Sore knee - what to do, how to treat. For whatever reason, my knees hurt - how to make a diagnosis.


Practically everyone suffers from knee pain from time to time. First, minor periodic pain does not create any special problems. But from daily overloads, wear and tear, pain injuries can intensify. Why this happens and what to do if you have a knee pain, we'll just talk.

Why knees hurt

Not all knee problems are critical. Very often, the knee hurts completely for innocuous reasons, such as the weather. Also, the knee makes itself felt bearable if the person has chilled or slightly injured (bruised). But often the knee hurts and with arthrosis.

The knee joint is one of the most vulnerable joints. The knee is also quite difficult, so it is difficult for a person to immediately figure out what exactly is bothering him. And only when they turn to a specialist, patients will learn that the whole thing is in the ligaments surrounding the joint, or in the meniscus, which is wedged or torn.

Doctors say that the knee joint bypasses all the others in terms of the incidence of various ailments in it (injuries, inflammatory processes). Most patients who go to the doctors, knee pain occur due to injury or age-related changes. Only units have sore knee due to infectious diseases.

If we consider knee-damaging effects, then we should put squats with a barbell in the first place. A person who has not been involved in sports for a long time, after active squats with a load, can safely make an appointment with a doctor who will deal with a torn meniscus of a patient. Arthrosis, with the development of which the knee is sore, often occurs in people who are overweight. Knee pain can cause some drugs. For example, uncontrolled intake of antibiotics can lead to the development of inflammatory processes in the knees.

Sore knees and people who are accustomed to have unhealthy foods. Especially negatively affect the knees chemicals that are not stingy to add to the producers of sausage products. Experts have long noticed that patients who love smoked meats, sausages, often suffer from knees. This is not surprising, because if earlier that very pork, bacon really smoked, but today they are processed with enzymes and besides that they are stuffed with preservatives. These preservatives not only affect the knees, but also, by retaining water in the body, lead to the appearance of a beer belly. And if in youth it is easy to remove the bad things that have entered the body from poor-quality food, then in adulthood, when the kidneys are not the same, it becomes more difficult to do such tricks.

No need to get involved in salty. Such products lead to excess accumulation of fluid in the body, including in the knees. Regularly eating a huge amount of pickles, you can cool to gain weight. And those extra pounds - an additional burden, which will fall on his knees.

Even the health of the knees depends on the mental state of the person. If he is nervous, experiencing emotional exhaustion, then a stress hormone is produced. He, roughly speaking, begins to eat the knee cartilage, and also increases the viscosity of the fluid that is in the knee. What is more dangerous than stress is the fact that, nervous, we begin to strain, which leads to clamping of the muscles. They begin to over-tighten the knee, gradually destroying it. Therefore, if you have a sore knee, first of all, think about whether you are psychoting too much.

They say that if you want to be healthy, then you need to play sports. But knees hurt at and many athletes. They are often damaged by people who lift barbells, are engaged in martial arts, skiing. It turns out that you can not play sports? Sure you may. Only you need to do this wisely (without forgetting about warming up, without doing anything through severe pain) and under the supervision of a trainer, and in case of knee damage (with swelling, hemorrhage, impaired limb mobility, elevated temperature of the injured area or the whole body) - contact immediately to the clinic. And remember the words of the British journalist, the essence of which is that you need to protect your knees, and if the athletes they refuse sooner or later, then for people who are not involved in sports, it will happen suddenly.

Knee pain during flexion

Patients who have sore knees during flexing are generally suspected to have arthritis or arthrosis. But sometimes things are much more serious. Sometimes this pain can not be removed with drugs or physical therapy. The only option is surgery.

What disease does not allow the knees to bend without pain, requires prompt diagnosis and adequate surgical treatment? This is Koenig's disease. What is this? Let's look at the knee joint, namely the hip bone, which is its component. We are interested in condyles. They represent two protuberances at the end of the bone - where it is attached to the tibia.

With Koenig's disease, detachment occurs, and further loss of the cartilage of one of the condyles occurs. They fall into the cavity of the joint. These loose intra-articular bodies bring unbearable, penetrating pain to a person when he bends the leg. In addition to pain, signs of Koenig’s disease are puffiness of the knee.

Sore knee after running

Sore knee can not only after running, but during it. Especially often the knee hurts when running in people with second and third degrees of obesity. They just need to forget about running at all.

If you look, running (like deep squats, leg presses) is completely harmful to your knees. And no special sneakers can take the load off our knee joints. And it is also very dangerous that often fat people try to run. Yes, running can remove excess weight. But do you want to become slim, destroying your knees? Lose weight better at the gym under the supervision of a good instructor. Therefore, if your knee hurts while running or after it, then stop tormenting your legs, finishing off and so not too healthy joints.

Knee pain: diagnosis

To prescribe treatment, you need to be examined. And the sooner the patient passes the diagnosis, the better. After all, postponing the solution of the problem, without trying to figure out the cause of its occurrence, we can cause irreparable harm to health. In order to avoid the development of serious changes in the joint, contact a specialist if you have a severe and frequent knee ache, swelling or discomfort while walking up the stairs.

