Bonn soup - proven recipes. How to properly and tasty cook Bonn Center.


Bonn Soup - General Cooking Principles

Bonn soup is not only a healthy first course, but also a whole nutritional system aimed at reducing weight and cleansing the body. The basis of cooking Bonn soup are raw vegetables: tomatoes, onions, carrots, cabbage, celery and bell peppers. All products are cut and boiled in water. The most important thing - you can not use meat, do roast or add other fats, because the diet on the Bonn soup is to eat only this low-calorie vitamin dish. In general, a full course of the diet is designed for seven days, during which you can eat only this soup. Over these days, the total weight loss ranges from 5 to 8 kg. It is possible and simple to arrange periodically fasting days on the Bonn soup.

So that the dish does not seem very fresh, garlic, bay leaves, any seasonings, spices and herbs are added to the soup. The use of salt is extremely undesirable, but if you do not want to eat an unsalted dish, you can add one pinch to the plate. Soup is also often served with fresh chopped herbs, tabasco sauce or chili. If you add ginger to the dish, the fat burning effect will be even more powerful, because ginger is known for normalizing metabolism and speeding up metabolism.

The basic ingredient of Bonn soup is cabbage, so it should be the most. The second most important is celery. Although in some recipes Bonn soup, this ingredient is not involved.

If you really want to go on a diet on the Bonn soup, and not just periodically prepare it for the purpose of healing the body, you should make sure that there are no contraindications to such a diet. You can not sit on the soup diet for those who suffer from disorders associated with the gastrointestinal tract.

Bonn soup - preparing food and dishes

For cooking Bonn soup will require a pan, a knife, a cutting board and a grater. All products must be thoroughly rinsed, dried and cut. From the cabbage should remove the top leaves and only then shred it. Stalks and seeds are removed from the peppers, the peppers can be cut in any way: cubes, strips, straws, etc. Tomatoes should be removed peel - for this they need to hold in boiling water, after making a cross-cut. Tomatoes are usually cut in small cubes. From the celery should be removed hard parts, the stems themselves are cut into small pieces. Finely chop all greens, and cut onions into thin half rings or small cubes. Serve Bonn soup in ordinary deep plates.

Bonn Soup Recipes:

Recipe 1: Bonn Soup

This vegetable soup is designed to diet, but not to limit yourself in the first courses. Usually, such a light soup is eaten for a whole week, you can also get a fasting day on Bonn soup.

Ingredients Required:

  • Tomatoes - a few;
  • Onions - 6 small heads;
  • 1 small cabbage;
  • Green peppers - 2 pieces;
  • Several celery stalks;
  • Water;
  • A pinch of salt and greens.

Cooking method:

Tomatoes cut into cubes, clean the onion and chop finely. We wash the cabbage, remove the top layer of leaves, chop the cabbage into thin strips. My peppers and cut in half, remove the seeds and stalk. Cut the peppers into thin strips. Celery stalks are washed, cut off the hard parts, the stems themselves are cut into small pieces. Put all the vegetables in the pot, pour water and set to cook. Over high heat vegetables should be boiled for about 10 minutes. Then reduce the heat and cook the soup until vegetables soften. Salt Bonn soup should be on the plate, and then - very little. Serve a dish with chopped herbs.

Recipe 2: Bonn Broccoli Soup

This Bonn soup is even healthier and tastier, thanks to broccoli cabbage. To slightly diversify the dish, you can add to the boiling water a couple of chicken or mushroom bouillon cubes.

Ingredients Required:

  • 2 liters of water;
  • 6 onions;
  • 1 fork white cabbage;
  • Few heads of broccoli;
  • 2 bell peppers;
  • 2 celery stalks;
  • A bunch of fresh parsley;
  • 6 fresh tomatoes;
  • 2 bouillon cubes (mushroom or chicken);
  • Salt, black pepper, curry and any other seasonings to taste;
  • A pair of garlic cloves.

Cooking method:

Onions shred small cubes. We pour the tomatoes with boiling water, remove the skin and cut into small slices. White cabbage finely shred. Broccoli my cabbage, disassembled into inflorescences. Wash pepper, cut, remove seeds, chop pepper in small cubes. Parsley finely chopped, with celery, cut off the hard parts and cut the stems into small pieces. We put all the ingredients in a small saucepan, pour water and put on the fire to cook. Cook over high heat for 10 minutes after boiling, then reduce the heat, add bouillon cubes and cook the soup until vegetables are ready. At the end of cooking, season the soup with salt, pepper, curry and any other spices. Serve Bonn soup with chopped parsley and minced garlic.

