4½ holiday romance rules


What could be more romantic than to meet your ideal man on the Cote d'Azur surrounded by exotic and summer mood? ... A holiday romance is a cherished goal for many women. Away from the hustle and worries, you can “hunt” relish and enjoy this process. It is here that a woman can reveal herself from the unexpected side, plunge into the world of her desires and bold fantasies, feel free from problems and worries. And with a successful alignment of the stars, the resort romance can be turned into something more ... But is it all so serene?

Resort bachelors are often not so or simply perceive such relationships easily and playfully ... Resort flirting ends up with the holidays in 80% of cases, leaving only the sediment of conflicting memories. On the one hand, the bliss of romantic and exciting adventures, on the other hand, the understanding that you cannot enter this magical river a second time. And the higher the flight of passion, the more painful the experience of irrevocability. But this does not mean that a woman can not afford such an easy prank as a holiday romance.

There are several points that will help get maximum pleasure and minimum frustration from resort relationships:

  • Another life. Vacation is another dimension. In this perceived sharper, brighter. This is only a single episode in the history of your life. Therefore, leave all your installations and house rules. And in the briefcase of perceptions, put lightness and good mood. Be open to adventures, but do not transfer them to your normal life. You must clearly understand that resort life has a finale, and it is not at all the same as in ordinary fairy tales.
  • Time is pleasure. Resort beauties can be a lot. You should not pursue someone one, worry, nervous. Holidays are not for suffering. Give preference to those who like you. Remember, you are the queen here and choose you!
  • Easy conversations. Diving into the resort life, leave all the pressing problems and interests behind the door. Talking about politics, economic crisis and, especially, about the achievements of their children is unlikely to attract the attention of men to you. Literary innovations and creativity of Klimt are much more suitable for a glass of playful white wine. And do not try to find out all the details of the life of your interlocutor. Information may disappoint you, and not the fact that it will be true. Just enjoy the conversation.
  • The story of two. Often resort adventures become the favorite themes of hen parties and, as a result, the reason for the envy of her friends. If you do not want to make problems for yourself and become an object of gossip and misinterpretation, invent another fairy tale for your curious interlocutors.

There is a stereotype that the culmination of any holiday romance is insane sex in a hotel suite or on the beach. However, romantic relationships can be much richer and more exciting without intimacy. Walks, glances, casual touches and hints can give brighter and more pleasant memories. Exciting distance is more important than sex! You are free to flirt, flirt and bathe in male attention while remaining free, without overstepping certain boundaries. If, after all, it is a matter of intimacy, do not forget about the means of security. And do not expect that resort sex will lead you to the altar.

Victoria, 31 years old

Two years ago I was on vacation in Venice. I decided to go there alone: ​​the husband was always unhappy with something, the relationship was strained. Wanting to abstract from everyday life, I left the child to my mother and bought the tour for 14 days. I flew away, to be honest, with a heavy heart: for some reason I was sure that I couldn’t fully relax, I had a lot of thoughts in my head, there was a feeling of guilt about the fact that the child was not with me. In the queue for passport control talked with a man. He was over 40, moderately cute, interesting. It turned out that he, too, was flying alone. On the plane we sat across the chair, wanting to talk, he arranged with our common neighbor to change seats and sat down next to me. Communication was about everything and nothing. I tried not to touch my personal life, but he did not insist. Already in Venice, we got into one group, not knowing anyone, talked a lot, went to restaurants, he treated me very warmly, and I gradually disengaged from problems. About proximity was not the question. For some reason, it seemed like it was going to vulgarize. Two weeks flew unnoticed: sometimes I missed the child, or rather, I was worried about him, because it was the first time I had left him so long without my control. In Moscow, we said goodbye without exchanging contacts. I pretended to be in a hurry, waiting for me. I wanted to leave it in the memories. I did not need to continue this resort novel, which in many ways helped me to understand myself, to see what I really needed and to plunge into ordinary routine life with new forces.
