Masks for oily skin - we do it right at home


To cleanse oily skin, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, many women use homemade masks.

But not everyone is satisfied with the result. It's time to get acquainted with the best recipes for masks designed for oily skin.

Egg-honey masks for oily skin

Egg and honey masks will help you to get rid of grease, acne, inflammations, annoying pimples and huge pores-craters. They are also able to subdue the owners of normal, dry, mature skin, because the testicle and honey are well refreshed, cleansed, make the skin tender, saturate with vitamins, smooth wrinkles.

To get an excellent refreshing mask, just mix a dessert spoon of honey with one egg. The mask is kept for half an hour. Wash off products with cold water.

Since the mask does not have any hot or dry ingredients or medical preparations, it can be applied every other day.

Option 1:

This salvation for greasy skin is prepared from a teaspoon of honey and protein of one testicle. They are mixed to a uniform consistency and spread on a cleansed face for 25-30 minutes. After several procedures, you will notice that your skin is less often polluted, it does not shine during the day, it looks fresh, while the pores become less pronounced, the number of acne, acne has decreased.

Option 2:

Make a means to cleanse oily skin, narrowing the pores can be from art. spoons of honey, eggs, a pinch of chopped fresh mint leaves and 10 ml of decoction of dried chamomile flowers. If you need to clean and moisturize, nourish oily skin, then make a mask of yolk, one tablespoon of nectar and steamed oatmeal.

For your information: 10 ml of decoction is one dessert spoon.

Strawberry masks to cleanse oily skin

Summer is a great time to treat oiled skin with fresh strawberry masks. Before you make a mask of strawberry puree, you need to prepare a special soap and berry lotion.

Option 1:

Take two tablespoons of crushed strawberries and pour 125 ml of boiling water over them, then add a pinch of fine chips of tar soap. Stir this cocktail. Let it infuse for about half an hour, then pour the liquid into a glass.

Apply to the face gruel from fresh strawberries, and then, after 10 minutes, wipe the mask off your face with a swab dipped in a homemade lotion. After removing the product, wash it with water that reaches 30 ° C. Such a mask can relieve acne.

Attention: instead of fresh strawberries, many girls put berries squeezed from soapy water, which were used to make lotion.

Option 2:

You can also pour 60 ml of Kombucha infusion of strawberries, leaving it to infuse for three hours. The selected berry is distributed over the skin for half an hour. Remove the mask with a cotton pad, which is moistened in the infusion. After that, rinse your face with cold water. The mask eliminates the shine, tightens pores, disinfects.

You can also make a mask for oily skin of strawberry juice and kaolin. You need to mix the juice, squeezed from fresh berries, with art. spoon of white clay. The consistency of the mask should resemble thick cream. We smear it with a thin layer on the skin, wait 15 minutes. We clean the skin with warm water. If you have a lot of pimples, after removing berry and kaolin products, rinse your face with a decoction of yarrow. It has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory properties.

Persimmon masks for oily skin

And in winter, it is best to appease greasy skin with persimmon masks. They cleanse the face, saturate with vitamins, tone up, make the skin soft, moisturized, refresh and even tighten.

To keep the skin in tone, it is enough to use masks from one flesh of the “divine fire” (this is how the name “persimmon” can be translated). Persimmon is also called a date plum. If the mashed potatoes of this meaty berry linger on your face for about 10 minutes, then the skin will have time to get rich in vitamins and refresh.

You can complicate the recipe by adding to the pulp of persimmon on a tablespoon of starch and grated potatoes. Whipped protein and two big spoons of kefir will not be superfluous in this oily skin cleansing products. The mask is erased with a wet disc after 20 minutes.

From rice flour and persimmon, you can make a mask-scrub. A mixture of one berry, a tablespoon of flour is rubbed into the skin and left for 12-15 minutes. After the product is washed off with warm water. If your skin is very shiny and quickly pollutes, instead of rice flour, it is better to add oat flour or starch. True, such a tool can not be called a scrub.