Recipe 3: Bonn Soup with Canned Green Peas

Another variation of the popular slimming dish. Green canned peas make the soup more satisfying, and the taste is delicate.

Ingredients Required:

  • 3 liters of water;
  • 1 fork white cabbage;
  • Broccoli;
  • 2 cans of canned green peas;
  • 2 bell peppers;
  • 1 onion;
  • 6 small carrots;
  • 4 tomatoes;
  • 2 celery stalks;
  • A bunch of fresh parsley;
  • 2 bouillon cubes;
  • Garlic;
  • A mixture of peppers;
  • Curry;
  • Tabasco sauce.

Cooking method:

Onions cut into thin half-rings, remove the skin from tomatoes and cut into slices. White cabbage coarsely shred. We sort broccoli into separate florets and wash them in running water. Cut the core and stalks from the peppers and cut the peppers into thin strips. Celery stalks are washed and finely chopped. Wash parsley and grind. Clean the carrots and grate them on a coarse grater. All the ingredients, with the exception of tomatoes and canned peas, put in a saucepan, pour water and set on fire. 5 minutes after boiling we lay out tomatoes, finely chopped garlic, greens and seasonings. With peas, drain the liquid and lay out in the soup. We throw a couple of bouillon cubes in the dish. Cook Bonn soup until cooked vegetables. When serving, you can add a little tabasco sauce to the plate.

Recipe 4: Bonn Ginger Soup

Ginger itself has excellent fat burning qualities, and in combination with Bonn soup it creates a powerful fat burning complex. The soup includes a standard set of vegetables and any spices to taste.

Ingredients Required:

  • 2 liters of water;
  • Ginger - 25 g;
  • Tomatoes - a few;
  • 300 g white cabbage;
  • 2 small carrots;
  • 2 celery stalks;
  • 30 grams of celery root;
  • 2 sweet peppers;
  • 3 onions;
  • A bunch of parsley;
  • Garlic;
  • Curry;
  • A mixture of peppers.

Cooking method:

Onions clean and shred small cubes. Cut the tomatoes into small slices, after removing the skin. Wash my cabbage and chop thin strips. With peppers, remove the seeds and cut into thin strips. Parsley and celery stalks finely chopped. Celery root and ginger rubbed on a medium grater. Wash carrots from dirt, clean and cut in small circles. Finely chop the garlic with a knife. We put onion, cabbage, peppers, parsley, celery, carrots and grated celery root in a saucepan. Fill all the ingredients with water and bring to a boil. 5 minutes after boiling add tomatoes, ginger, garlic, a mixture of peppers to taste and a little curry. Periodically check the carrots, as soon as it becomes soft - remove the pan from the heat. Soup should brew for 15 minutes, after which the dish can be served.

Recipe 5: Bonn Egg Soup

If you sit on some vegetables do not have enough restraint and strength, you can add some nourishing ingredient to Bonn soup. Let it be a chicken egg. The dish will become richer and more satisfying.

Ingredients Required:

  • 5-6 small bulbs;
  • Few tomatoes;
  • 2 celery stalks;
  • A small head of cabbage;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • Black and white pepper;
  • Curry;
  • Tabasco sauce.

Cooking method:

All vegetables thoroughly wash the cabbage shred, tomatoes cut into small cubes. Peel the onion and chop finely. From celery stalks we cut off the hard parts and finely cut. Clean the carrots and cut into thin circles. Put all the prepared ingredients in the pan, pour water and set to cook. After boiling, boil the vegetables for 8-10 minutes, then reduce the heat and cook the soup until all vegetables are cooked. At the end of cooking, add the curry, peppers and break the egg into the pan. Immediately mix and cook the soup for another 2-3 minutes. Serve with a small amount of tabasco or chili sauce.

Bonn soup - secrets and useful tips from the best chefs

To make Bonn soup really healthy and vitaminous, you should choose only the freshest vegetables. Do not use spoiled or lethargic products. If the soup is prepared for the purpose of losing weight, vegetable broth thickening with flour, sour cream, starch or cream is not allowed. It is not recommended to also passive vegetables - they should be immediately put to boil in water. If you just want to eat a fragrant vegetable soup without the purpose of losing weight, you can slightly extinguish the vegetables in olive oil. In the water itself, in which vegetables are boiled, you can throw a couple of bouillon cubes: chicken, mushroom or beef.


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