Folk remedies to increase potency: "grandfather" secrets. Preparation and use of folk remedies for potency


I wonder how three hundred years ago men coped. Indeed, at all times the problem of "male impotence" was, is and, unfortunately, will be. Frequent stresses, malnutrition, abuse of bad habits are the main causes of problems on the sexual front in modern men. There are many pharmacy drugs, dietary supplements that are designed to cope with the problem, but not all of them are safe for the body and can cause complications. How to replace "Viagra"?

Ginseng root remedy

One of the most powerful sex drive stimulants is ginseng. For the preparation of homemade Viagra, only the root is used, which contains active ingredients that can affect male power. It is recommended to use tinctures or aromatic tea, which abound in beneficial qualities.

Preparation of folk remedies to increase potency:

1. Grind the peeled and well-washed root (20 gr.).

2. Heat honey (400 ml) in a steam bath.

3. Pour vegetable raw materials with warm honey, mix well.

4. Leave for a week, during which time mix the composition several times.

It is recommended to take the prepared infusion three times a day. Dosage - 20 gr. It is forbidden to experiment, increase the number of doses or a portion of home medicine - abuse of the recommendations of alternative medicine can lead to undesirable consequences.

The use of ginseng and honey infusion has one contraindication. If the body reacts negatively to bee products, it is better to refuse to take it.

Ginseng drink is safer, although slightly inferior to the effect of the infusion. It’s easy to prepare a liquid useful for potency - chop the root (25 gr.) Into a small slurry and brew boiling water (300 ml). Divided into two parts, drink one of them in the morning, the second - before going to bed.

Thyme infusion - an effective folk remedy to increase potency

Thyme is an inconspicuous weed with many useful qualities, most of them are usually aimed at combating male problems. Increased potency, the active production of testosterone, an improvement in general health, and the prevention of prostatitis are part of the properties that have made the plant famous.

Preparation of infusion:

1. Mash it with your hands, turn the dried flowers of a plant into small gruel (20 g.).

2. Brew herbal crumbs with boiling water (230 ml).

3. Insist half an hour, to increase the concentration of nutrients, wrap with a towel.

4. Strain, refrigerate after cooling.

Drink a prepared drink throughout the day. The recommended dosage for one dose is only 20 ml. The duration of treatment with infusion is six months, although the results will be noticeable in just a few weeks.

"Hoppy" drink - an effective tool to increase potency

Hop cones are a plant raw material that is used to be used only for making beer, not even suspecting that a drink from this component has many useful qualities. One of them is to increase sexuality, restore masculine strength, and cause an increased attraction to a partner. Some men argue that regular use of the drink not only improves sexual ability, but also prolongs the sexual act. Is this so, you can find out in one way - to undergo treatment with a "hoppy" drink.


1. Rinse under running water 25 gr. hop cones, dry a little on a napkin.

2. Use a sharp knife to chop vegetable raw materials.

3. Bring water to a boil (240 ml), pour the hop gruel.

4. Put the container on the stove, simmer, having closed the lid, on low heat for a quarter of an hour.

5. Insist half an hour.

Drink the drink twice a day. Dosage - 110 ml. It is advisable to use a folk remedy to increase potency to spend before a meal - a hearty breakfast or lunch can reduce the effectiveness of home remedies. The duration of the course is one and a half months. If necessary, after a break (1-2 months) continue taking.

Honey for the return of male power: the best remedy

On the basis of honey, alternative medicine suggests preparing a lot of folk remedies to increase potency. The bee production product contains a lot of useful substances that restore male power. The only caveat - honey is considered one of the most aggressive allergens, therefore, after using infusions or balms, it is recommended to carefully monitor the sensations.

Cooking balm with walnuts:

1. Chop the kernels of nuts into slurry.

2. In a water bath, heat the honey.

3. Mix both components in equal proportions.

4. Stir, send stored in a tightly closed container in the refrigerator.

Take the prepared balm twice a day. The dosage recommended for one dose is only 20 grams. Do not drink with water - the product has a pleasant taste. The course necessary to increase male strength is only a month. Take a break (2 weeks), continue to use the balm.

Infusion with wine, aloe juice

If there are no prohibitions on the use of alcohol, it is recommended to resort to the use of products based on wine and squeezed from aloe juice. There is a little trick in using the “home doctor” - the highest concentration of useful components is observed in pre-plucked leaves. Wrap them tightly in polyethylene, send for 3 days to a cold place.


1. Squeeze the juice from the dried leaves (you need 30 ml of liquid).

2. Mix red wine (500 ml) and quality honey without sugar grains (200 gr.).

3. Send a mixture of honey and wine to a steam bath, mix until smooth.

4. Remove, pour in the prepared juice, mix again.

Store the product only in the refrigerator. Take in the evening, just before going to bed. Dosage - 30 ml. The duration of the course is 3 months.

Parsnip broth - a safe and effective home remedy

For allergies to honey or restrictions on alcohol, it is recommended to use a parsnip decoction to increase potency. A home remedy has no prohibitions, does not cause alarming signals of the body in the form of irritation, returns activity in bed in just a few weeks.


1. Grind pre-washed root crops of parsnip (100 gr.).

2. Mix the plant mass with sugar (120 g.).

3. Pour the prepared slurry with warm water (450 ml).

4. Boil, avoiding noisy boiling, a quarter of an hour, no need to stir.

5. Insist on at least 7 hours.

Drink a parsnip decoction three times a day, 20 ml each. Combine with other folk remedies to increase potency is not recommended.

Sexual stimulator based on white wine

White wine is another component that is actively used in home remedies that increase sexuality. The effect occurs immediately after use, so regular doses are not required - it is recommended to drink the liquid a quarter of an hour before sexual contact.


1. Squeeze the juice from oranges (to prepare the product you will need 240 ml of juice).

2. In the juice of orange squeeze the liquid from 6 slices of lemon.

3. Chop the fresh leaves of mint (15 gr.), Add to the juice from citrus fruits.

4. Add cardamom (10 g), cinnamon and clove umbrellas (7 g each) to the mixture.

5. Pour in honey (25 gr.), Mix the mass.

6. Pour the prepared mixture with a liter of wine.

7. Put the mass on fire, warm up, not allowing boiling.

8. Insist in the refrigerator for 3-4 days.

To drink before the most sexual contact. The dosage of the stimulator for one time is 100 ml. Drinking, adding additional components, exceeding the amount of the drink is not recommended. It is also not worth it to abuse the remedy - it is better not to take the drink without the need.

The use of folk remedies to increase potency will help to cope with the problem no worse than taking expensive pharmacy drugs. The only thing that should not be forgotten - everything should be in moderation, it is better not to combine several home medicines at once, strictly adhere to the formulation, and not engage in hazardous experiments. Following the requirements of alternative medicine will allow you to quickly feel the effect - in bed after taking simple drinks or balms, a man will be capable of feats that will certainly delight his partner.


Watch the video: Foods That Increase Blood Flow & Increase Libido (July 2024).