The meaning of the name Alexander: character and fate. The origin and history of the name of Alexander


The name Alexander is one of the most common and beautiful. What does it mean, what qualities gives a person and what promises?

What does the name Alexander mean: history of origin

Young parents, before calling a newborn child, often think about what the name Alexander means. This name has an ancient Greek origin. And it was formed as a result of the merger of the two Greek names “Alex” and “Andros”. And in translation it means “protector”, or “protecting man”. This name can often be found in the mythology of ancient Greece. It spread after the reign of the great Alexander of Macedon, who was an excellent commander and a man of genius, dreaming of uniting the empire. This noble name was among many Russian emperors, poets, artists, architects. From then until now, it has been popular.

Men so named, the meaning of the name Alexander, promises strong will and character. And strong qualities will make young guys confident strategists, assertive and reasonable leaders. For Alexandrov, the family will always be the most valuable, and they will devote the most attention to parents, children and the closest people. They hate traitors, even if they were honest with them for the time being.

The history and origin of the name Alexander has another version about which there are disagreements. There is an opinion about the connection with the Turkic Iskander, which when translated means “winner”. Opponents of this version argue the opposite and adhere to a direct relationship with Greece. In any case, history testifies that the bearers of this name have a clear mind, strong and strong-willed character. The list of such famous people is huge, and saints can count at least one hundred people. Previously, only rich and noble people could call this name. Some time passed, and the name Alexander began to be given to ordinary people from the category of artisans and peasants.

Alexander: patron saints

This name is found among Orthodox, Catholics and Jews. And in every country it sounds in its own way. The famous patron of men is Alexander of Constantinople. He was born in Asia and studied in Constantinople, but after some time he decided to leave the world and take tonsure in the cloisters of Syria. A few years later he retired to the wilderness and took with him only the gospel. There he spent seven long years in wanderings, then the Lord called him to preach to the Gentiles.

Alexander of Constantinople erected a monastery, which had the name "indestructible", as his followers constantly prayed without interruption. For about twenty years, Alexander was at the head of the monastery, after which he went to wander and preach to the Gentiles. He lived a very long time and accomplished many feats. Besides him, there are many more saints who bear this name. Name days are better to choose closer to your birthday.

The nature and fate of Alexander

Alexander has many positive qualities: independence, perseverance, heroism, determination, perseverance, nobility, honesty, a sharp mind, courage. Sasha always tries to be honest and cheerful, has sincerity and nobility. Alexander is destined to lead and be a leader. If you give him the right material in childhood to shape his personality, a genius can grow out of him. He can perform almost any task and achieves his goals by any means. And thanks to his vivid imagination, he can justify any of his misconduct and blunder.

If we consider the negative traits, then this name gives conflict, mood swings, power, superiority, resentment. Sasha will justify himself in advance so as not to cause condemnation from the outside. And luck helps him get out of different situations. But, despite this, Alexander does not like flattery, so you can not influence him. Of course, he will listen to different opinions and arguments, but he will do it his own way. You can’t force him, otherwise, on the grounds of resentment, he can do stupid things and will regret it in the future.

What personal qualities determine the meaning of the name Alexander? Sasha is a born leader, but doesn’t always consider himself that way, therefore, he can’t always realize himself. He often becomes the main in the team. From Alexandrov grow talented directors, artists, journalists and writers. By nature it is unstable. A guy with this name has a good imagination, he has sociability, a lively mind, wit and determination. Sasha may be persistent, but anxiety can be felt. He sometimes delves into himself, trying to escape from reality, may experience fear and unreasonably fear failure. And if something really happens, then luck and luck helps a man solve an unpleasant situation.

Being an active artistic nature, it is difficult for Alexander to work within the rigid framework of working days. This name was among many famous people. Sasha is characterized by generosity and generosity, the ability to sacrifice everything. Men with this name cannot be called spenders, they prudently have money. Their savings are used wisely, and money is invested with personal gain. But they do not like to lend, even close relatives.

Character traits depending on the time of year of birth:

• Spring. Boys born at this time are distinguished by an increased sense of humor, sociability, sensitivity to insults. As a child, Sasha can be touchy, but as she grows up she will turn into a psychologically seasoned man capable of heroism;

• summer. Alexander, who was born at this time, will be a wonderful lover, promises him popularity and success among beautiful ladies. Because of this, problems will arise, because most relationships can be short-term;

• autumn. From character traits one can distinguish balance, but also frivolity. Having done stupidity, he can begin to regret it, and wants to fix it. It is both a virtue and a disadvantage;

• winter. Winter value gives inconsistency, imbalance, impetuosity. The randomness of thoughts is present in the areas of hobbies and in life, however, this does not prevent Alexander from experiencing the joy of being.

As a child, Sasha is often sick, but this does not interfere with the manifestation of his leadership inclinations. From an early age he has a need for his own advantage over others. Studying is not particularly interesting to him, but creative activity is even very. He is an artistic and creative person, able to be in the spotlight and lead the group behind him. From hobbies can choose sports or dancing. Alexander is characterized by an affection for his mother, the support of which he will always need. In adolescence, he is characterized by maximalism, a normal reaction to criticism, and the absence of complexes.

Weaknesses include the nervous system, digestive tract, and respiratory system. Therefore, it is so important to play sports, lead a healthy lifestyle and become tempered. But it is better to stay away from alcohol, otherwise it can become addicted. A man with this name will become a good leader, diplomat, organizer and economist. Because it can benefit from different situations. The following areas of activity are also suitable: journalism, commerce, law, design, acting. However, the best niche is your own business, where you do not need to depend on someone.

The character and fate of Alexander in his personal life

Alexander is characterized by increased sexuality, but he clearly shares love and bedding. He can easily cheat on his wife without seeing anything wrong with that. He attributes everything to physiology, but simply calls sex a sport. Sasha is amorous, and women are crazy about him. He knows how to say nice and beautiful compliments, one can only dream of his gallantry. It is not always easy to bring relationships to marriage, because it can grow cold to the object of attraction after it achieves its goal. Alexander is a sensual and wonderful lover. He is very attentive and tries to give a woman pleasure, while not forgetting about himself.

The most successful names for compatibility: Anna, Varvara, Veronika, Valentina, Daria, Love, Maria, Oksana, Zoya, Elizaveta, Inna, Natalya, Irina, Nadezhda, Polina, Tamara, Roksana, Nelli. But difficulties in relations can arise with the Aleuttins, Svetlans, Catherines, Zinaids, Helens, Lydia.

As a wife, Alexander will choose a strong and confident woman who will surround him with care and love. In marriage, Sasha needs support and understanding. But it’s sometimes useless to fight adultery, you can only accept them or not. But it all depends on the person. All are individual, therefore it cannot be assumed that everyone will change. There is a probability, but not necessarily.

In the family, Alexander will be in charge. She will love, adore and gently care for her spouse, as well as for loved ones. Sasha loves children very much and will try to bring them up well. And if a divorce happens, he will never leave them, he will help financially. He can give decent education not only to his children, but also to foster children.

Before choosing a name for the future baby, you need to think. After all, it can affect fate. Of course, all people are different and some traits may be inherent in a person or completely absent. All cannot be the same. But to learn about the origin and meaning of the name will definitely not be superfluous. Alexander - sounds beautiful and noble.


Watch the video: Alexander the Great All Parts (July 2024).