The cat in the house: signs and superstitions


Cats from ancient times live side by side with humans. These animals are often credited with magical properties, it is assumed that cats are connected with the other world, can see spirits, brownies and other entities.

Another cat is considered a pet in witches, and it is black.

There are many signs and superstitions associated with these animals. In more detail, we will consider related to the living of a cat in the house, which promises such a neighborhood to a person.

Mystery of the cat's eye

Cat's eyes attract, bewitch, seem mysterious. Cats can notice something more than is accessible to humans. A deep and steady gaze always conceals a deep meaning. It is not in vain that a cat is accepted to be allowed into a new house first. Let's see why?

If the pet stares intently at the same place - perhaps there is an accumulation of negative energy.

When a cat stares for a long time and is noticeably nervousShe is clearly following something. She can see brownie or evil spirits. In this case, the cat can make friends with the house, play with him and caress, but she drives away evil spirits, gives peace to the owners. That is why before the cat was always allowed into the house first, now, unfortunately, this ritual is being observed less and less.

There is another sign related to the cat’s gaze - you can not look into her eyes for a long time.

If you peer into the eyes of a cat for some time, you can start the process of exhausting energy from a person. You may feel tired, apathy, sadness. A long exchange of eyes with a cat usually does not bode well. It’s better not to.

Cat language

A lot of beliefs are associated with the behavior of a cat in the house. This knowledge was accumulated by our ancestors and preserved to this day.

It is worth listening to the signs emanating from the behavior of your pet:

  • If a cat sneezed next to a young girl or a cat, this is a good sign, you can count on a fast wedding. In this case, the narrowed one will come across complaisant and loving.
  • However, there is one more sign - cat or cat sneezed three times next to the owner, expect bad weather and possible disease.
  • If a the pet began to lick against the coat - the weather will turn bad, and it will not be an ordinary rain, but a real downpour.
  • The cat lies down and sleeps upside down, then warming will come soon, the sun will appear.
  • The animal often lies on a person, and in a certain place. Do not drive away, negative energy is taken from you. Try to wait until the animal itself leaves you.
  • It is very important that the cat makes friends with the brownie, otherwise the animal can run away or get sick and die. They used to believe that it is better to take cats of the same color as the hair of the owner.
  • If a cat or cat escaped from your home, they distracted you from inevitable disaster.
  • Is a cat nailed to your house? This is a good sign, good luck and prosperity will come to you soon. Do not drive the cat, take it to your accommodation. In the old days, it was believed that the souls of a dead relative came to protect the house.
  • Anyone who harmed an animal or even killed him will not see happiness and peace for seven years.
  • If the cat is washing for a long time - wait for the arrival of guests.
  • When the pet curls in a dream in a ball, covering its muzzle with its paws, soon there will be a cooling, in winter - frosts are approaching.
  • If a your cat killed a dove, soon you will get bad news.
  • Do not allow the animal to lie on the dining table. So a cat can survive someone from home.

These are superstitions and signs. In fact, there are many more, the most famous and verified are mentioned. They relate specifically to the behavior of pets.

Color contrasts

Many signs are also associated with the coat color of cats. You can endlessly talk about the beauty of a cat's fur coat, admire the soft fur. We will look at superstitions related to the color of a cat.

Black color

A black cat often personifies beauty, mysticism, gives the animal a certain mystery. No wonder witches have cats always black. And when we see a black cat crossing the road, we spit over the left shoulder from the evil eye. People believe that the appearance of a black cat or cat in a house promises only trouble and misfortune.

However, there is a belief, the black cat repels thieves with its presence.

Ginger colour

Most often, red cats and cats are associated with material well-being in the house, well-being. It is believed that such pets can really heal their master, come to a sick person and stay close for a long time.

Red cats - family comfort, happiness, warmth of your home. If you don’t have enough harmony in the house, get a red cat or cat. For unmarried young girls, redheads attract the narrowed one.

If you picked up from the street or took a red cat from the shelter, you took luck with you. It is also believed that ginger pets best remove the evil eye, spoilage and bad intentions towards the owners.

White color

The white animal also heals, gives positive energy, and has a positive effect on humans. Snow-white pets attract good luck in all matters. We can say that white cats and cats are, in a way, amulets in the house.

If a white cat often lies on a person, and at the same time on a specific place - check your health, the animal felt a weak spot.

Grey colour

Gray cats and cats perfectly protect the owners and family members and the negative magical effects. They may show their dislike for people who come to your house with evil intentions.

Gray pets are talismans that help to overcome financial difficulties.

Three-colored handsome

It is believed that tricolor cats and cats get along best with brownies, have a special connection with them. Such pets bring good luck and prosperity to the house.

Also, a tricolor cat attracts a narrowed or narrowed, when for a long time you can not find your soul mate.

Not one bad omen is associated with this color.

Loss or gain of an animal

Signs are also associated with the arrival or departure of cats. Everyone knows that cats love walking, can disappear for several days, and then return.

It happens that the pet is gone forever. One of the beliefs is the belief that the animal took the trouble away from its owners. Cats take away a strong negative and go away from home.

There is a sign if the animal leaves, it seems to make room for a new family member. For example, it can be an acquaintance with a future spouse or spouse, the birth of a child.

Cat grooming may be associated with another phenomenon. For example, you moved to a new house, the pet was not able to make friends with the brownies.

It happens that a cat or cat is nailed to the house. This is a good sign, they send you a defender. This works especially noticeably when the family has long had hardships and problems. Higher powers help; take the animal to you.

If the animal disappeared, it did not return for a very long time, and then it turned out to be at the threshold of the house is a bad sign. This bodes only bad, until the death of someone in the family.

It is up to us to decide whether to believe in omens or not. In any case, caring for the animal, custody, help leaves only a good mark. Caring for the weaker always helps to find peace and peace of mind. Moreover, cats give love a hundredfold, sometimes they are very faithful and grateful.


Watch the video: Spiritual - Lucky and unlucky omens What birds and animals tell us (July 2024).