in tearfulness, severe irritability;

- occasionally bloody discharge, intermenstrual in nature;

- manifestation of flatulence;

- increasing sexual hunger.

If you visit a gynecologist during this period, he will be able to determine the day of ovulation even visually:

- the consistency of vaginal whiter changes, their number increases;

- the cervix opens slightly, becomes more loose and softer.

How to determine ovulation by ultrasound

Ultrasound, of course, is the most reliable way. Many women, deciding how to determine the ovulation cycle, prefer to turn to a specialist, and not to bother with analyzes, tests, calendars.

With the help of ultrasound, the doctor can name the exact day the egg leaves the ovary, as it monitors the process of maturation of the follicle, its active growth and the instant of its rupture. At the request of a woman, such observations are made daily, as soon as the last day of menstruation ends.

How to determine ovulation using an online calculator

Digital technologies are becoming more and more insistent in our lives, aggressively offering to make it more comfortable. So, now many online resources intended for female audience suggest how to accurately determine the day of ovulation using an online calculator. Thanks to him, you can find out also safe days and days favorable for conceiving a baby.

Such a virtual calculator is a computer program, to work with which you must specify the following parameters:

- the day of the beginning of menstruation;

- the average length of the menstrual cycle (in days);

- the number of "critical" days.

Then you can set the calendar length in months - the period for which the calculator will calculate the days of ovulation.

Studying how to determine the day of ovulation using an online service, do not forget that the calculation is carried out by a computer based on the average values ​​of the parameters specified by the lady. Deviations occur due to the unique features of the female body in each individual case. The most accurate results are possible if the girl has a well-established, regular cycle. If it is inconsistent, and has not become more stable for several months, then it is better to look for a different method.

How to determine ovulation using a regular calendar

The basis of this method is the ability of a woman to conceive a new life only after ovulation. This period is only a few days, so the answer to the question of how to determine ovulation at home, lies on the surface. To do this, you must first determine the duration of the regulation cycle in days. It represents the period from the beginning of one month to the first day of the next (including himself).

You can consider an example - the first "critical" day of August 20, and next month it will fall on September 20. Naturally, for a guaranteed correct result, it is necessary to perform calculations from three to six consecutive cycles. With this approach, the results should be as reliable as possible.

Calculations on the calendar are performed according to a specific algorithm:

- subtracting from the number of days of the shortest cycle the number 18, we determine the first of the days during which the chances of getting pregnant are high;

- finding the difference between the number of days of the longest cycle of the number 11, we obtain the last of the days favorable for conception.

The time period found will be the period during which a woman is likely to become a mom.

Suppose a lady, measuring the cycle for six months, determined that the maximum duration of her monthly cycle was 30 days, and the minimum - 27 days. Using the above algorithm, how to determine ovulation without tests, we get:

1. 27-18=9

2. 30-11=19

The conclusion is the following: from the ninth to the nineteenth days of the menstrual cycle, a woman has every opportunity to conceive a baby during unprotected sexual intercourse.

How to determine ovulation by measuring basal temperature

This method requires some pedantry, as it is necessary to take temperature measurements on a daily basis once a day (preferably in the morning), always in the same way. A standard mercury thermometer removes the values ​​of this indicator:

- in the vagina within five minutes;

- in the anus (rectum) - seven minutes;

- in the vagina - seven minutes.

In order to avoid inaccuracies and confusion, it is recommended to keep a kind of observation diary in which all measurements should be recorded. In the mornings, after a night's sleep, the indicators taken are the most accurate, in all other cases, false results can be obtained.

Knowing how to determine the ovulation cycle, all the records have to be carefully analyzed, since it is necessary not to miss the difference in basal temperature values: on the day of ovulation, they range from normal, normal numbers to noticeably elevated ones.

