To be a weak or strong woman: the opinion of men


Woman has always been considered the weaker sex. It is believed that a beautiful half of the population should be weak. Then a woman has more chances to please a man and to legalize relations with him. But a survey conducted among male representatives showed that the well-established thesis is wrong. Men living with "weak" ladies are extremely dissatisfied with their family life.

Often the concept of "strong" is confused with authority. However, these are completely different definitions. With a powerful partner, whether male or female, it is really difficult to build a full-fledged personal relationship. And a strong person means independence: when he does not need constant “support” in order to do something or make the right decision.

Strong, which means an independent person solves any questions that arise. He is not afraid to go to the housing office to solve the communal issue; he will find something to occupy himself on Saturday evening; he knows how to refuse, if necessary, he will find a way to earn money for a car.

Weak woman is associated with lack of independence. This can be observed in many couples where the spouse is completely dependent on her husband.

One Russian psychologist conducted a survey among men to find out what annoys them in weak women and how their family life is going. Young people admitted that marriage with a weak lady takes away one and a half lives. They are forced to make decisions and cope with the arising difficulties, both for themselves and for her.

Go for help to the official, make an appointment with a lawyer, start her car for maintenance, stay at home because she is afraid of the arrival of a plumber. This list, if desired, can be expanded. With a weak woman, such situations occur constantly, and the man simply does not have time to fully solve his problems. And when there is a choice between the professional problem and the difficulties of the wife, the spouse has to make a choice in favor of the second half. And all because the weak lady has a habit of scandals or defiantly offended if her partner refuses to help.

Up to a certain point, this situation suits a man. But later he gets tired of the role of "real man" and family life begins to irritate him.

At heart, men dream of a strong, that is, an independent life partner. With such ladies partners achieve great heights. They have something to talk about, and they themselves can support the spouse in difficult moments.

And for women to be self more profitable. Even if she meets the man of her dreams, who will “release” her from all problems, including material ones, it is not known how long such a union will last. If the couple breaks up, a weak woman begins to complain that she has nowhere to go, and she does not know how to provide for herself.

Most men for long-term relationships are interested in self-sufficient and accomplished women who have a profession, a sober mind, a wise outlook on life and a decent experience.

Text: Svetlana Ahi


Watch the video: Men Prefer Less Intelligent Women, Study Says. The View (July 2024).