What should be able to child in 11 months. What should be the physical indicators in the normal development of the child in 11 months.


The time has come to sum up, checking whether the baby has mastered everything from the fact that a child should be able to at the age of 11 months. It's amazing how quickly this time has flown in company with the favorite of the whole family! No one will argue that the crumb has changed completely. It is even hard to believe that less than a year ago a small, helpless creature was brought from the maternity hospital, capable of only crying and smacking mother's breast.

Now before you is almost completely independent man. Many of the eleven-month-old babies have already taken their first steps. The mother's heart had time to melt a thousand times from emotion - first from the first smiles and babbling, then from the first word “Mama”. It has already sounded, filling with pride relatives karapuz. What is a baby, gathered to set foot on the threshold of early childhood?

What should be able to child in 11 months

For a baby, close physical contact with a loved one is still very important, but the role of sight and hearing is increasing. He can play quite calmly in his corner while mom is busy in the kitchen, and in order to feel comfortable and safe, it is enough for him to hear her in the adjoining room. But this feeling is still shaky, so from time to time a crumb tries to bring her mother to her.

Please note that the child already understands what a ban is. If he wants to get a fragile object from the shelf and hears the strict "No!", Then he stops for a moment and then tries to continue moving. But, having again heard the stern, forbidding word, ceases to attempt and is distracted by something more secure.

And the understanding of speech as a whole has changed. The kid learned, listening to the flow of words from adults, to isolate individual phrases, to understand them. Even if he himself says only a couple of words, but he fully understands the meaning of the usual, often used in conversation with him. Therefore, this age - it's time to start reading with him as much as possible.

Motor skills that correspond to what a child must be able to do at 11 months continue to improve. Some kids have already inexpressibly pleased their parents by taking the first independent steps, others are just learning this very complicated matter. They are still walking, holding her mother's or father's hand. In addition, they are great at quickly moving along the support, for example, holding the upholstered furniture in the room. The first steps look very funny: the crumb spreads his legs wide and balances with his hands, like a nestling with wings. But it passes quickly - the baby, having become accustomed, is already reaching for one toy, and then, emboldened, takes attractive objects with both hands, still maintaining balance.

The child who has fallen into the hands of the toys and things the child can put in containers of suitable size - baskets, boxes. See how he is able to focus on the game. Having folded the toys, he starts to pull them out one by one, perhaps even to scatter. But then the fun begins again. Even if you go to another room, the baby may not notice.

The toddler has become more sociable. At this age, a joyful reaction at the sight of familiar faces, in addition to relatives, is normal. For especially pleasant guests, a child with pleasure draws a toy as a sign of his goodwill. You have already been able to note, perhaps, that now he, with the egoism inherent in childhood, seeks to become the center of society. Whatever happens around, he will be right there and will demand attention to himself.

Another change in the crumbs - the thirst for communication with other children. The kid is fascinated by the older guys, trying in different ways to attract attention. With peers, he meets a little accustomed. Two tots begin to exchange toys, stretching them to each other, and then sit down together, carefully examining the face of their counterpart.

It's amazing how a sense of humor can be developed at such a tender age! Nevertheless, the child smiles, laughs, even laughs, noticing something funny or seeing how you build him funny faces.

Physical development of a child at 11 months

By the end of the eleventh month, the baby picked up about 400 grams more and was 1.5 centimeters higher. No wonder, because his daily ration continues to expand, for example, the baby met soft meatballs instead of the usual meat puree.

Quantitative indicators of physical development at this age are determined by specialists of the World Health Organization. In girls, body weight is 7.7-9.9 kg, height - 70.3-75.3 cm, and head circumference - 43.2-45.9 cm. Boys have a weight between 8.4 and 1.5 kg, height - within 72.2 and 76.9 cm, head circumference - from 44.5 to 47.0 cm

Qualitatively assess the development of the baby to parents is quite difficult without sufficient knowledge. American children's pediatrician Benjamin Spock, in his writings, proposes to determine the readiness of the infant to move to the next age level according to the level of development of skills characteristic of this period. Or rather, by their absence.

He proposes to seek advice from the relevant specialist if by the end of the eleventh month the baby is:

- still not able to crawl on all fours;

- not able to sit with legs extended;

- unable to move independently along the support;

- can not eat the cracker;

- does not support the cup when drinking.

Charging for a child in 11 months

Passive classes for an older man may no longer be liked. Therefore, when charging, add to the usual complex and active exercises that are beneficial to the development and strengthening of the muscular system, arms and legs of the baby.

1. Seat the baby and lift a toy in front of him on an extended arm. Ask the baby to take it from you, praise if he succeeded.

2. Take the standing child with two hands on the waist. Say "Get the toy" and tilt the little toddler's torso so that he pulls out a ball lying in front of him. After the baby completes the request, help him straighten up.

3. Ask the baby to sit up straight, give him rings. Grasp the toys and start gently, slowly, take your hands to the sides, then lift them to the crumbs head, then move them in a circle forward and down.

4. The child is lying on his back, ask him to roll over and lie down on his tummy. He should do this exercise, doing without help.

5. The peanut lies on its back. Hearing the request "Sit down", he must fulfill it and sit down. With the command "Lie down," the infant must return to its original position.

6. Training self-rising should be carried out daily. When the child is sitting, say: "Stand up." After these words, the baby should stand up, and after the request "Sit", sit down.

7. No less regularly need to develop walking skills. Take the crumb by the hands, let him stand a little, getting used to the vertical position. After that, help him take a few steps around the room.

Educational activities for a child in 11 months

Psychomotor development of a child at 11 months allows him to begin to master joint actions with his parents. Take it with you to the desk, and the kid will reach for the pen that you are writing, and if he is in the kitchen, he will certainly want to "help." Do not deny him this desire, just so the crumb gets the first ideas about cooperation in a group, develops initiative.

Concerned about the safety of the little researcher, you should not make the space around him completely "sterile" from this point of view. Leave small obstacles that the little man will diligently and persistently overcome. It is extremely necessary for the child to improve existing skills, the formation of various forms of behavior.

Reading the child out loud allows him to develop memory, thinking, improve speech skills and understanding of speech in general. Have you noticed that he already gives preference to one or two little books? Continue to delight him and new acquisitions. When buying books, pay attention to the strength and smoothness of the pages, the brightness of the pictures and the availability and fascinating content. The kid first examines it completely: he will examine him from all sides, knock on something, pull at the sheets. Only after studying it, he will listen carefully. When reading, try to sit with him so that the crumb can see your face, lip articulation, facial expressions.

Proper development of a child at 11 months requires a new life experience and vivid impressions. Take it more often for a walk, a business trip. The kid will try to touch everything that is available to him, rejoicing at the same time is incredible if the sensations are to his liking and will be pleasant. When tactile perception of the surrounding reality is very important diversity. Let the restless explorer touch different surfaces, materials with different textures. Allow me to spank barefoot around the apartment: a fleecy carpet, a smooth and cool tile, a perfectly smooth parquet evoke completely different emotions.

You and the child say goodbye to infancy. Ahead - the crisis of the first year of life. The kid after all aspires to much, but so little, as a matter of fact, still is able. It is up to you how well he will cope with new obstacles.


Watch the video: 2 Month Old Baby Typical & Atypical Development Side by Side (May 2024).