If the knee crunches and hurts, you also need to immediately go to the diagnosis. It may be the case in the meniscus, a torn ligament, a broken chondromic body of the joint, or perhaps arthrosis is developing in you. When the knee crunches from childhood and it does not hurt, it is most likely a matter of the special structure of the joint, of weak ligaments. There is nothing dangerous about it. Get rid of the crunch will help exercises with which you can pump up the legs.

In order for the doctor to be able to make an accurate diagnosis to a patient who has a knee pain, the latter must pass a complete blood count. You should also donate blood for rheumatic tests (a complex of immunological analyzes) and make an x-ray of the knee joint. To exclude the possibility of making an erroneous diagnosis, it would be good to go on magnetic resonance imaging and find an experienced specialist who will deal with your problem with your knees.

Important: MRI of the knee is necessary for diagnosing Koenig's disease.

Knee Pain Treatment

Many experts, talking to a patient who has a knee pain, and seeing the emotional closeness of the patient, begin to teach him to speak out. After all, tightness, inability to talk through problems and share experiences with loved ones often leads to diseases of the knees. But if you do not want to pour everything on others, straining their problems, you can get rid of the stress hormone with the help of entertainment. This will help you play sports, in the exercise that eliminates the possibility of aggravating the situation with the knee. When a patient has a knee pain due to a psycho-emotional state disorder, it will be helpful for him to walk into the pool. If there is no pool in the city, you can just sit for a few hours at the computer games. They will also help to throw out emotions, which is very important for the knee, sore because of the action of the stress hormone.

Attention: it is possible to help the body to relax, having learned and regularly using special breathing exercises.

So, if your knee hurts because of inner closeness, psychological overstrain, you can cure it without any new-fashioned sedatives. It is enough to perform those actions that we mentioned above.

If the knee hurts too much due to the development of arthrosis, the specialist may also advise you to do special compresses. They say that quite effectively help to remove the pain in the knee warming ointments. They should be applied after exposure to the inflamed area with a cold shower.

It is worth noting that one of the main causes of the development of degenerative and inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system is a decrease in the level of glucosamine and chondroitin, the natural components of the joint cartilage. Therefore, in addition to relieving pain, it is necessary to provide the nourishment of the joints with these components. The optimal dose for assimilation of such components is available as part of specialized means, such as, for example, Glucosamine Maximum from Natures. A product that helps restore and protect cartilage from destruction. The tool is used in modern medicine for the treatment and prevention of various diseases of the joints.

During arthrosis of the first stage, it is very important to do therapeutic exercises, thanks to which blood is pumped through the knee to flush harmful substances. Exercises along with drugs in the first stage of the development of the disease help patients to forget what it is when their knee hurts. And only in a neglected case, only a surgical intervention (joint replacement) can help a patient with arthrosis.

As for the elimination of knee pain caused by injuries, seriousness, the nature of the injury and other factors are taken into account. In case of serious stratification, ruptures, received during traumatizing, surgical treatment is carried out, in case of degenerative changes in the joint, which appear due to constant loads, when there are tears in the ligaments, conservative enough therapy (massages, physiotherapy, physiotherapy exercises, orthoses selection).

Patients with Koenig's disease, in whom parts of the condyle cartilage have prolapsed into the cavity of the knee joint, also need surgery. In this case, most of the cartilage is attached arthroscopically (through micro incisions), using special orthopedic screws. Such a surgical operation is minimally invasive. If the defects are too large, then the doctor may decide to take parts of the cartilage from the low-working, intact, upper areas of cartilage tissue. After drilling the fragments, they are transferred to the damaged areas of the condyle and attached using special bone cement.

Warning: to treat the knee folk remedies, without consulting with a doctor, it is impossible.

Knee pain exercises

A lot of exercises for knees have been invented. They are selected based on the severity of the disease, neglect of the problem, etc. But some rehabilitation physicians claim that there are such exercises that are effective in almost any disease of the knee joint. Let's take a look at one of them.

Get on your knees!

Take a piece of felt or carpet and place it on a wooden floor. Get down on your knees and transfer the weight to your arms. Fingers should be clenched into fists. You need to rely on them.

Having transferred part of the load on the arms, shoulders, try to find a position in your knees in which you do not feel acute and severe pain. After that, slowly make your knees such movements as if you were going. You can even move a little on the mat back and forth.

Having ceased to feel discomfort, tear off your hands from the floor and, dangling them along the body, begin walking on the rug in your lap. Now you can not help yourself with your hands. We must try to warm up the sore spots well. Walk carefully and gently.

It is better to do the exercise after sleep. If everything is done correctly, you will feel a pleasant warmth in the knees and relaxation.

Before the exercise, it will be nice to rub the sore knees with warming, but not burning cream. Instead of cream you can use camphor oil. However, some experts oppose the application of warming ointments to the swollen, inflamed knees, which, according to them, further aggravate the situation, only briefly distracting from the pain.

Important: At first, do not do the exercise above for more than two minutes. Count down after taking all the load on your knees.


Watch the video: New Treatments for Knee Arthritis. UCLAMDChat (June 2024).