When is it better to transplant peonies? Planting a peony in a new place and proper care of the bush after transplantation


Peonies in one place can grow for many years, but sooner or later, gardeners face the question of transplanting bushes. At first glance, this is a troublesome business, but in practice, everything is different. You just need to remember the timing and choose the right transplant method.

Suitable time for transplanting peonies

Experts recommend replanting peonies in the fall when they are at rest. But sometimes it becomes necessary to transplant plants in spring or summer. There are some nuances here.

Features of peony transplant in spring

In early spring, peonies are transplanted with a whole bush, they are not involved in division during this period. Plant survival is good, since there are a lot of suction roots on the roots. But success depends not only on this - it is important to constantly maintain the soil in a wet state. Well, if the weather is damp, but in a dry spring you have to regularly water the plantings.

You need to start transplanting when the snow has completely disappeared from the flower bed, but the bushes have not yet begun to grow. The soil in a new place is prepared in advance: it is loosened, fertilized with sand, humus, compost.

Important! Fresh manure cannot be used.

Transplant Instructions:

1. The old bush is completely dug out of the ground, trying to save a lump.

2. Planting pit abundantly watered, establish a peony bush and sprinkle it with earth.

3. The soil is compacted, watered and mulched with organic matter.

If mineral fertilizers were introduced into the planting pit, then they must be mixed with the ground. Peony roots are fragile, they can burn.

Peony Planting Tips in the Summer

The best time for transplanting peonies in the summer is the month of August. The heat is not so strong anymore, the bushes will more easily tolerate the procedure and adapt to a new place.

A landing pit for a summer transplant is prepared in six months. It should correspond to the size of the root system, its width is not less than 50 cm, and its depth is about 80 cm. The bottom of the pit is well drained, half filled with compost or humus, watered abundantly and left until the end of summer. By the time of planting, the earth will completely settle, and the roots will not be bare after watering.

In August, the old bush of peonies is dug up, divided into parts, thinned out. New delenki should have at least 6 kidneys each. Before planting, delenki are washed under running water and kept in a solution of potassium permanganate.

Important! If the root needs to be divided with a knife, then the tool is disinfected in advance.

During planting, the roots are buried 5 cm into the ground, after which they are sprinkled with fertile soil and watered. Planting depth is very important, otherwise the plant will refuse to bloom. In the future, peony is looked after as usual.

How to transplant peonies in the fall

Peonies transplanted in the fall will bloom next spring. During the winter, the bush will rest, gain strength. A transplant is planned on warm days, when two weeks before the expected frosts. This is the period needed to root the bushes in a new place.

In each region, the timing of the transplant varies. In the Urals and Siberia, time is set off from mid-August to mid-September. In the suburbs and the middle lane, landing must be completed before September 25. In the south of the country, the procedure can be extended until the end of the month.

Autumn transplant instructions:

1. Prepare a pit measuring 40 x 50 cm and a depth of at least 20 cm.

2. Cut the old shoots to a height of 15 cm.

3. Dig a bush with a pitchfork so as not to damage the roots.

4. Remove rotten or dry sections of roots, if necessary, divide into parts.

5. Plant the plant in a new place, deepening the buds by 7 cm. A deeper planting will lead to rotting of the roots.

For planting, use a mixture of fertile soil with mineral fertilizers or humus.

Peony transplant instructions to bloom

In order for the newly transplanted bush to bloom, you need to plant it correctly. First, choose a place where the peony will be grown. It should be a well-lit, dry area without drafts. It is good if the sun falls on it in the morning, and in the midday heat the bush will be in partial shade. This will extend the flowering period. The eastern side of the site is best suited.

Important! Peonies are planted away from trees or shrubs, as they block the plant with their shade. The full development of the bush will be disrupted, there is no question of flowering.

Peonies develop well only in loose, loamy soil. In heavy soil they grow poorly. The depth of rooting depends on the land on the site. If the soil is heavy, then the delenka is buried only by 3-5 cm. On light soils, the depth of incorporation is increased to 7 cm. With a deeper planting, the peonies will not bloom.

During the transplantation of peonies, you need to properly plan the flower bed. The distance between the bushes for low-growing varieties is about 80 cm, for others up to 110 cm. Tree peonies are planted at a distance of 1.5 m.

Peony care after transplantation

The next year after transplanting, experienced gardeners recommend picking buds so that the bushes grow stronger. Then in the next season, flowering will be plentiful.

After the autumn transplant, the bushes are mulched with a thick layer of humus to prepare peonies for winter. If this is not done, then the roots may die. In spring, the soil under the bushes is loosened.

When caring for peonies, do not forget about pruning the shoots. Many gardeners do it wrong. Cut shoots in late autumn, from mid-October to early November. Two weeks later, the bushes are fed with phosphorus and potassium.

Important! An earlier pruning of shoots weakens the bush; it does not tolerate winter well.

During the pruning of the bush, the shoots are cut completely at the level with the soil. If there is no rain during this period, then the soil around is watered abundantly. Places of cuts are treated with a solution of potassium permanganate. All plant debris is removed from the flowerbed and burned, they can cause diseases.

Peonies are unpretentious flowers that are easy to grow. If you follow all the instructions, then abundant flowering is guaranteed every year.


Watch the video: How To Transplant Peonies (July 2024).