Attention: even if you have oily skin, you can add oils to your masks, but you only need to know which ones can help solve the problem. For example, a mask of a teaspoon of good olive oil, a tablespoon of oatmeal and whole ripe persimmon will help to remove the greasy shine, make the skin tender and reduce the rash on the face.

Grapefruit masks for oily skin

Grapefruit juice is often used to whiten the skin and get rid of pigmentation. In addition, the mask of grapefruit perfectly cleansed face. Most of all, they are suitable for oily, normal skin.

The method of preparation of the simplest mask of citrus: grapefruit pulp should be put on gauze, and then - on the skin. After 15 minutes, rinse your face with cold water. Another grapefruit mask for 15 minutes is made from wheat flour and citrus juice. Flour can be replaced with oat flour.

After a hard day, prepare a mask of a tablespoon of grapefruit juice, tea oil, and chicken protein. The mask is applied to the skin with a tampon in three layers. The intervals between application - no more than a minute. Rubbing the skin a third time, wait three to five minutes. After that, you need to wash. Wash - warm water. Grapefruit juice and camphor oil can also make lotion for oily skin.

Tip: if the skin is oily, wash occasionally with mineral water. It does not hurt to add grapefruit juice. One spoonful of juice is enough for a glass of water.

Masks for oily skin from olive and essential oils

We have already mentioned the recipes for masks, which included castor or olive oils. But this is not the whole list of oils that are suitable for girls with excessively active sebaceous glands.

The following oils are suitable for oily skin: lavender, ylang-ylang, mint, lemon, grape seed, almond, peach, apricot, jojoba, hazelnut oil, etc. Using masks from such oils, you can normalize sebum production, narrow pores, eliminate acne. These oils have cleansing, soothing, wound-healing, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic properties.

Attention: essential oils should be mixed with a base oil, such as olive oil.

If you have a lot of pimples, in addition to lavender, you can add chamomile, geranium, sandalwood and other oils. A good mask for oily skin is obtained from castor, olive oils. The first - cleans, removes sebum, the second - nourishes and moisturizes. Make this mask better in the evening. In the morning it will be enough to wash with warm water.

So, to clean the skin, pour the mixed oils into the palm and, after heating them, begin to rub the mixture with massaging movements. Pay close attention to problem areas, well rub oil in the pores located on the forehead, nose, chin, cheeks, too, do not forget.

Now you need to remove the fat and accumulated dirt, bacteria from the pores, expanding them with a damp towel. Wet it under hot water jets, carefully squeeze out so that the liquid does not flow, and put on face. You need to steam the skin well, just look, do not burn your face.

When the towel has cooled, moisten it with water again and squeeze it onto the skin. After that, wash your face with warm water (several times) and dry it with a napkin.

Bread cleansing mask for oily skin

Improve the complexion and rid the skin of shine will help bread mask. You need exactly rye bread. You can even use stale bread. Cut the crust and soak the crumb in water or in milk. The liquid in which the bread will be soaked should be heated to 40 ° C. Bread soften - it's time to apply the tool. The mask is washed off with warm water 20 minutes after application.

Frequency of use: make bread masks every day.

Kefir masks for oily skin

In addition, kefir masks cleanse and refresh the skin, they also whiten it, make it elastic, nourish, moisturize, do not allow the face to dull and slow down aging. Peroxidized kefir is especially suitable for oily skin. You can make it so by leaving the fresh product for two days in a warm place.

You can simply apply kefir with several layers on your face, and after 15 minutes, wash off or prepare a mask from a large spoonful of olive oil, tea - lemon juice, 50 ml of kefir, 40 g of oatmeal and a pinch of salt. Flour and salt are added after thoroughly whipping kefir, juice and butter. Holding time is a quarter of an hour. The result is narrow pores, clean, smooth skin. Course - 12 procedures. The frequency is three times / week.


Despite the fact that all the masks presented are considered safe, be sure to carry out a test for the portability of the home remedies components before using them.


Watch the video: Priyanka Chopra's All-Natural, DIY Skin Secrets. Beauty Secrets. Vogue (July 2024).