A selection of the best varieties of cucumbers for open ground and greenhouses near Moscow. Description, characteristics and photos of crop cucumbers


The Moscow Region is located in central Russia, where the weather does not always make you happy with warm summer days. However, this does not stop summer residents, they successfully grow decent crops of cucumbers and other vegetables on the beds.

If you want to get the most out of the site, then find out what varieties of cucumbers are best planted in the suburbs. The choice is so rich that getting confused in the names is easy. In this collection, we tried to classify varieties according to certain characteristics.

What varieties of cucumbers are best planted in the open ground of the Moscow region

For open beds, varieties with a short ripening season are suitable, which do not require pollination by insects. It is these varieties of cucumbers that will allow you to collect an unprecedented crop, even in rainy summers. As a rule, these are universal varieties. Zelentsy is used not only for salads and fresh consumption, but also for preservation, salting.

Gardeners identified the most productive:

• "Little baby";

• "Ant";

• "Ardor".

The yield of these varieties is average, but never drops below the declared level.

Hybrid grade "Baby strongies" relatively new, but already managed to establish itself among summer residents. Medium early ripening cucumber with a long fruiting period. Harvesting lasts from July to September. The bushes are resistant to short-term temperature drops and many diseases. Zelentsy green type, dark green, tuberous, not prone to overgrowing. The pulp is dense, without voids, pleasant taste, very fragrant. Cucumbers are well transported, do not lose their presentation for a long time.

No less popular ultra-early variety "Ant", which will please the first greenbacks 35-40 days after emergence. The bushes are compact, weakly branched, form up to 7 ovaries in each node. Cucumbers are small, coarse with white spikes, the skin is dark, green. The pulp is dense, does not bite, even if the growing conditions were unfavorable. The variety is fruitful, gives up to 12 kg per meter of planting, but does not bear fruit for long. In an open garden, it is recommended to grow no more than three plants.

Variety "Zador" widely used because it is not afraid of weather changes and highly resistant to diseases. Bushes are self-fertile, in one node form up to five greenery. Begin fruiting early, the first cucumbers form on the 35th day of cultivation. Productivity is average, but does not fall below 6 kg per square meter. Zelentsy are coarse, taste good, resilient. According to summer residents, the variety remains crispy during salting and preservation, is well transported.

The best varieties of cucumbers for greenhouses near Moscow

Many gardeners prefer not to take risks and grow cucumbers in greenhouses or greenhouses. We selected the best varieties that stably bear fruit, do not get sick, do not require high light:

• "Babayka";

• "Connie";

• "Kuzya".

Variety "Babayka" even a novice summer resident can grow. The bushes are highly resistant to diseases, cold snap, do not require pinching and pollination by bees. The first cucumbers form early, fruiting is friendly and stable. Zelentsy with excellent commodity characteristics, small, finely tuberous, tender and juicy. Hybrid is considered the best for conservation and pickling. Average productivity up to 10 kg per square meter.

Variety Connie highly regarded for early harvests. In greenhouses, you can grow in two turns. Bushes are vigorous, but lateral shoots form weakly. Type of ovary - bundle. Zelentsy medium-sized, bright green, pimply. The pulp is dense, juicy, crisp. Variety of universal purpose, suitable for preservation and salads.

Cucumbers "Kuzya" differ in friendly return of fruits and a long period of bearing. Bushes are not affected by cucumber mosaics and powdery mildew, tolerate temperature extremes. Zelentsy green type, not more than 5 cm in length. The skin is dark, covered with small tubercles. The pulp is pleasant to the taste, sweet and crispy. Hybrid recommended for fresh consumption and salting.

The most productive varieties of cucumbers for the Moscow region with a photo

All the above varieties of cucumbers, even with proper care, give a little more than 10-12 kg per meter. There are varieties whose planting will allow you to collect up to 40 kg of vegetables per square. Meet the highest yielding hybrids:

• "Svyatogor";

• "Corinto";

• "Cupid".

Variety "Svyatogor" Recommended for industrial cultivation in greenhouses near Moscow. Bushes do not require pollination, shade-tolerant and highly resistant to disease. A powerful plant with well-developed shoots, grown only on a trellis. Zelentsy are large, dark green in color, with pronounced tubercles. Stable fruiting, 98% of marketable output. Productivity above 40 kg per meter of beds.

The second highest yield grade "Corinto". He is able to give up to 35-38 kg of vegetables. Bushes are vigorous, unpretentious, the ovary is formed, despite the heat or cooling. Large cucumbers, with excellent commodity characteristics, well tolerate transportation and storage. The variety is recommended for cultivation in greenhouses and film shelters, intended for fresh consumption.

Of the universal varieties, the highest yielding is considered "Amur". On average, up to 25 kg of vegetables can be collected per meter. The hybrid is suitable for salads and preservation. Fruiting begins early, the return of the fruit is friendly. They grow both in film shelters and in open beds. Zelentsy of medium size, dark green, with white characteristic stripes and spikes. The pulp is fragrant, dense, without bitterness. The variety is hardy, resistant to disease, but requires regular watering.

Crispy and sweet varieties of cucumbers for the Moscow region: the best varieties, their characteristics and description

Mistresses prefer to grow varieties on their plot that produce sweet and crispy cucumbers. They are used for preservation, pickles and salads. The real taste, which is not lost in the workpieces, boasts varieties:

• "Five Stars";

• "Home";

• "Cornucopia."

Variety "Five Stars" quite lives up to its name. Cucumbers do not get sick, but require pollination, lay the ovaries under any weather conditions, are distinguished by a generous harvest and excellent taste. A highly productive hybrid is grown in film shelters or in an open garden bed. Fruiting occurs early, greenbacks are small, finely tuberous. From one sinus a whole bunch of fruits is formed.

Cucumber "Homemade" does not require special care, as it is resistant to many diseases. The average yield is up to 10 kg per square, under favorable conditions it can increase to 15 kg. Fruiting early, stable. The fruits are small, with a good taste, which is preserved during salting.

Early ripe variety "Cornucopia" Suitable for growing indoors and in beds. Bushes are high-yielding, do not require pollination, are resistant to cladosporiosis, the formation of lateral shoots is weak. Fruits up to 10 cm, green, tuberous, without pronounced bitterness, not prone to overgrowth. Productivity reaches 15-17 kg per square meter.


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