Student signs and superstitions: during the session, all means are good!


Students all over the world are very sensitive to superstitions and beliefs, because in some cases only a miracle and otherworldly forces help to successfully pass exams and tests. Some signs are quite simple, but others resemble real rituals. Even the most skeptical students, well prepared for the session, do not forget to spit over their left shoulder and knock on the tree, because all signs have been tested by life.

Exam Preparation - A Responsible Process

 In 90% of cases, students begin to prepare for the delivery of the subject a couple of days before the decisive date. In addition to constant reading and cramming, you can hedge against proven methods that attract good luck.

So, studying the notes and textbooks, you can not leave notebooks and books open, even if they were away for a few minutes. "Read - close the compendium!" - This holy rule will help knowledge not to disappear from the head.

While reading, it is not recommended to chew something, to leave a working TV or music center in the background. These signs have a completely scientific explanation: the brain is distracted by extraneous information and worse memorizes educational material.

For those who are waiting for an exam or a test in the coming days, in no case should they take out the trash and throw away things. Cleaning can wait, the main thing is not to frighten away the fortune.

Appearance is the key to success

How to go to the exam to pass it on the desired grade? According to student signs, on this day you do not need to dress too brightly and defiantly and put on new clothes. It is better to take it in the clothes that have already been repeatedly checked by the received good marks. And beautiful outfits can be reserved for another reason, for example, for a holiday at the end of the session.

By the way, one of the worst superstitions is to celebrate a session ahead of schedule, without completely passing all the offsets and not closing the tails.

It’s better to be patient and wait until all lines are filled in the record. Interestingly, in some universities, parties for passing exams turn into real shows. For example, for luck to follow in the next semester, everyone must move up the stairs, sitting in a basin! The main thing is that during this process there should be a "safety group" nearby, which will support an unusual "transport" during its rapid movement along the steps.

Another of the most popular signs that relate to clothes and shoes is the patch in the boot. The coin should be put under the left heel and not pulled out until the end of the exam.

Good luck!

On the way to the institute, you can perform several simple actions that can attract good luck. So, leaving the house, you need to close the door as quietly as possible; the same goes for the door to the audience: when entering, you cannot slam it loudly.

Walking along the street, it is important to bypass all the sewer manholes and not step on them.

A bad omen - if a student stumbled along the way, you can’t expect a good mark on this day.

True, this belief has an “antidote” - you need to go back and touch the object with your hand, even if it is a stone or a hummock.

It is believed that the left side is happy for the student. You need to get out of bed with your left foot, open the doors with your left hand, and take an examination ticket with your left hand too. By the way, a good omen is to hold onto the edge of the teaching desk while choosing a ticket. It is desirable that the table was wooden, then luck will smile, and the questions will come across light and simple.

In the name of a great result!

The main subject for each student is his gradebook. Many superstitions are also associated with her. It is impossible for water to fall on it, this is a bad sign. It is also not recommended to show the student’s record before the end of the session to anyone other than the teacher.

An interesting ritual is to draw with a simple pencil in the set-off a small house, with a window and a chimney, from which smoke must necessarily come.

Smoke symbolizes well-being, so a student can safely count on success.

To pass the exam well, you can hold on to a student who has already left the audience with a good grade. The main thing is not to frighten a friend with surprise, but to warn and ask if he is against.

During the exam, the actions of the teacher can also play an important role. So, if the teacher went to the window and opened the window, it’s good, if, on the contrary, he closed it, it’s a bad omen, and you need to prepare for the answer more carefully.

With the world - as you can see, the five in the set-off

All students are similar to each other, regardless of the country in which they live.

For example, the main superstition for Chinese students is not to wear green-colored clothing for the exam. But red shades can attract good luck, so during the session at the universities red is often found.

Well-known English sign with flowers. Going to the test, students insert cloves (white, pink or red) into the lapel of the jacket. If a good mark appears in the set-off, then the sign has worked, and in order not to frighten the fortune, friends should throw lucky garbage (most often, this is just crumpled paper). Strange, but the method works - tested for decades.

The craziest ritual for successful study is in America. Senior students give their junior students their lectures and notes. For this, the lucky ones must draw circles around their eyes - this symbolizes the headlights of the car. After this, the first-year student puts an older comrade on his back and "carries" him along the corridor. It is enough to make one “flight” for the ritual to be considered performed. It is said that after this rite the student will definitely wait only for good grades in the set-off.

No matter how strange and incomprehensible student signs and superstitions are, the main thing is that they really work. Especially as an aid, while the main, win-win secret of success is to learn the material. If you study the tickets, even a black cat or a woman with an empty bucket will not be scary!


Watch the video: Strange Fire Q&A, Part 1 Selected Scriptures (July 2024).