Milk thistle oil and its medicinal properties. How to apply milk thistle oil in cosmetology and medical purposes ...


This oil is called the gift of the Virgin Mary, since in retelling a beautiful and sincere legend, white spots on the leaves of the plant are the milk of the Virgin. Like the name itself, its healing properties are very delicate, delicate, but incredibly strong. The amazing properties of the oil are actively used for pharmaceutical and cosmetic purposes. But the tool has gained the most popularity as an effective way to combat all kinds of diseases of the liver and digestive tract.

Milk thistle oil is extracted using cold pressing from a seed of a shrub (milk thistle or thistle). The oil has a pleasant aftertaste and smell; liquidish, oily texture and greenish color. It has long been used for medical purposes around the world, because the oil has a unique chemical and biological composition. It is difficult to overestimate the healing and cosmetic properties of milk thistle oil; moreover, it is considered the most valuable dietary product.

Thistle oil composition

The carotenoids contained in the oil are the richest and most effective source of provitamin A. The oil contains: B vitamins, vitamins E, K, D. The oil content is also saturated with magnesium and zinc, manganese and potassium, zinc and iron, chromium and copper, vanadium and boron, aluminum and other macro and micro elements.

The powerful and strong hepatoprotector of silymarin is one of the most amazing features of this oil. In fact, these are the natural antioxidants of flavolignans (silidian, silybin, neohydrocaprin, silicristine). Silymarin contained in milk thistle oil has a positive effect on the functioning of the liver (the strengthening and protective function of liver cell membranes). Due to the use of toxic substances and alcohol, hepatocides of the liver are destroyed. But milk thistle oil has a regenerating function on liver cells, enhances their detoxification activity, and also eliminates the inflammatory processes existing in it.

Milk thistle oil is also considered the most effective antidote-medicine for poisoning with a pale toadstool (one of the most poisonous mushrooms in the world).

The use of milk thistle oil in medicine

Many diseases are treated in folk medicine using this particular oil. But milk thistle oil is not only able to cure and cure, it is also used as a preventive remedy for a large number of ailments.

1. Milk thistle oil contains 12 different types of silymarins. Therefore, milk thistle oil is so appreciated for liver ailments, because silymarin strengthens the membrane of hepatocytes (liver cells), stabilizes the normal functioning of the entire liver.

2. Antisclerotic function. The oil contains fat-soluble vitamins E, A, D and F. The cardiovascular system cannot function smoothly without a sufficient amount of these substances. With their help, harmful cholesterol is removed from the blood (to normal values), without attaching to the walls of blood vessels. Group F vitamins, being polysaturated fatty acids, have a positive effect on the central nervous system, preventing the onset of sclerosis. The use of milk thistle oil can be a preventive method of combating such serious and dangerous ailments as strokes and heart attacks, atherosclerosis and more.

3. Also, the oil favorably affects the burning of fats in the body, improves metabolism in general.

4. Anti-inflammatory effect. Milk thistle oil is designed to strengthen the immune function, so that the body's resistance to harmful external influences increases significantly.

5. Cholagogue function. A healthy and well-coordinated digestive process is impossible without producing enough bile. People suffering from digestive ailments are often prescribed milk thistle oil.

6. Activates metabolic processes in the body. Thanks to the substance chlorophyll contained in the oil, metabolic processes in the body are activated.

There is a rejuvenating effect on the cells and tissues of the body. Metabolic processes are enhanced especially in the liver and cardiovascular system.

7. The preventive effect of cancer. Thanks to tocopherols contained in oil, the protective function of the body in relation to cancer diseases is activated. Also, the substance is able to improve reproductive function in the body and prevent the processes of premature aging. In this task, his faithful helpers are: vitamins E, which are part of its composition.

8. Hypoallergenic effect. This effect is ensured due to the fact that in the composition of oil of carotenoids (ensure the coordinated work of the liver and CCC).

9. Antioxidant effect. Thanks to vitamins E, A, the body is protected from the formation of malignant tumors and premature aging processes.

10. Vitamin E, A will have a beneficial effect on the appearance and condition of hair and skin. Milk thistle oil is actively used for cosmetic purposes.

11. Promotes the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. The content of vitamin D (responsible for the usefulness of the process of assimilation of calcium and phosphorus) ensures the normal functioning of the heart and thyroid gland, and also strengthens the protective functions of the body.

Due to all the properties described above, milk thistle oil is most often used in cases where a person is worried:

- liver related ailments (dystrophy, alcohol damage, hepatitis or cirrhosis);

- diseases of the digestive tract (ulcer, gastritis, heartburn, cholecystocholangitis and others);

- stomatitis and periodontal disease;

- burns and skin injuries;

- premature skin aging;

- weakening of reproductive function;

- diseases of the cardiovascular system;

- alcohol and drug addiction;

- after a chemotherapy procedure;

- skin ailments (psoriasis, eczema, lichen, vitiligo, baldness, diaper rash, etc.);

- ENT diseases;

- problems with reproductive function;

- diabetes;

- varicose veins;

- all kinds of allergies.

There are two main methods of application: inside and out.

Inside, this oil can be used as a supplement to medications (or as an ordinary dietary supplement), 1 teaspoon half an hour before a meal. Use this supplement three times a day before meals. The course of such treatment with milk thistle oil will be 30 days.

Daily enemas are also made using oil (dosage - 30 ml.). Do not overdo the course, preliminarily go through a consultation with a specialist.

In case of skin diseases, special pads or applications are made using oil.

The use of thistle oil in cosmetology

This oil helps rejuvenate the skin and hair, saturating them with useful vitamins, micro and macro elements. After its application for cosmetic purposes, you will note that the skin has acquired elasticity, firmness and smoothness, and the tone has leveled off. In addition, milk thistle oil can eliminate the problem of fine lines on the face (regular care is important). To do this, apply a small layer of oil on the face (neck) instead of the usual cream or milk. Also, such a simple technique will help to cope with the problem of chapping and frostbite of the skin (just apply oil before going out).

Milk thistle oil is suitable for daily care. You can mix it with olive and almond oil. This mixture has a calming and nourishing effect.

A positive effect on the skin of the face is exerted by massage performed using milk thistle oil. After the procedure, it is not recommended to wash off the oil. You can carry out such a massage before bedtime and leave the oil all night.

You can apply oil to hair and nails, thereby stimulating their growth and strength.

Milk thistle oil will help to cope with the eternal female problem - cellulite. Use milk thistle oil when massaging cellulite, thereby enhancing the effect of the procedure. Of course, it is very difficult to get rid of this insidious female enemy, it is better to prevent its appearance, periodically massaging problem areas of the skin with the use of oil. Also, the oil strengthens the subcutaneous capillaries, preventing the development of varicose veins.

Oil can be used in cream or shampoo, enhancing its properties.

Possible contraindications for milk thistle oil

This oil does not have strict contraindications for use. Only individual intolerance can cause a refusal to use milk thistle oil. But it should be noted that an allergic reaction and intolerance to this oil is a very rare occurrence. Use oil with special care if you have hypothyroidism, as oil can cause a decrease in absorption and absorption of fats in tissues.

It is important that you agree on the dosage and method of use with your doctor before starting to use the oil for treatment.


Watch the video: Milk Thistle Liver Detox Side Effects (July 2024).