The benefits of valerian tablets: when to take, to whom do they help? Harmful valerian tablets, dosage and side effects


Valerian is a medicinal plant, which is characterized by soothing properties. The tablets contain a dry extract of the plant with analgesic and sedative effects.

Despite its beneficial properties, valerian tablets may be harmful, as they have contraindications.

The benefits of valerian tablets: when to take?

Valerian extract in tablets is a good adjuvant to cure and eliminate the symptoms of a variety of diseases.

Among them:


Nervous overwork;

· The initial form of hypertension;

Violation of the production of gastric juice;

· Some mental illnesses at an early stage;

Intestinal colic;

Stomach cramps.

In sleep disorders, valerian does not relieve insomnia as quickly as sleeping pills. But regular intake of tablets for several days facilitates the process of falling asleep, improves the characteristics of different phases of sleep.

The product is characterized by a very mild soothing effect. The effect of admission is gradual. In chronic insomnia, the result is noticeable only after 4 weeks.

With anxiety and anxiety pills help lower blood pressure and heart rate. Psychological pressure is reduced, the patient becomes calm and balanced. It is advisable to take the pills to eliminate the symptoms of mild anxiety.

The benefits of valerian tablets: medicinal effect

The main property of valerian is a sedative effect. Valerian-based medicines lower the excitability of the central nervous system, lower smooth muscle spasms, help with fear, migraine, epilepsy, and mental disorders. Tablets are characterized by sleeping pills. Valerian tablets help restore emotional balance, reduce anxiety.

The main positive property of the tablets is associated with effects on the central nervous system. The plant has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. Promotes the expansion of blood capillaries, eliminates spasms of venous capillaries. After administration, the pressure decreases, so the medicine is often used for tachycardia and hypertension. A remedy is prescribed for vegetative-vascular dystonia.

The plant is able to have a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland. Often used for uterine cramps and menopausal disorders. Reduces manifestations of menopause in women. Highly effective for hot flashes and excessive sweating. No less effective is the medicine for asthma and pneumonia.

Valerian tablets have a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. After taking, the appetite improves and the secretion of the stomach and pancreas increases. Cramping during bloating. It is an excellent choleretic agent for diseases of the liver and gall bladder.

Tablets are recommended for such ailments as neurasthenia, cardiac neurosis, coronary insufficiency, symptoms of angina pectoris. After admission, nervous excitability decreases and painful palpitations disappear.

It is recommended to do baby baths with the addition of valerian for mental disorders and increased irritability.

The benefits of valerian tablets during pregnancy

Valerian is a healthy plant that can be used by pregnant women. You can not use only tincture of valerian, as it is prepared for alcohol. You can take pills at any stage of pregnancy without any fear. Pills do not have a negative effect on the fetus in the womb of a woman. But even this safe drug must be consumed correctly.

Valerian tablets have various effects on the body. Pregnant women are shown to take it, as they have an antispasmodic and sedative effect. Tablets for the purpose of healing are almost never prescribed to pregnant women separately. Prescribed only in combination with other means for sedation. Most often, the remedy is shown in the first trimester of pregnancy with the threat of a breakdown in the bearing of the baby. Also prescribed in the later stages of gestosis. Valerian can calm the uterus and eliminate the tone, which is dangerous at 16-18 weeks.

The pills are soothing. But the action is not seen instantly. But the effect is observed for a long period of time. If you take the remedy in a course, then the remedy has a healing effect. This is due to the fact that the active component can accumulate in the body.

The use of valerian tablets: the correct intake

It is possible to benefit from the product only if it is taken correctly. Store tablets only in a cool and dark place. The duration of therapy and dosage depend on the patient's condition, the desired result.

Usually, you should adhere to such a therapy regimen:

· Children under 12 years of age give a tablet three times a day;

· Adults take the drug per tablet up to 5 times a day.

It is possible to use the medicine regardless of the use of food. Drink each tablet with a sufficient amount of liquid. Typically, the course of therapy is from 14 to 28 days. After this, the patient is examined by a specialist and his condition is evaluated. Only a doctor will be able to decide whether to extend the course or end the cure.

Taking medication pills can increase the use of sedatives, even in small doses. Therefore, at the time of treatment with valerian tablets, it is necessary to refuse to take other drugs. When visiting any doctor, be sure to inform him about taking valerian.

The harm of Valerian tablets and side effects

Tablets can be attributed to the group of homeopathic remedies. They have a natural composition and are therefore safe. Only with improper admission and non-compliance with recommendations can third-party reactions be provoked.

Despite the availability and free sale, valerian tablets may be harmful. If you do not follow the indicated dosage and duration of the drug, then a lot of unpleasant consequences can occur. Negative effects are observed only with an overdose.

These include:


· Loss of performance;





· allergic reaction;

· Depressed state;



At the time of taking the medicine, the patient slows down the reaction.

The list of contraindications for taking pills is not so long:


· Children under 3 years old;

· Personal intolerance to the components in the composition;

Lactation period.

It is forbidden to take tablets if the patient has enterocolitis. If you do not follow the recommendations, then the harm from Valerian tablets can be significant.

Taking the drug in large dosages, a person may have psychological problems, for example, a frequent change of mood. It can be depressed-depressed, or it can be nervous-excited. Therefore, before taking the pills, you should get the advice of a doctor.


Watch the video: Valerian Root Side Effects -- 5 Ways That Valerian Can be Bad! (June 2024).