Sore calves - what to do. For some reason, calves are sore and how to diagnose and treat.


Is it any wonder that calves hurt, if you finally got out on a ski trip the day before or with ecstasy you danced all night on heels? Unaccustomed to such loads legs indignantly reproach in the morning with painful sensations and resolutely refuse to obey.

However, pain in the calves can occur suddenly and for no apparent reason, be annoying for a long time, or be accompanied by additional unpleasant symptoms. And this is a signal of trouble, to which it is necessary to pay the closest attention.

Sore calves - causes

The variety of reasons for which the calves are sore does not allow even an experienced doctor to make a diagnosis during the examination. Only additional survey methods can confirm his assumptions. Excessive activity or unnoticed injury, problems with the vessels or abnormalities in the spinal column - the nature of the pain and the accompanying symptoms will tell you what could have caused the trouble. Consider some of them.

1. Myositis - inflammation of the calf muscles

The disease can be the result of a postponed flu, injury, hypothermia, or too much stress. At first, the pain is nagging, not sharp, it is felt only when feeling and walking. However, it gradually increases and annoys even at rest. If myositis has developed on the background of an injury, it is possible that the infection will join in and the illness will turn into a purulent form. In this case, in addition to local hyperthermia, a common one develops, with fever and signs of intoxication of the organism.

2. Neuralgia

Attacks last from a few seconds to 2-5 minutes, in between the pain is completely absent. Soreness is felt along the peripheral nerve fibers, it disappears just as suddenly as it began.

3. Varicose veins

In particular, calves of the legs hurt when venous blood flow is disturbed. Being in one position for a long time - standing or sitting - results in stagnation of blood, due to which the nerve endings become inflamed. Dull aching pain and feeling of heaviness in the legs is characteristic of gradually developing varicose veins. Discomfort associated with increased pressure in the vessels. The appearance of convulsions in the calf muscles and bluish streaks is a confirmation of the development of the disease.

4. Thrombophlebitis

Extremely dangerous consequence of varicose veins - the formation of a thrombus in the vein, thrombophlebitis. In this disease, the calves of the legs almost always hurt - at first, the pain is pulsating, and later burning. If the process affects only superficial veins, the skin above them is reddened and painfully condensed. Deep involvement - manifested by significant swelling of the lower leg. Inflammation is dangerous for the risk of separation of a blood clot, which has unpredictable consequences.

5. Atherosclerosis of arteries

Uncomfortable sensation of compression, calves and even in the summer ice feet - such complaints are characteristic of people suffering from atherosclerosis. The reason is the seal walls of blood vessels. The painful sensations are aggravated by walking.

6. Spinal diseases

Various disc pathologies, the inflammatory process of the sciatic nerve (sciatica) or its infringement, become the cause of pain radiating to the calf muscles. At the same time, the spine itself does not bother.

7. Endarteritis - inflammation of the arterial vessels

Sore calves, weakness in them when walking is felt - this symptom is called "intermittent claudication." It is often accompanied by convulsions and is a sign of an inflammatory vascular disease.

8. Deficiency of trace elements

The lack of some elements often causes the calves to hurt, and seizures often occur. This is especially important for future mothers, because they are actively feeding the baby with their own reserves. Yes, and with the weight is not all right, it has increased significantly due to the presence of the baby. Usually there is a lack of calcium or potassium, or several microelements simultaneously. This contributes to the appearance of night cramps and pain in the calf muscles. Nutrition of a pregnant woman should be balanced, but calcium preparations should not be prescribed for yourself, it is better to consult a doctor.

The appearance of muscle pain in the calves is a rather serious symptom that requires consultation with a specialist. It can be a phlebologist, infectious disease specialist, traumatologist, angiosurgeon, or neurologist.

Sore calves - diagnosis

Diagnosis of pathology in which the calves ache, includes clinical and instrumental studies. First of all, the doctor tries to eliminate the causes that are life-threatening - thrombophlebitis, arterial obstruction, thrombosis, cancer, and various infections. Thrombophlebitis and varicose veins is not difficult to determine - Doppler ultrasound determines whether there are obstructions to the blood flow, and transillumination translucent surface veins and accurately indicates the damaged. Ultrasound duplex angioscanning detects a blood clot, assesses its nature and "age", tells about the state of the lumen of the veins.

If you suspect that the calves of the legs hurt because of the spine, the doctor makes radiography of the spine, hip joint and pelvic-sacral joints in several projections. They help diagnose computed and magnetic resonance imaging. The lack of trace elements reliably allows you to determine the blood test, and myositis accurately diagnoses a neurologist.

