7 useful sexual skills


Probably, the expression “get pleasure from sex” will seem somewhat strange to you. But isn't that what we do for that? Sex problems for many women arise when they live alone for some time, avoid contact, experience separation. The next attempt at a rapprochement makes them very nervous. Women worry that they are not good enough, that they do not have a beautiful body, and that they will not give pleasure to their partner. As a result, there is tension, the lady is not able to relax.

To be able to have sex and enjoy it - two different moments. What is needed in order to enjoy sex?

Be here and now

It means enjoying what is happening, not plunging inward, that is, not referring to an archive of memory storing all memories and sensations, not including imagination, not thinking about future plans. Women always have a lot of thoughts in their heads, both positive and negative. Psychologists believe that recalling pleasant moments in life is useful at a dentist’s visit, as it distracts from pain, but while in the bedroom with a loved one, you need to feel yourself in the present moment, concentrating on the present moment.

Focus on your feelings

To spoil the pleasant sensations can also be a distraction to extraneous sounds and images. If you pay a lot of attention to the image (if you look at your partner or think about how you look, what position to take), or focus on different sounds (bed creaking, cat meowing), then your feelings during sex will become much poorer. Focus on the sensations of your own body, and everything else will complement your enjoyment.

If possible, relax!

Try to get rid of the tension in your muscles. Immerse yourself in the world of your feelings. In the end, give yourself the opportunity to lose control! Try to loosen up next to someone you trust. Let your body, head, heart open up. Allow the body to be free. A relaxed body gives the partner a true pleasure. It moves in unison, catching the smallest subtleties.

Breathe freely

Do not focus on breathing, breathe freely, deeply and as often as possible. A body that is energized and moves simply needs oxygen. A large amount of oxygen switches the brain to a completely different state, the person becomes a little intoxicated.

"Turn off" the head

Try to silence your inner voice for a while. Express your appreciation to him and concentrate your thoughts on enhancing sensations.

Do not set yourself bans

Eliminate such concepts as "can not", "do not do that", "can not" and "must". You are with a person who simply cannot know what you are thinking about. A man acts gradually, literally by touch. He can not even imagine that you have a lot of restrictions and prohibitions. Ask yourself a series of questions:

1. What creates an obstacle?

2. Why don't they do that?

3. Why do you believe this?

4. And if that happens, what will happen?

5. Do you think badly of yourself in the future?

Stop torturing yourself. Feel confident, feel yourself in the present, have fun, enjoy your beloved man.


Watch the video: 7 Sex Positions You Should Master. Quickies (July 2024).