What is known about the benefits of tansy. How do specific plant properties affect a person and can tansy cause harm


Tansy, one of the main plants of ancient herbalists, thanks to many useful properties today has received the closest attention of scientists and doctors.

At home, it is easy to improve your health with it - for example, you can brew aromatic herbal tea.

Features of the use of tansy ordinary and balsamic

Of the more than a hundred species of tansy that are members of the Astrov family, tansy is the most common in the wild in the middle lane of the Northern Hemisphere, as well as in herbal medicine.

The popular names of this tall herbaceous plant are magpies, a button, a field mountain ash. The latter is very true - modest bright yellow tansy inflorescences are collected in small clusters. But, of course, tansy is very different in appearance in accordance with species diversity. Decorative tansy varieties for decorating gardens were also bred.

It is well known, however, more in the gastronomic, and not in the medicinal sense, balsam tansy (Canuper).

The specifics of the culinary traditions of the Middle Ages made it a very popular plant in Europe. In particular, with its help it was possible to preserve raw meat longer and better. But already from the 17th century, tansy began to be forgotten and as a result, today it is much less common in cookbooks than in herbal medicine recipes.

Today, kanuper can be found in single varieties of cheeses and cottage cheese products (Latvia), beer varieties (Germany, as an alternative to hops), sometimes the plant adds original notes to soaked apples, sauerkraut and pickled mushrooms with vegetables, they flavor flavors and add to fish dishes, omelets, pastries (gingerbread cookies, muffins).

Naturally, along with a meal with tansy, a part of its beneficial properties will enter the body.

But still, in order to improve health, herbal medicine insists on the use of tansy infusions and decoctions, herbal teas (in which it goes well with mint, oregano and thyme). The methods for their preparation are similar to the treatment of other medicinal herbs.

The use of tansy externally (ointments, compresses, alcohol tinctures) is also very effective, but the brightest and most diverse properties of the plant are revealed precisely when applied inside.

For the preparation of medicines, inflorescences of plants, leaves and stems collected at the peak of flowering in mid-summer, when the content of nutrients in tansy reaches a maximum, are used. Moreover, drying practically does not impoverish the composition of the plant, except, for example, the concentration of essential oils decreases.

But not only do they create the benefit of tansy, it also contains:

• tannins;

• flavonoids;

• vitamins (C and B);

• resinous substances;

• polysaccharides;

• organic acids;

• mineral compounds (zinc, copper, cobalt, molybdenum);

• alkaloids.

Special attention should be paid to the bitter substance tanacetin, which provides a specific taste of tansy, as well as the fact that tansy:

• effective as a choleretic agent;

• enhances the production of gastric juice and stabilizes its acidity (regardless of whether it is increased or decreased);

• can be used as an anthelmintic.

In the latter case, tansy will work better if you do not brew its dry color, but use it by grinding it into powder and mixing it with honey.

Drinks with tansy are effective for infectious and catarrhal diseases of the respiratory system (including bronchitis, pneumonia, tonsillitis and flu).

With "winter" viral (and provoked by hypothermia) diseases, the plant can be used as an antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating agent.

The influence of tansy on the digestive tract is quite extensive, the plant is capable of:

• stimulate appetite;

• promote fast, easy and complete digestion of food;

• increase intestinal motility;

• relieve intestinal colic and cramping;

• remove toxins and toxins;

• prevent the development of gastritis in an ulcer.

Tansy is used to cleanse and improve liver function, as part of the complex treatment of its various diseases (for example, hepatitis).

Also, the plant is suitable for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and gall bladder (including chronic cholecystitis), in particular, tansy normalizes the outflow of bile.

Also, drinks with a plant can be recommended for the following purposes:

• improving heart function (including eliminating arrhythmias);

• alleviating the condition with rheumatism, relieving swelling and pain, which will return mobility to the joints;

• relieving headaches (including migraines);

• normalization (increase) of chronically lowered blood pressure.

How else is the benefit of tansy

The influence of tansy on the human nervous system cannot be called powerful, but nevertheless, especially as part of a cup of hot herbal tea, it is able to normalize sleep, giving it a healthy depth and ease of awakening. And it is noteworthy that if the human body needs sedatives - tansy has a relaxing effect, relieves anxiety, and if on the contrary, the body needs cheerfulness - tones up, drives away emotional fatigue.

Tansy has one surprising property - for men with drugs from it, it is possible to alleviate the symptoms of jaundice and accelerate the treatment of this disease. But the female body in this regard practically does not respond to the plant. Scientists are currently studying this feature.

The specifics of the use of tansy for the female body

A course of regular use of herbal tea with tansy can normalize the hormonal background of a woman and prevent its sharp change as a result of stress.

Thanks to it, the effects of menopause depressing the body are less reflected in health.

In the presence of gynecological diseases - you can count on the relief of their symptoms, especially pains and inflammatory processes.

Tansy establishes the female cycle and positively affects metabolic processes in the body, the functions of the endocrine and autonomic nervous systems, which helps to avoid the most negative manifestations of PMS.

What could be the harm from tansy

It is important to remember that it is unacceptable for many and often to use tansy in any form, it does not matter if the plant has the form of a medicinal tincture or seasoning for a dish.

Tansy is one of the most dangerous plants for humans, if it is taken lightly, that is, independently, without the appropriate special knowledge, to appoint it for the treatment of anything, to personally make changes in the timing of administration, dosage and even the methods of use of the funds.

Use tansy without harm to health only by following the directions, recommendations from a doctor.

For women at any stage of pregnancy, tansy and harm are equivalent concepts, it poses a serious danger with unpredictable consequences (up to the threat of miscarriage and the development of fetal abnormalities, serious malfunctions in the mother’s metabolism).

You can not take it during lactation, because together with the mother’s milk, all substances that somehow affect the female body penetrate the baby’s body.

Other contraindications to tansy are:

• hypertension;

• diseases of the retina;

• tendency to allergic reactions;

• age up to 12 years.

In case of cardiac abnormalities, tansy without harm is theoretically possible (but also may be completely prohibited) after consulting a doctor.


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