3 inspirational parting tips


The Internet is filled with various information on how to get married, where to find a future husband and how to become happy in marriage. But all this information, mainly calculated girls or still unmarried young women to thirty. In general, for those who have not yet burned in family relationships. But what about women who have a failed marriage, children, and, finally, low self-esteem? Agree to love a man and believe in a strong marriage for the first time is much easier than the second or even the third. But women's happiness is necessary for everyone, no matter what the experience behind them. So how can you erase memories and love as if you have never been hurt?

Do not dig much long in failure

Remember that we need black stripes in life so that after them white will soon come. And failures are another life lesson, having understood that you can move on. Therefore, analyze the latest events of your life, draw conclusions, and then carry out a general cleaning in your heart and make room for a new man, for new hopes and expectations.

If you have not completely “released” your former lover, believe me, the new young man will notice this. Imagine that the following relationship in your life is a home. He has his own architecture, his style, his builders. And you are trying to build it on the old foundation. Not only will the house be crooked and ugly, but also the likelihood that it will fall apart much more. Destroy everything to the ground, only then you will manage to build a new, strong and beautiful house, your dream house.

Chat only with happy women

If possible, try not to communicate with divorced unhappy women. In this state, they will drive you further into depression. The chance to build a new relationship in a similar company equals zero. Because, first of all, the feminist will be finally made of you. You must admit that not a single man will like a woman who is angry at the whole world and who hates the male sex with all her heart. And, secondly, remember that for the purpose of such a female group there is no desire to marry you off successfully. On the contrary, they will be jealous and jealous of your female happiness, not wanting to let go of themselves. So sort out your desires. If your goal is to once again grind the bones of the former, then do not change the company, but do not complain that you can not get married. If you want to forget about everything and build a new, clean and strong relationship, you only have to communicate with happy married women. It is they who will prove to you with their lives that all is not lost, that women's happiness exists and you deserve it like no one else.

Do not hide behind the children

For many women, a very weighty excuse: "I can not get married again, I need children." It is not true. You need children more than you need them. Just at first it’s scary to once again believe a man, once again love and rebuild a relationship. Here you are hiding behind children. Believe me, you are doing them a disservice. While you wait for the children to grow up, they themselves already forget how to love. You will be the one to blame the children for your best years. And even worse, you will not be able to enjoy the happiness of your daughter or son when they build a happy family. Children, in turn, will reproach themselves for your loneliness, but they cannot do anything about it. Remember, the worst thing for a child is to see how mom suffers and understand that nothing can be changed.

If you still love your children and are attached to them, and most importantly, you can not afford to enjoy life, do it for children. So you will not, as you think, selfish. And your child will thank you later for the fact that you didn’t put the burden of responsibility for the unfolding personal life on him. Remember, all children dream of having a happy mom.


Watch the video: "This is Not Goodbye" by Sidewalk Prophets Lyrics (June 2024).