TOP 10 books for self-development. We advise you to read: the best books that will change your worldview


Reading books develops thinking, because the brain works actively, remembering the plot and developing imagination. Therefore, it is recommended to read as often as possible so that the mind is constantly in work. Thanks to this, positive changes will soon appear not only in the personality of the reader, but also in his whole life.

If you want to achieve career growth, be developed on all sides and achieve goals, motivational books will come to the rescue, which will not only explain the ways to achieve goals from the point of view of psychology, but also give effective tools for self-realization.

Especially for the “Women's Opinion”, a selection of the best books on self-development has been created that will be useful to women and men.

"The power of the subconscious, or how to change life in 4 weeks"

The work of Joe Dispenza will tell the reader about causal relationships without abstruse phrases. How does our “today” affect tomorrow? Why does brain health affect all areas of human life? In this book of the famous doctor of sciences, everyone will find something useful for himself, and not only in theory, but also in practical methods with which you can radically change your life for the better.

"The magic of the morning. How the first hour of the day determines your success."

The famous edition of Hal Elrod is a motivational book that can "wake up" the thirst for positive changes in everyone! The basic idea is simple - the whole day and life in general will depend on how our morning begins. Simple practical techniques and explanations of a psychologist will appeal to both experienced readers in self-development issues and beginners. Now, in order to change life for the better, it is enough to spend only one morning hour!

"Dreaming is not harmful. How to get what you really want"

The book from Barbara Cher is old enough, but has not lost its relevance. The book is divided into several parts for the convenience of the reader, here you can find many simple but effective methods to achieve the goal. All material is not served in a "dry" language, but is accompanied by real stories of people who were prevented by anything from achieving their goals in life. This book is popular not only with beginners, but also with experienced coaches.

“Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone. Change Your Life. 21 Methods To Improve Personal Effectiveness” (Brian Tracy)

This is a great way to rethink your life and begin to build your own system of achieving goals from scratch. The book is read in one breath, it has no complicated turns - everything is presented in the simplest form possible. The main idea is motivation on how to improve the organization of one’s own life and affairs. Each technique is accompanied by an example from life for a visual demonstration of how the above method works in reality. It is worth spending an hour to learn the basics of self-development, which are described here.

"At the limit. A week without self-pity"

Eric Larssen offers not just motivation, but a full-fledged experiment, which may seem too complicated, but will reveal the reader’s potential to the limit of his capabilities. There are no tips and recommendations, a seven-day intensive test is offered here, thanks to which the reader learns to redistribute his principles and organize life in general. Of course, everything that is written here can and should be "adjusted" to the individual characteristics of your life. The purpose of the book is to teach the reader to achieve goals many times faster and not be afraid of obstacles.

"100 Ways to Change Life"

Book of the famous Russian business coach Larisa Parfentieva. Here you will find the best recommendations and tips on how to change your life and achieve your dreams. Interestingly, the author herself used these methods and therefore can confirm their accuracy with her own example. Everything is stated easily and interestingly, with a lot of interesting stories, humor. This book is a kind of squeeze from several dozen motivational works by other authors, so it is ideal for those who do not have time to choose what to read for a woman to develop herself.

"A book that does not exist. How to throw a squirrel wheel and shake off the dust from your dream" (Alex Novak)

An almost magical treatise will re-introduce you to the principles of reality transerfing. The author clearly and logically explains his vision of the world and the technique of self-development. All information is conveniently divided into parts and therefore quickly absorbed. It is well suited for those who want quick changes and that is why it is worth spending a couple of hours to read it.

"One habit per week. Change yourself in a year" (Brett Blumenthal)

This is a practical guide for those who want gradual change. The purpose of the book and the method presented in it is simple - every week the reader introduces a new good habit throughout the year. Every week, the nature of habits becomes more complex, sometimes within the limits of a person's capabilities. There are real stories and valuable tips, and everything is compactly placed in a text that is understandable to each. This book was created for those who want to completely change themselves.

“Whole Life. Key Skills to Achieve Your Goals” (Jack Canfield)

This book will help beginners cope with dozens of tasks along the way to their goal. All the tips are as simple as possible, but effective: you will learn to compile competent to-do lists, create your own strategy for achieving success, and free yourself from what's interfering in life. The best books on self-development provide an opportunity to consider your life not only in detail, but also to evaluate the picture in general. Here are given not only ways to combat laziness and circumstances, but also consider the reasons why people are in no hurry to change themselves.

"Live easy!" (Andrew Matthews)

Everyone should read it, especially if he is in a difficult life situation. Fans say that during depression, this is the best book on self-development. Everything is stated with a slight irony, but advice is available to everyone for understanding. Separately, I want to note the cheerful design and the emergence of a positive attitude right after reading, and it is just pleasant emotions that are often not enough for motivation. It is quite suitable as a desktop version that needs to be read from time to time.

Reading any literature greatly broadens the mind. The combination of knowledge from various fields is an indispensable attribute of an intellectually developed personality.

All great people, regardless of whether they were talented politicians, scientists or artists, were adherents of literature, and the presence of an extensive library had previously been a source of pride.

Therefore, the modern person who wants to achieve something in life cannot do without the best books on self-development.


Watch the video: Life-Changing ADVICE You NEED to HEAR! Jay Shetty MOTIVATION. #MentorMeJay (July 2024).