Sour-milk elixir of health - Ayran, its benefits for the body and especially consumption. Ayran and harm to the body


Ayran sour-milk drink was discovered about fifteen centuries ago, and although it happened almost simultaneously in many lands, they all agreed that it has no equal in taste and benefit. But in relation to any product, it is important to know both about its positive properties and about recommendations that limit its use.

The recipe of the drink, how to use ayran with benefits for the body, digestion

The ayran compounding has not actually changed since the time when nomads fermented milk of sheep, cows or goats in wineskins ... Note, incidentally, that ayran from a mixture of three types of milk is very good. But more often they cook from one.

The production of real Ayran requires leaven - a katyka or narrow. The first is obtained from boiled and evaporated by one third of milk, it is fermented and fatty yogurt is obtained. The curd mass of the suzma remains when the whey is poured from the katyk. With their help, they ferment milk into ayran.

Yogurt, by the way, airan recalls the softness of a specific taste.

But the foam in it is from kefir. The consistency of airan varies from thick and curdled, eaten with a spoon, to drinking, liquid, like milk.

The unusual milky taste of Ayran can be supplemented by many:

· Dilute with boiled (carbonated) ice water or milk, koumiss.

· Salt;

· Pour chopped fresh herbs - parsley, cilantro, basil. In this combination, airan resembles sheep cheese to many;

· Season with ground spices - zira, cumin, coriander.

On the basis of ayran, you can cook okroshka or cold fruit soup.

It is known that many dairy and sour-milk products are not recommended to be mixed with baking - so that fermentation does not occur. But Ayran - it is possible and very tasty to eat with cakes of oriental cuisine and homemade buns.

The ease of assimilation of Ayran surpasses kefir.

The caloric content of ayran depends on its fat content, varying from 27 to 80 kcal per 100 ml.

The lightened nutritional value will not prevent after ayran for a long time not to feel hunger, and to eat, in a healthy sense, moderate interest in food.

Therefore, ayran should be safely included in fasting days, not being afraid to be tempted after it with cakes, even if they stand exactly in front of an empty bottle of drink.

The amazing benefit of ayran for the body is also manifested in the fact that it is useful for people suffering from a painful lack of appetite - by normalizing the digestive processes, ayran activates a healthy appetite, so that it can be included in the prevention of anorexia.

Living bacteria present in Ayran are beneficial for intestinal microflora, this drink in the weekly menu does not allow putrefactive processes to spread in the gastrointestinal tract. Moreover, in this capacity, it gently acts not as a therapeutic, but rather as a prophylactic agent that activates the body's natural resources.

How does composition affect Ayran's benefits to the body?

One of the most important elements of ayran - milk fat, contributes to the absorption of calcium from the drink, however, as well as from all dishes absorbed in the hours following this drink 6.

Due to this, ayran is indicated for osteoporosis and for those who want to visit the dentist less often. After all, calcium from dairy products not only strengthens bones, but also participates in their formation, which means that Ayran can be used with benefit in childhood and adolescence, as well as after fractures and when wearing bracket systems.

Beta-carotene can also be called a significant substance of ayran. Influencing vision, this substance is able to reduce retinal fatigue during the day, increase its resistance to UV radiation and delay the development of myopia.

From the group of vitamins B, the presence of B3 (niacin) is most significant in Ayran. And its benefits are immeasurable - B3 is involved in the formation of enzymes, vital enzymes for converting fats and carbohydrates into energy.

Also, phosphorus, thiamine, folic acid, biotin and riboflavin, iron, zinc and sodium create the benefit of ayran.

What else is the use of Ayran for the body

In the summer, Ayran quenches thirst well, refreshes and invigorates, perfectly makes up for the loss of body fluid and restores the balance of the most important mineral substances for it.

So, it is important for kidney diseases and if the swelling of the eyes in the morning is bothering.

In the summer, Ayran is good for the skin. You do not need to smear them like sour cream, but drink as much as you like. And then it will be more protected from the harmful radiation of the sun, less prone to redness and dryness.

Ayran will support those involved in sports by increasing muscle tone, improving smooth muscle function and facilitating the adaptation of muscles and joints to new physical activities, for example, during fitness training.

The bactericidal action of Ayran extends to the fight against seasonal viral diseases, alleviating the symptoms of allergic reactions, and supporting the body in food poisoning.

The antiseptic effect of the drink extends to the fact that with colds and viral diseases, it alleviates the condition of a sore throat and stuffy nose.

It is known that the best cure for the hangover syndrome is restraint in the use of alcoholic beverages. But, even if something went wrong - Ayran stops the headache and removes the general malaise.

Ayran helps to saturate the blood and tissues with oxygen, and also indirectly improves ventilation, due to which it is recommended for respiratory diseases - from bronchitis, to pneumonia and asthma.

Ayran is one of the most healthy dairy products, and the list of its positive properties is easy to continue:

· It lowers cholesterol;

· Strengthens blood vessels;

· Removes toxins and toxins from the body;

· Useful for cholecystitis;

· Improves the functioning of the heart system.

Ayran is recommended to be included in the diet for nursing mothers - to increase milk.

It is especially useful, however, like many dairy products, to use Ayran in the morning and on an empty stomach.

If you dilute a spoonful of honey in it and drink it at night - it will show the properties of a soft relaxing and sleeping pill.

It is noteworthy that airan does not inhibit the mind and body in a beneficial, calming and calming manner on the nervous system, so staying behind the wheel or working in a hazardous work requiring a reaction speed is not a reason to refuse it.

Ayran, finally, is not contraindicated in taking medicines, including antibiotics, and many even find that, in this case, the stomach responds to their intake with less negative sensations.

When is Ayran harmful to the body?

First of all, the harm of ayran for the body will manifest itself if you buy a stale drink or aged in violated storage conditions, or prepared in unsanitary conditions. So, it is important to choose only a quality product.

A feature of sour-milk drinks of this type is that they can settle and exfoliate when the milk part is separated from the water. Harm of ayran for the body has nothing to do with it - it is of high quality. But for a full-fledged taste, naturally, ayran is shaken before use.

As for contraindications to the use of Ayran, they are minimal and the first of them is the individual intolerance of lactose.

Also, there is harm from ayran for the body with indigestion, characterized by increased acidity, with exacerbations of gastritis and an ulcer, with pancreatitis.


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