Bieber is in love with his wife, but still loves his former Selena Gomez


The love story of young popular pop singers Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez once attracted the attention of even those who do not follow their work. Since 2010, millions of people have watched the romance of these young almost teenagers since 2010. Fans, along with Selena, experienced a gap that resulted in a girl in depression and serious health problems, and did not know whether to rejoice or grieve when the couple resumed relations in 2015. But a new attempt quickly ended, after which Bieber's status as a bachelor ended abruptly. A few months after breaking up with Selena, he had already become a married man.

Selena and Justin

To break a girl’s heart and marry in such a pointed manner, by the way, to one of the “exes” - well, that’s too much. Result - Selena is again in the mental hospital, while Bieber gets used to the role of a family man.

Selena had already survived enough, not without the help of Bieber. She worked a lot with a psychologist and was recovering with the help of doctors. When it became known about Bieber’s engagement, Sel again began to experience nervous breakdowns and the girl needed treatment in a psychiatric hospital. This connection clearly shook her. Bieber is Selena's first big love and her first serious relationship. In addition, the girl she is vulnerable and romantic.

Therefore, at the hospital, on the recommendation of doctors, she stopped interacting with everything that hurt her - Selena did not answer calls from Bieber, who wanted to take an interest in her well-being, said goodbye to subscribers, deciding to abandon social networks that undermine her balance.

By the way, in the hospital she was supported by her "adult" girlfriend Jennifer Aniston, with whom they became friends 5 years ago.

Selena is important to spare herself. Not much time has passed since the kidney transplant operation - you must admit, a difficult operation for such a young girl. By the way, her close friend Francia Raisa gave her a kidney to her. Both girls, without exaggeration, risked their lives.
Selena and fans

Selena is a universal favorite and instagram champion in the number of subscribers among the stars. 150 million are subscribed to it! This means that on every advertising post she can potentially earn half a million dollars. After returning from the hospital, Selena still returned to her page.

Justin and Haley

Haley Baldwin was already among Bieber’s past fleeting novels, but having met last year on vacation, the young people decided to try again and all of this suddenly led to the wedding.

Haley - a famous model who was recognized as one of the most beautiful women in the world, Justin called the love of his life and so far did not give reason to doubt the sincerity of his feelings, sometimes showing them too openly.

This, of course, cannot but injure Selena. Actually, this is the only thing he can be blamed for.

On Thanksgiving, Justin emphasized that for the first time he marks such an important day in family status. And on April 1, the joker put a photo of an ultrasound scan. The couple began to congratulate on the future replenishment - it turned out to be a joke. But the appearance of Haley at MET GALA 2019 made me wonder if she was really pregnant. No, nobody noticed the tummy: she came in a chic pink dress, effectively emphasizing her perfect figure. But they say all evening stroking herself in the area of ​​the very tummy, as if hinting that he is important to her.

Justin was not present at the event, but a few days later the couple was "caught" on a date. Bieber decided to postpone his career and devote himself to his family, known for his statement of readiness to become a better father. Looks like he’s already ripe for offspring, and Haley? It is only known that her career is now on the rise, and the official wedding of the long-painted couple has once again been postponed and rescheduled for an unknown date.

Justin and jesus

Justin considers himself a believer, devoting entire albums and tours to Jesus, spends a lot of time with pastors and made a Christ tattoo on his leg. He claims that in connection with faith, he even abstained from intimacy for a year, exactly before the wedding with Haley (maybe that's why he was in such a hurry to formalize the relationship?).

He once said rather deep words for love for a young guy, the essence of which is that love is not a feeling, it is a choice. People came up with love and showed it in the movies, and everyone thinks that everything should be like in a fairy tale. However, all these are just emotions. First you feel about your girlfriend, then you decide to love her. This is something that I did not immediately understand. It would be wrong to rely on people in their decisions, you need to trust only Christ, which I do. If I trust him in all situations, then there will be success in all areas of my life.

Justin and Selena

Justin likes to upload photos of his wife to the network - in a simple home environment, as naturally as possible. A recent comment under one of these shots made Justin talk. The subscriber was skeptical of the photo, saying that all this, including marriage, was just to annoy Selena. Bieber replied that it was foolish to marry one woman in order to prove something to another. Bieber shamed the commentator and added words that instantly scattered across the internet with the headlines "Justin Loves Selena."

Bieber said: "I loved and love Selena. She will always be in my heart, but I am deeply in love with my wife. Meeting with Haley is the best thing that has ever happened to me."


Watch the video: Selena Gomez Reacts To Justin Bieber Saying He Loves Her (July 2024).