Best expectorants - which drug to choose? Overview of the most powerful and effective remedies for bronchitis


A cough is a condition that every person has encountered in life. To treat this symptom, there are many drugs that are made from natural ingredients or with the addition of synthetic additives. The most popular are expectorant medicines, which are advisable to use when coughing with liquid and viscous sputum.


If you use Mukaltin, as the best expectorant, then children should dissolve the tablet in 50 ml of liquid. Adults drink the drug 3-4 times a day. The duration of the course is up to 14 days.

The main substance of the drug is marshmallow grass, the effect of which is to maintain peristalsis of small and large bronchial tubes. Mukaltin, in addition to having a thinning effect, also has an antiflogistic effect.

Mukaltin is prescribed for chronic and acute forms of respiratory ailments in the event of viscous sputum and problems with its elimination. These are such ailments:

• pneumonia;

• tracheobronchitis;

• emphysema;

• obstructive bronchitis.

It is forbidden to use the medicine with excessive susceptibility to the active component.

Thermopsol tablets

Thermopsis has pronounced expectorant properties. All components included in the composition actively influence the functioning of the respiratory center. The composition of the medication contains sodium bicarbonate, which increases the production of secretions by the bronchi. This significantly reduces the viscosity of sputum and helps to clear the throat.

The drug acts as a combined expectorant drug, which is characterized in parallel with an expectorant, antiflogistic, mucolytic effect. The components in the composition have a powerful antiviral effect.

The tool is used for:

• tracheobronchitis;

• bronchitis.

Drink one tablet three times a day. The duration of therapy is up to five days. It is forbidden to use with excessive sensitivity to the active component, with a stomach ulcer or duodenal ulcer.


The drug is made in the form of syrup, soluble tablets, powders. It is prescribed for such pathological processes:

• otitis media;

• laryngitis;

• pneumonia;

• stomatitis;

• acute bronchitis;

• obstructive bronchitis.

The tool effectively reduces the island-inflammatory process, helps to cough. The medication significantly reduces the risk of exacerbation of the disease.

The drug should be taken after meals for a week. Further admission is possible only after consulting a specialist. It is forbidden to take during pregnancy, bronchial asthma, renal and liver failure.


Highly effective drug, characterized by antitussive and expectorant effects. The maximum effect of admission is observed at 2-5 days from the start of therapy. This tool can be used as an inhalation, as well as a systemic drug.

Children drink 3 mg of syrup from 2 to 6 years three times a day. For older children, a dose of 8 mg is indicated. Adults give 8-16 mg. Inhalations are carried out twice a day. The drug is combined with saline in a ratio of 1 to 1.

It is forbidden to use the product during pregnancy and lactation, as well as in case of excessive sensitivity to the active substance.


This remedy is of plant origin. It is characterized by expectorant action and helps a lot with chronic and acute forms of bronchitis. The drug is indicated half an hour before a meal:

• for children over 10 years old, give up to 120 mg up to five times a day;

• for adults, 300 mg up to four times in 24 hours.

With an additional dose of 300 mg before bedtime, sputum discharge in the morning can be greatly facilitated. During therapy, the patient may manifest such external reactions as pain in the abdomen, an allergic reaction, or stimulation of the movement of stones in the gall bladder and kidneys.

Bronchicum C

At the heart of the drug is thyme grass, which is an excellent expectorant. In addition to this property, it is also characterized by analgesic, antimicrobial actions.

The drug is prescribed for diseases whose symptom is a paroxysmal cough with sputum that is difficult to separate. The drug is indicated for bronchitis, pneumonia.

It is taken only after eating. It is forbidden to conduct therapy for peptic ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract, allergies and gastritis.


This medication is indicated for diseases of the respiratory tract, which are accompanied by the occurrence of viscous, difficult to discharge sputum. It can be:

• bronchitis;

• pneumonia;

• bronchial asthma;

• chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

It is forbidden to take the drug in case of personal intolerance to the components in the composition of the drug, convulsive syndrome, as well as gastric ulcer.

The duration of therapy is usually several weeks. The dosage of the drug depends on the age of the patient. If, after a week after the start of therapy, no changes occurred, then be sure to consult a doctor again.


The medication is related to an expectorant drug, which is prescribed for wet cough. It contributes to an increase in sputum volume, due to which it becomes liquid and its secretion is facilitated.

The drug can be used by both adults and children. Before direct use, drops should be diluted with sodium chloride solution. Adults are recommended to dilute the drug with saline in a ratio of 1 to 1. Inhalations are carried out twice a day.


The drug when it enters the respiratory tract liquefies a thick bronchial secretion. Reception with a runny nose and rhinopharyngitis is also possible. It is important to know that this drug is incompatible with antibiotics and significantly reduces the effectiveness of Paracetamol.

To obtain the most positive result, take it strictly according to the instructions. Adults will need 3 ml of the drug per inhalation. Perform two procedures per day.


Watch the video: Chronic Cough Treatment for Children - Mindy Ross, MD. UCLA Mattel Children's Hospital (June 2024).