Doctors warn against using a mobile phone in the dark


According to doctors, using mobile devices in complete darkness is extremely dangerous for sight. So, one 26-year-old Chinese man, a lover of long nightly correspondence with his girlfriend via sms, got a retinal detachment and almost lost sight. The doctors were forced to urgently operate on a young man.

The retina is the most important photosensitive element in the eye, which is responsible for transmitting signals through the optic nerve to the human brain. Retinal detachment can be felt if there are sudden flashes of light in front of your eyes or any spots appear. This is typical for people after fifty years. However, due to the active use of mobile devices, retinal detachment occurs in young people.

The fact is that the screens of phones and tablets are very loaded eyes, which by their nature are used to distinguish three-dimensional objects. In mobile devices, however, only two-dimensional images are assumed.

Of course, not every person who uses mobile devices without interruption gets retinal detachment, this is still quite a serious disease. As a rule, myopia becomes the most particular consequence of such hobbies.


Cedar 06/05/2016
When I was in the family doctor, a routine inspection. So the oculist told me the same thing about gadgets.


Watch the video: Using smartphones in the dark can cause temporary blindness ++EMBARGOED++ (June 2024).