How to forget a loved one: the advice of a psychologist


Parting - an important emotional event for any person who sometimes hurts very badly and is extremely painful. However, even in parting there are pluses: after all, it was the parting that helped a huge number of people to become adult, wise, able to love, happy people.

Three steps to forget a loved one after breaking up

As you know, parting leaves a huge mark behind, from which there is no effective medicine. This is a difficult period when you need to overpower yourself and relive it.

To your attention are three simple steps that must be taken to forget a loved one after breaking up.

Step 1: Express your emotions. Cry if you want to cry, and scream if you want to scream. Beat the dishes, if necessary. Splash a negative. It is advisable to do it in private, but at the same time do not reject your loved ones, they sincerely want to help you. Insularity is a huge mistake, because of which the problems will not go anywhere. Do not complain to everyone about your sufferings, people are not interested. Choose one person close to you. Speak to him, pour out the soul and finally put an end.

Step 2: deliverance. Get rid of everything that reminds you of a former man. Photos, gifts, things - all this is painful and hard. It is difficult to get rid of even such reminders, but believe me, this is very effective!

Step 3: open new. Enter into your life new, positive emotions. Find a hobby, spend more time with friends, relax, have fun. Take care of your thoughts with new things. After all, when we are left alone with our thoughts, this is fraught with serious consequences, both physically and psychologically.

If you want to quickly forget your loved one after parting and live happily, but it does not work, start with yourself! Love yourself. Inspire yourself that you deserve the best, and the best, of course, ahead!

Tips for a psychologist to forget a loved one

It is quite difficult to survive parting, it may take a lot of time and mental strength, not every person is prepared for such a test. However, psychologists say that you can cope with this, especially if you follow a number of tips.

Tip 1: forget it. After parting, remove the person from your life. Accept your parting. Whatever psychologist you would contact with such a question, the first advice would be exactly that.

Tip 2: Break ties with your former lovers.It is best to eliminate all traces of the presence of a person in your life. First you need to remove the former lover from your contacts or add him to the blacklist on the Internet, block mail, Skype, and other means of communication.

Tip 3: Do not think about the past. If possible, do not think about what your former love is doing. You should not reflect not only on the past, but also on the present of this person. No need to be interested in his life and in every way try to learn something new about him.

You should be indifferent to the details of someone else’s life: in which and with whom your former partner is in a relationship with and what he is currently engaged in. Do not go on the pages in social networks under any circumstances. Having learned that your former half is doing well, you won’t get better from this. Take care first of all about your own well-being.

Tip 4: Do not blame yourself in parting. The fact that you will never be together is not your fault. What happened happened. Remember: analyzing your mistakes and behavior is fine, but you should be aware of these mistakes, and not reproach and blame yourself.

Find your own mistakes in order not to repeat them in the future, otherwise you may encounter them in a new relationship.

Tip 5: Do not be afraid. Loneliness is the worst enemy, but do not be afraid of him. Understand that another person will surely appear in your life, with whom the connection will be stronger at times. Do not try to speed up the process of finding a new partner, and understand that what’s gone is gone. No need to hold in your head that which is no longer there.

What can not be done after breaking up?

After parting, many make mistakes, which are then regretted. Some of them even lead to more negative consequences. After a break of a long relationship, it’s absolutely impossible:

  • "Pour" your grief with alcohol. From this sense and benefit will not, but there may be health problems and even develop addiction;
  • Trying to avoid problems by moving to another place. The best way to change the situation will be a trip to the long-awaited vacation;
  • Think negative about the former person. Do not waste your energy on these thoughts, because the negative takes away a lot of spiritual strength, which leads to additional stress.

How to forget the ex-boyfriend you love and see every day?

A number of effective ways to forget the beloved ex-man will help get rid of obsessive memories and thoughts about former love.

Method 1:take care of yourself!

Another very effective way is to find more classes, hobbies, household chores, do reports in the evening after work. This method is effective in all plans. Not only will you forget about your beloved, you will also move far up the career ladder. There are many examples where girls, after parting with their young people, have had an excellent career.

Method 3: Take care of yourself!

Nothing is so relaxing and does not carry away thoughts from problems, like spas, cosmetology, shopping. After all, after a relaxing massage session, thoughts of your beloved will not even come to mind. A new pair of shoes and a beautiful dress - the perfect way to escape.

Method 4: self-realization.

If once in childhood you dreamed of learning to draw, now take up paper and brushes in your hands and draw! Would you like to visit any exhibitions, theaters? Right now. Practice singing, go dancing, sign up for a pottery art club. Art and creativity is a worthy replacement for your problems!

Can magic help to forget a loved one?

Unhappy love can touch almost every person. Oddly enough, most people perceive parting very painfully, and can not for months, or even years, forget a loved one. Some continue to live in misery when others resort to unconventional methods.

There are many conspiracies on former partners, rites, and spells. Some girls who have resorted to magic claim that there are effective prayers and conspiracies that can help your problem.

The most effective prayer to forget a beloved man forever, is this:

"The forces are bright, the forces are good, get rid of grief and anger. My bitter love, vain hope, my selfless attachment - take it away. Freedom and happiness, peace impartial, I pray you, give in return.

Prayer can also help to forget a person to be forgotten forever.

Parting is not the end of your life. And if it seems to you that the lumen is not visible, and a cloud of sadness hangs over your head - do not get lost and do not despair! After all, this is only the beginning of a new happy life.


Watch the video: How to fix a broken heart. Guy Winch (July 2024).