Mathematics of success: how to calculate your luck. Are the laws of mathematics applicable in life? Yes! Moreover, they work


"How to succeed?" In the XXI century, this issue is one of the most pressing. Perhaps the whole secret is in the genes or case. Perhaps workaholism or useful connections leads to success. Or someone is born to become successful, and someone will never be beaten out into people.

However, everything is very simple. A dream can be realized without shamanistic dances with tambourines, and without cool ties. And simple formulas and graphs will help in this. What is the secret of success.

Probability Theory - Success Theory

In math. Everyone has heard about the theory of probability, but most misunderstand it. In fact, this is an average experience that does not give a 100% guarantee that something will happen, but allows you to say how it usually happens. That is, if we say that with some probability some kind of event will happen, then we just assume it.

In life. Suppose you are an insurance agent and your goal is to sell as many policies as possible. After all, the better you manage the job, the closer to your dream: a vacation at a fashionable resort, buying your own home, moving up the career ladder, etc. What is the probability of selling insurance by calling the first available number? There seems to be no chance at all. But statistics say the opposite: out of 100 people, 10-15 give a positive answer. It turns out that the probability of achieving the desired depends on the number of actions, in this example, on the number of calls. The more actions, the higher the probability of success. If you make zero calls, you will never sell anything. In fact, the likelihood of success increases with each of your actions. And one more thing: there is no limit at all. The ceiling of your success is limited only by your physical abilities.

Conclusion. You can make one attempt, fail, say "I didn’t succeed", quit everything and whine, "how unfair life is." And you can try again and again, go to the goal at your own pace and not look at others, with each step increasing the likelihood of success. Nothing supernatural and magical. Just statistics.

Knowledge is power

In math. Probability is calculated as an event of interest to us in relation to all possible events. Let's say there is a deck of 36 cards. The probability of pulling a lady peak is 1/36. And now we get the card, do not look at it and remove it to the side. Will the probability of the desired event change - to stretch the lady rush? In fact, will not change. And with each new attempt (if you don’t look at the cards) it will be saved, absolutely not bringing us closer to the goal, because we did not see the first cards> 'and all subsequent ones. Maybe the right lady of spades is already stretched out and further actions are pointless? But if you looked right away and knew for sure whether you got it or not, the probability of success would increase each time.

In life. We return to the insurance. Is it possible for a potential client to know before a call exactly whether they will agree to your services or not? It is impossible. Until you start acting, until you make a call, until you make an appointment, until you hear a clear yes or no, the probability of success does not change. Only when you did something to achieve the goal, then an event happened and you got information - only then something changes for you. Any conclusions that Uncle Petya will make or you can think of for yourself, learn from an authoritative source, read in a smart book - all this does not matter until it is tested in practice. From the point of view of mathematics, the probability of success will not change until a person says no.

Conclusion. All our thoughts are just our thoughts. If the interlocutor is currently busy with his problems and cannot clearly answer, you think: "he probably will not agree. I won’t call him a second time." This is based only on personal perception. The strength is not in the conclusions, but in the exact knowledge.

Plus and minus

In math. Now about quantum physics. During the life of particles, it happens that they break up into two. We leave one here and take the second to the other end of the universe. But, what is known for sure is that they are in different positions: one has a "+", the other has a "-". This is how the universe works. Only when we look at a particle does information about its state appear. And up to this point, it is both "+" and "-" at the same time. But once you take a look - and the information is recorded: now we know for sure that here, for example, is "+", which means, at the other end of the Universe, "-".

Life example: you put one toe on your left foot - the second immediately becomes right. It is the same with reality: it is determined only when we look at it. Prior to this, it is impossible to accurately predict the outcome. Reality is created by our actions, but does not exist by itself.

In life. You pick up the phone to call a potential customer and offer him your services. At this moment, he is that very particle, which is simultaneously "+" and "-". We do not know how the person will answer on the other end of the wire until we call him and ask our question. Right now, absolutely any event can happen, even the most impossible. The main thing is to decide on this call.

Conclusion. The bottom line is what to do. Only then do you get new information. And having received new information, you can move on. But until you take at least the first step, the path to success will not begin.

Very often numbers scare us, which should not scare. But from the mere thought that it is necessary, for example, to call 400 people, it becomes bad, and hands drop from the impracticability of the task - after all, this is a lot.

What mathematics had to teach us at school was to think structurally. Especially geometry. Here you never take the second step unless you have substantiated the first. Initially, each person has a set of their values, knowledge and skills. And you start walking, step by step laying out the problem according to your skills, and see how you can solve it.

The task is to decompose the problem into parts and think about how each part can be solved specifically. Do not look at all this in general, but quietly, sequentially, justifying each step, go to your success. And then at the end it turns out that everything was simple. But at the moment when we are in the beginning, it seems to us: wow!

One more example. If you immediately look at the end of the textbook, it becomes scary. And when you gradually read each page, everything becomes clear and not as complicated as it seemed at the beginning.

In fact, in life everything is not so scary. Just start!


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