Combined winter carpet cleaning


The onset of a snowy winter is a real joy not only for children, but also for all zealous housewives. At this time of year, each of us has a great opportunity to closely engage in general cleaning inside cabinets, on shelves in cabinets or in the kitchen. In addition, snowy weather creates ideal conditions for cleaning carpets, which are nurseries of dust and dirt.

In the absence of proper carpet care, their attractive exterior is lost and the vacuum cleaner is not able to cope with elementary cleaning at 100%. Basic hygiene rules require general cleaning of carpets at least 2 times a year:

  • In winter - for cleaning from dust on the snow;
  • In summer - to remove heavy contaminants with abundant use of water and detergents;

Necessity and importance of the procedure

To maintain perfect cleanliness and freshness in the house, special attention is paid to carpets and other removable flooring.

Cleaning in winter does not cause significant difficulties when performing a range of works in the fresh air. You can attract even the smallest to such an interesting occupation and useful work.

The importance of winter cleaning is justified by the possibility of snow treatment, which will allow:

  1. restore purity;
  2. eliminate odors;
  3. to prevent the development of ticks and the settlement of harmful microorganisms in the tissue of the product.

The additional use of chemicals in the room allows you to consolidate the effect and eliminate cementing of dusty particles inside the carpet.

Features of cleaning

The combined method of cleaning involves the use of the following rules when working with carpet:

  • soft and loose freshly fallen snow without a crust is able to rid the decorative coating from dust, which will avoid getting wet textile material;
  • choose sites without slags and gas emissions, preferably in an ecologically clean area;
  • pre-vacuum the carpet or knock it out, this will get rid of visible dirt;
  • leaving the textile product in the cold, you can be sure to eliminate microorganisms from it;
  • when processing massive products, do not refuse the help of a friendly company by rationally distributing sites;
  • a rubber knocker or an electric brush will speed up the process;
  • to achieve the best result, the snow cleaning procedure should be repeated in several approaches;
  • in the presence of a long pile and in order to avoid injury to the material with a knockout, it is necessary to use a layer of terry towels, which periodically changes due to its contamination;
  • use detergents and cleaning agents after snowing at home.

First stage of cleaning

The most important condition for work is abundant snow, good company and good mood. To achieve maximum effect, minor preparatory work is required - the carpet is knocked out. The main task - after removing significant reserves of dust from a textile product in the fresh air, it is necessary to proceed to wet cleaning using chemicals.

The sequence of operations looks like this:

  1. the product is placed on the unprinted area with the wrong side up;
  2. evenly and generously sprinkle the surface with fluffy snow;
  3. with active movements they knock a rug;
  4. sweep away the remains of compressed snow with a broom;
  5. the carpet is moved to a new area and the procedure 1-4 is repeated until the snow under the carpet remains clean;
  6. after that we turn the carpet over and repeat procedures 1-4 with the front surface, but instead of a broom, it is better to use a brush with elastic bristles for shaking.

Second stage of work

After that, the carpet is brought into the house, not allowing it to dry, and they begin to perform wet cleaning. Despite the fact that it is difficult to do this at home and in the absence of intensive drying conditions, wet cleaning will fix the cleanliness result.

As cleaning and detergents, both household chemicals and folk remedies can be used. Noteworthy are such budget stain removers as Vanish and Cinderella.

To get rid of stubborn stains will help such funds that are always at hand:

  • water solution of laundry soap and vinegar / lemon juice and vinegar - from chocolate and fruit stains;
  • soap solution in combination with a dishwashing detergent and a spoonful of vinegar will allow forget about stains from drinks;
  • moisten problem areas and get rid from fat kerosene, gasoline, ammonia solution will help;
  • applying ice to glued with pile plasticine, you can crumble it, and greasy spots clean with the tool recommended above.

If there are significant contaminants, it is advisable to repeat the snow treatment after wet cleaning. This is especially true in the absence of a washing vacuum cleaner, because with the help of snow you can get rid of foam, and abrasive particles of snow intensify the stain removal procedure.

After these procedures, the textile product must be left on the street for some time to ventilate the product and refresh its smell. Such a general cleaning gives excellent results with minimal cash costs, but it will require efforts from the hostess and will force you to find time in your tight schedule.


Watch the video: Carpet Cleaning Marketing: Beat the Slow Winter (June 2024).