Leg pain indicates an early heart attack


Leg pain is one of the signs of an impending heart attack. Especially pain in the calf muscles that occur while walking or running indicates heart disease. According to the recommendations of doctors, if you experience pain associated with physical exertion, you should immediately consult a doctor. The Ministry of Health explains how symptoms are related to the heart and gives prevention tips.

How is a heart attack related to leg pain?

The dragging pain in the calf muscles or a sharp spasm in the leg is underestimated by both doctors and patients. However, symptoms are not always the result of excessive stress, but can also be signs of a heart attack.

Atherosclerosis is a blockage of blood vessels by calcium-cholesterol plaques. If the disease is observed in the legs, this is called "peripheral arterial occlusion disease."

In colloquial speech, the disease is called "intermittent claudication." Patients often do not take symptoms seriously.

Peripheral occlusion disease increases the risk of coronary heart disease (CHD). In the worst case, it can lead to myocardial infarction, and at best, to amputation of a limb.

It is necessary to carefully listen to body signals

Patients should be wary if pain occurs when walking and disappears when physical activity stops. The same applies to pain that occurs while lying down and disappears when standing up. Both forms of pain are a typical symptom of atherosclerosis.

Atherosclerosis affects the vessels of the limb relatively late compared with the vessels of the heart. Coronary vessels in such patients are often already 50% blocked by plaques. Over time, cardiovascular disease can lead to a heart attack. Therefore, patients should insist on examining not only the legs, but also the heart.

The most informative examinations are electrocardiography, echocardiography, and an electrocardiogram with exercise. If necessary, cardiac catheterization is recommended.

The costs of the procedures are covered by government health insurance funds. Self-diagnosis is categorically not recommended.

Smoking is the biggest risk factor.

Smoking - The most significant risk factor for vascular blockage. It has been proven that 80-90% of patients with peripheral arterial occlusion disease smoke.

The second most common cause is diabetes.

Less common causes are elevated cholesterol, hypertension, thrombosis and obesity.

The main preventive measure is the complete cessation of cigarette smoking. If you cannot get rid of a "bad" habit, it is recommended to reduce the number of cigarettes consumed daily.

The disease is often noticed too late.

Most patients notice signs of clogging of peripheral vascular plaques only at a late stage of the disease.

The disease proceeds in 4 stages. At the first stage, the patient does not notice a narrowing of the arteries. For the second phase - intermittent claudication - characterized by spastic pain in the calves, hips and buttocks.

As the disease progresses, pain occurs not only during walking, but also in a sitting or lying position.

At the last stage of the disease, non-healing wounds are formed due to lack of blood flow.

Already at an early stage it is recommended to consult a doctor. In the best case, a pathological condition can even lead to amputation of the leg, and in the worst, to a heart attack.

Healthy diet is the key to healthy legs

After a diagnosis of arteriosclerosis, measures must be taken to improve blood circulation and reduce the risk of a heart attack. The earlier treatment is started, the more effective it is to prevent the progression of the disease.

Drugs such as aspirin also help, which dilutes the blood and can prevent clogging of blood vessels due to platelet clumping.

Even with proper nutrition and weight loss with obesity, it is possible to prevent further deposition of blood vessels.

The Ministry of Health recommends regular exercise and eat more fish, fruits and vegetables.

The Mediterranean diet includes a lot of vegetables, fruits and healthy fats, which makes it ideal for preventing disease.

Smokers must abandon a bad habit.


Watch the video: Heart Failure Warning Signs and Symptoms (July 2024).