How to stylishly paint the walls at no cost: use cellophane, a broom, an ordinary chopper. We make exclusive painted walls with our own hands!


Wall painting is a type of wall treatment that is gaining more and more popularity every day. All due to the fact that such repairs require significantly less cost and time. Also, if necessary, the painted wall can be refreshed, which can not be done in the case of wallpaper.

Using paint, the walls can be given a unique texture that will distinguish them from others. To do this, you don’t need to go to the designers, you just need to prepare the tools at hand, paint and imagination.

As a means can serve:

1. Cellophane;

2. Rag;

3. The broom.

Each of the methods should be considered separately, since they all have their own characteristics.


If you want the surface to acquire the texture of crumpled paper, then you can use ordinary cellophane. You need to take the bag (preferably larger) and cut it in the middle to get one layer. Next, paint should be applied to the surface, after which cellophane should be applied to the painted part. After a few seconds, the cellophane must be removed by pulling one of the corners.

It is important not to smooth out the creases that will appear after the bag is pressed against the wall. After all, it is they who give the surface such a unique texture.


Even such a thing as an ordinary rag can be a great help when creating a texture surface.

The first step is to paint the wall in the desired color using a brush or roller. Then it is necessary to moisten the rag in the paint, crumple well and, pressing, walk through the entire painted part. To make the painting look uniform, prints should be applied tightly adjacent to each other.

You can also use a white rag that does not need to be wetted with paint. However, it should be borne in mind that the color of the walls during this treatment will become less saturated. You can tie several knots on a rag, wrap with threads - this will give the wall a more unique texture. Such fabric can also be wound on a roller, which will significantly speed up the process.


Using a broom, you can easily create barely noticeable vertical or horizontal stripes. It is better to apply the paint in two layers, the lower of which should be lighter. In this process, as a rule, textile paint is used, since it has a high density, so that the texture becomes more pronounced.

The second coat of paint is applied only after the first one has completely dried (about half an hour). This is necessary in order not to grease the paint and not spoil the entire texture. After applying the contrast layer, immediately you need to take a broom and strictly horizontally (or vertically) to hold it from one edge of the surface to the other. To ensure that the stripes are even and the same, you must always remove excess paint from the broom.

Applying a texture to your wall using improvised tools is quite simple. The main thing is to show a little imagination.