As an example, consider the following situation:

- from the very beginning of the regulators, the basal temperature readings fell within the range of 36.1 ° C-36.6 ° C;

- The thirteenth day began with a temperature of 36.6 ° C;

- the fourteenth day in the morning "pleased" with a jump to 37.2 ° C.

Such a sharp increase in temperature indicates the onset of ovulation. In the following days, right up to the beginning of the next menstrual period, elevated rates will remain, keeping at the same level.

How to determine ovulation, assessing cervical mucus

In the normal state, the cervix is ​​blocked by a mucus plug. It is a thick substance located at the entrance to the main organ of the reproductive female system. This consistency of mucus remains until the moment of ovulation. Just from this moment, the cork is liquefied, turning into a crushy and rather watery one. If you take it with two fingers, stretching the elastic between them in the manner of a person, you get a kind of thread with a length of 9-12 centimeters.

During the period of ovulation, the female body produces the greatest amount of such secretions. The temperature rises at the beginning of the ovular period due to the fact that vaginal dryness is observed after a decrease in the increased amount of secretion.

How to determine ovulation by saliva crystallization

Symptom fern. It turns out that a method with such a romantic name makes it possible to quite accurately determine the day of ovulation. With the advent of individual microscopes, it became possible to use the phenomenon of crystallization of saliva.

The symptom of a fern is that during the ovulation period the balance of hormones becomes quite specific, therefore the saliva spit out by the woman dries out and begins to crystallize. Under the microscope, it looks like a leaf of a young fern. If there is such a picture, then it is quite possible to conceive a child.

How to determine ovulation with a single urine test

In the composition of the female urine, luteinizing hormone (LH) is always present in small doses. But with the start of ovulation, its content instantly increases. Therefore, one of the ways to determine the day of ovulation is based on the use of a one-time test, which allows you to compare the amount of LH in the urine at a given point in time with a benchmark.

Its use is similar to the algorithm with the usual stripes on pregnancy, but it is performed daily during the entire period of regulations. Therefore, although the method is more accurate than, say, basal temperature measurement, but it costs much more.

Prior to the start of the ovulation test, you must adhere to the rules:

- Do not urinate for 4 hours;

- Do not drink large amounts of liquids (water, juice, coffee, etc.).

If you violate these recommendations, the concentration of the hormone will decrease in the urine and the result may be false.

To use a one-time ovulation test, you need to hold the tip of his strip for 5 seconds under the stream of collected urine, or lower it there for 20 seconds. After about three minutes, the result will be known.

Indications are read in comparison with the control line:

- if the line that appears appears much brighter than the control line, then there was no sharp rise in the level of the hormone, which means that it is recommended to continue the daily test;

- when the strip is brighter than the sample line, it can be concluded that a jump in concentration has already occurred and after 1-1.5 days ovulation will begin.

If a woman seeks to give birth to a child, sexual intercourse within two days after the release of LH can end with the fertilization of a mature egg, and therefore lead to the emergence of a new life. After that, testing the state of the body no longer makes sense.

How to determine ovulation with reusable test

The reusable test is a portable (individual) device, complete with a set of strips. Their use requires following the same rules as when using a one-time test.

To determine ovulation, you need to perform urine samples up to 20 times per month. The test strip is placed in the hole of the device and after the analysis of the data on the screen appears information about the degree of fertility. These results will be issued daily, regardless of whether the test was conducted at the request of the device.

The main advantage is that the device is able to inform not only about the very beginning of ovulation, but also about those periods when the chances of getting pregnant, even if weak, still exist.

And in those days when the device shows a low level of fertility, it is possible to have sex without a contraceptive, since at this time sexual contact cannot lead to conception.

To get the most reliable results, knowing how to determine ovulation at home, you can use several methods at once. This is shown in the steady menstrual cycle, occurring with an enviable regularity. If this period is still unstable, and the woman does not wish to carry out an ultrasound scan or tests, then gynecologists recommend using the method of measuring basal temperature or the method of crystallization of saliva.


Watch the video: Female fertility animation (July 2024).