Cheerful "zoo" against the common cold


One of the best ways to prevent and treat prolonged rhinitis, improve nasal breathing, eliminate nasal congestion and prevent sinusitis is breathing exercises. But how to convince the kid to do "boring" exercises? We must turn them into a game! Tell your child "how the animals breathe" and arrange a cheerful and healthy "zoo" at home!

We offer you a fun and useful game that you can play with your child anytime, anywhere!

How dy sews an elephant? He has such a long, long trunk, and he slowly inhales through it, and his mouth is small, and youhe breathes immediately. So, look!

We must show the child how we first inhale at a slow pace with a deep nose, then at a regular pace we exhale through the mouth. Repeat 5-6 times.

And how does a seal breathe? Like this! Inhales and then makes nose: "puff-puff-puff".

It is necessary to take a slow deep breath through the mouth, and then exhale the air through the nose in spurts, as if pushing it, in three steps. The exercise is performed at an average pace, at least 5 cycles.

Watch the hamster puff his cheeks! And so can you? First, he "sulks", and then slowly exhales through his lips. Let's try!

Mom shows how to take a deep breath through her nose, puffing her cheeks. Then, pressing on the cheeks with palms, slowly release the air through tight lips. Repeat the exercise 5-6 times, breathing in at a regular pace through the nose.

And monkeys, as usual, joke and play around! See how they play - inhale one nostril - exhale another!

Show the child how to alternately inhale one nostril, holding the other with his finger, and exhale through the second. Then change hands and breathe in the second nostril, and exhale first. Repeat 5-6 times the entire cycle.

The brown bear decided to sleep, put his paw on his nose, and breathes with one side of his nose, and then turns over, and breathes with the other. Let's try to breathe like a sleepy bear!

Tightly close your mouth with your palm, and one nostril with your finger. Inhale and exhale only free nostrils at a normal pace. Then, changing hands, close the other nostril, and breathe vacated at the same pace. Do 5-6 times.

Look who came to the zoo! Cow! She had never seen such strange beasts, and mumbles from surprise! Breathe in and say slowly, "Mmmm."!

To inhale with the mouth and on the exhale through the nose to clearly pronounce the sound "m-m-m" (the sound "m" must be pulled a little longer). This vibratory massage is very helpful for those who suffer from prolonged rhinitis and sinusitis, as it affects the sinuses.

The positive effect of respiratory gymnastics will strengthen the prevention and treatment of herbal medicines. With a prolonged rhinitis and sinus, doctors often prescribe herbal medicine Sinupret on the basis of 5 medicinal herbs. It eliminates swelling and inflammation, has an antiviral effect, and also prevents the development of complications after the "cold".

Breathe your nose freely and be healthy!


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