Ukrainian singer Anastasia Prikhodko will sing for the Russian millionaire


Ukrainian singer Anastasia Prikhodko does not hide his anti-Russian views. In social networks, she quite offensively speaks about the policy of the President of Russia, and about the entire Russian people. In her country, Anastasia goes to military garrisons, speaking in front of the militants. However, yesterday an audio recording of the conversation of the director of the singer Oksana Kravchenko got into the Network, after listening to which you can draw completely unexpected conclusions.

Kravchenko, communicating with a representative of a certain organization, assured that Prikhodko was completely loyal to Russia, that her words were misinterpreted and embellished.

Moreover, Oksana said that for 20 thousand euros the singer is ready to speak at the millionaire’s corporate party, provided that the event is closed and no one knows that it was held in Russia. As a result, the parties agreed to hold a corporate event in Jurmala. According to the terms of the contract, the repertoire of Prikhodko should include Russian folk songs.


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