Energy vampires: 7 defense strategies. What is the danger of the word "must"?


Negative people drain your energy. They look like energy vampires. They spread negative energy, drain you emotionally, leaving you empty and irritated.

In a healthy relationship, people give and take each other. Emotional vampires only take.

Many intuitively feel when an energy vampire appears in their environment. We feel physically tired when we are near vampires. We are afraid to meet them. They destroy our positive attitude, leaving us devastated, exhausted, burned to the ground.

Energy vampires can appear at any time in your life. One mother told how she found them among the parents of the players of the football team in which her son played.

Honestly, the team performed not very well. It is unlikely that they won at least one game this season. And although they are an ambitious team, they are nine years old, and it is hardly worth taking their victories or defeats too seriously.

But as it turned out, some parents attached great importance to this and believed that everything was terrible. They moaned and complained to each other about how poorly their children played. They indignantly shouted from the stands with every ball missed.

Sitting next to them was very difficult. They destroyed every pleasure from the match. This boy’s mom had to settle on the other side of the field to avoid their toxic vibes. Their negative energy influenced the game of the whole team.

Some vampires can draw out your energy intentionally. These are evil manipulators. They believe that they have the right to this and behave unpredictably. Others act more stealthily and seem to need support. They always have problems, but they are not able to listen and help you when you need compassion.

Still others are similar to the parents of football players - chronic complainers who infect everyone nearby with their misfortunes.

What are energy vampires?

Does this description remind you of any of your loved ones? How many of them? How often do you see or talk to him? This will help you realize how acute the problem is.

Some of us are more susceptible to other people's energy flows. If you are a very sensitive or intuitive person, you are more susceptible to the influence of energy vampires, and you will need to take extra precautions to protect yourself.

Unfortunately, dealing with energy vampires is not at all as easy as finding a talisman with garlic (but not as creepy as sticking a stake in their heart!).

1. Limit contacts. Your first defense against energy vampires is to avoid contact with them wherever possible. Refuse invitations to events where they will be present. If you need to go, come later and leave early. Keep your office door closed. You should not be available at any time and for any needs.

2. Take care of yourself. Whenever you feel that energy, time, emotions or other resources are drawing from you, intensify your self-care. Many need to be alone and listen to silence after interacting with a vampire. Try to slow down, relieve your work schedule, leaving time for yourself and the people who inspire you and energize you.

3. Let go of the negative. Negative energy needs a way out. Effective techniques include keeping a diary, playing sports, hot salt baths, or herb fumigation - and other ancient traditions of relieving negative energy. Find your release method that is best for you.

4. Create an emotional space. If you are surrounded by annoying, pestering or negative people, try to separate yourself emotionally from them.

You can tell yourself:

“These are not my problems.”

- I am not responsible for the feelings of other people.

“I'm not the only one who can help.”

- What I want?

5. Give yourself what you need right now. Listen to what your body and mind tell you. You're tired? Do you have a headache or backache? Do you feel overwhelmed? How can you take care of yourself? It's time to put yourself and your needs first. Remember that you cannot become a best friend to yourself when your strength is running out.

6. Get rid of the words "I have to". When you are convinced that you should "do" something, you create unrealistic expectations. The result is either a feeling of guilt when you are unable to cope with the task, or resentment and emotional burnout if you continue to give all the best out of a sense of duty.

7. Clearly indicate your boundaries. Set restrictions necessary. Vampires tend to cross over if you allow them to.

You need to clearly and consistently draw your boundaries, clearly saying “no,” when you don’t want to do anything or know that it will make you angry, make you exhausted and depressed.

These strategies will help you maintain energy and a sense of well-being by talking to energy vampires and negative people.


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