To which doctor to apply when calves are sore, you can try to determine yourself:

- pain becomes weaker when legs are raised - problems with veins;

- tingling and numbness indicate problems with the spine;

- pain gradually releases when lowering the legs down - the arteries are to blame;

- frequent convulsions - lack of iron, calcium or magnesium in the body.

Sore calves - treatment

If the reason for which the calves are sore is established, the doctor prescribes a conservative or surgical treatment:

- acute arterial insufficiency - urgent surgical intervention is required;

- deep vein thrombosis - inpatient treatment;

- prolapse of intervertebral discs and spinal tumors - an operation is shown;

- varicosis - the use of special ointments and gels, drug treatment, the use of laser coagulation and sclerotherapy, phlebectomy.

However, the appointment of the necessary treatment is the prerogative of physicians. Regardless of why the calves are sore, doctors give general advice to alleviate the condition of the patient and prevent the development of the disease:

1. Absolutely refuse alcohol and cigarettes.

2. Good nutrition with salt restriction.

3. Compliance with the regime, adequate sleep, unhurried walks.

4. Ruthless struggle with excess weight.

5. Therapeutic gymnastics and douche.

6. Rest with slightly raised legs, you can put a pillow or a comfortable cushion.

Sore calves - treatment of folk remedies

Not for all diseases is allowed the use of folk remedies. Thrombosis, for example, requires immediate treatment to the doctor. However, sometimes using grandmother's secrets is not at all superfluous, especially in the initial stage of the disease and for the purposes of prevention.

1. When the calves of the feet hurt from long standing and the feeling of heaviness appears, foot baths will help to remove unpleasant sensations. To prepare them, pour a handful of mint and lime blossom with 1 liter of boiling water. After half an hour, pour the infusion into a bowl of water and hold it for about fifteen minutes. It will perfectly relieve fatigue, a feeling of heaviness and serve as prevention of varicose veins.

2. The infusion of plantain, nettle and coltsfoot helps from a feeling of bursting and gravity. At 3 liters of boiling water need 4 tablespoons of herbal mixture. Keep the legs in the infusion for 15-20 minutes.

3. The calves of the legs do not hurt and the swelling disappears after the ice wrapped in tissue is attached to the sore spots.

4. Quickly relieve pain in the calf muscles of the bath with the addition of pine needle broth. One hundred grams of healing needles should be poured with a liter of cold water, brought to a boil and held in a water bath for half an hour. Pour into a bowl of water, allow sick legs to relax in the solution for about fifteen minutes.

5. If your leg muscles hurt with cramps or after injuries, aloe blend with various oils sold in a pharmacy will help a lot. Take oil of cloves, menthol, eucalyptus and camphor, mix with an equal amount of aloe juice. Twice a day, the mixture is gently rubbed into diseased calves and covered with woolen cloth. The duration of the procedure is not limited.

Sore calves - prevention

Some preventive measures not only help prevent dangerous diseases, but also greatly facilitate the patient's condition, suspend the development of the disease.

- for normal blood circulation in the legs it is good to do contrasting foot baths, they help with frequent cramps;

- shoes should be as comfortable and high-quality as possible, should not be carried away by too high heels;

- The vascular, muscular and articular systems are extremely sensitive to overweight;

- Nutrition, salt-rich diet rich in protein, adequate fluid intake is an excellent prevention of seizure symptoms;

- complete separation from cigarettes and alcohol, exclusion from the diet of too fatty foods;

- daily gymnastics, reasonable alternation of loads and rest;

- the use of compression golf and stockings, it is better to refuse to wear too tight ones;

- worry about the presence in the diet of vitamin E, which determines the tone of the vascular wall;

- quiet walking, swimming and jogging are excellent helpers in the prevention of pain in the calves.

It is extremely important to understand that caviar does not just hurt, they are trying to give a signal about the presence of possible malfunctions in the body. No need to try to find a suitable tool in the home first aid kit or to ask Aunt Tanya from the fifth floor for advice. It is not necessary to use folk remedies as long as the doctor does not make a diagnosis.

If the calves are constantly sore, put off all the cases and consult with a specialist. If severe pain suddenly arises, and you are diagnosed with endarteritis - call an ambulance immediately, artery blockage is possible.


Watch the video: Wellness Wednesday: Roll the ache out of your tight calves (June 2024).