Hairstyles for men: trends of the fashion season 2018-2019. How to choose the perfect hairstyle for a man according to his face?


Before considering the types of hairstyles for men, you need to consider that there are not only an individual face shape, but also several types of hair itself. And if you can easily pick up some hairstyle according to the shape of the face, it can fundamentally not go to the hair. They will not fit and lie down as you want.

What types of faces are there?

· Round


· Square


· Diamond

Round face

What hairstyles are suitable for men with round features? Firstly, no short bangs, as they will only emphasize the face and the fact that it is round! In general, they will not look very good. If we talk about hairstyles, it could be Undercat (aka British), Canada. Quiff may also work. Also allowed long hair with combing to the side.

Oval face

Ideal form for various hairstyles for men. Undercat is the best fit - basic, versatile, convenient. But, nevertheless, you can choose any classic hairstyle. Well, to be quite in trend, then this, of course, is a hairstyle, where the hair is shorter on the side and a little longer on the top. So, what hairstyles for men with this type of face can suit?

· Undercat

· Bangs

Boxing and Semi-Boxing

Top Knot


Square face

Often on the street you can meet men with just such a shape of the head. What hairstyle can they choose?

The most favorite haircut of this type is a hedgehog haircut. You can also experiment with absolutely any haircuts. But which ones are best? Well, for example, this is some obscure tousled hairstyle. It may also be suitable if the hair is combed smoothly and gently back, haircut Poluboks and Bun.

Triangular shape

The shape of the head, which may also occur, is triangular. And there are popular and beloved Hollywood actors who have the same face shape. What can you think of in this case? First, make less hair on the side and more volume on top. They will also look good, if, of course, you don’t get tired of putting on a marafet every morning, laying your side hair back. In general, hairstyles for men with this form can suit anyone. For example, all the same Undercat, Quiff, Canada with combing back, haircuts with short bangs and a small comb.

Heart shape

It is not found as often as the previous ones, but still there. How is it different from triangular? Nothing serious, except perhaps the fact that the heart-shaped chin is sharper. Hairstyles for men are the same as for a triangular shape.

Receding hairline

Many famous people have such a problem as receding hairline. But this does not stop them from looking with a twist. The best thing you can do is make a mess on your head. That is, so that the hair is a little randomly arranged. Such a hairstyle for men can be easily styled using various styling products, and then it will seem that there really is a lot of hair on the head.

Men's hairstyles

Regardless of whether the shape of the face and the appropriate hairstyle are chosen correctly, there are people who have problems after the first wash of their hair after the salon.

1. Cutting hair very rarely

After you have a haircut, you should not wait three months to grow, like Robinson Crusoe. It is recommended that you go to a personal hairdresser who knows how to cut, about once every two to four weeks. It already depends on the speed of hair growth. Remember: you need to look fresh, as if just from your hairdresser.

2. Styling problems

Either the installation is wrong, or it is not at all. For example, too many different products are applied to your hair. As a result, they look extremely unnatural. Or styling products are simply not used. For example, you washed your head, dried it well, put on a hat, took it off and saw that everything was electrified on the head. There can be many causes for styling problems, but they are very easy to fix.

3. Not modern hairstyle

They found a good hairstyle, went to the hairdresser, cut their hair and laid their hair, but you still look like a guy from the eighties. The maximum that can be caused by such a view from others is irony and tenderness. But it is unlikely that modern girls can be liked with such a hairstyle. Unless, in the goal is more adult women. Then this is only to hand, if there is a desire to strike for a neighbor Zinaida Petrovna. To avoid this mistake, you need, before going to the hairdresser, to find out which hairstyles for men are now in trend and which are not.

4. "Make me something suitable"

The most popular mistake. No need to go to the hairdresser and say "Do what suits me." Not. You can’t do that. The hairdresser should not cut according to his fantasies, but according to the plan with which the client comes to him. The basic rule is to already know how to cut your hair, even before you go to the master.

Many guys come to the Barber-shop and hope that they will be done there exactly what suits them and what suits them, which does not happen at all. It doesn’t matter how much a haircut will cost - the result is important, which depends on how the hairdresser was clearly told to the hairdresser and how full his hand is.

Popular hairstyles for men: season 2018-2019

Boxing and Semi-Boxing

These haircuts were always in fashion - classic, comfortable in everyday life. They always have a very short hair length, which at any time of the day will give a well-groomed and neat appearance to the head. Whether it is wet or dry, under the wind or under the sun - it will always be in perfect order.

In these haircuts the nape is always open. Also, the contours of the head are clearly visible, which gives the man masculinity and brutality. It may be that the hair on the sides can be cut short and on the top a little longer. In the case of a half box, the hair level is slightly lower than the back of the head. It is allowed to have a bang in both versions if it combes back.


The main principle of this hairstyle is that the hair cut on the sides is one or two centimeters long, while the crown is medium in length, and the hair hangs either on the side or back. Of course, before such a haircut, you need to start to grow a decent length of hair. There is no smooth transition, which makes Undercut special, among other haircuts.

Undercut is suitable for men of different ages and status, as it has different styling methods. For example, for a leaner face, styling longer hair back is suitable, for an oval one - on the side.


Canadian hockey players have contributed to the development of the fashion industry hairstyles for men. It was they who became its legislators. The Canadian is a deep parting with smoothly combed hair on one side. This hairstyle is suitable for men in the prime of life. It gives brutality, masculinity and, at the same time, lightness.


Watch the video: Best Men's Hairstyles for 2019. Men's Haircut Trends. Alex Costa (June 2024).