Is it possible to breastfeeding kvass, what kind of kvass and how much can you drink when you feed your baby with breast milk. Will kvass harm a nursing mother?


All nursing mothers worry about the correctness of their diet, because now, after the birth of their babies, they should choose dishes for two. But after all, many products can directly affect the composition of breast milk, which, in turn, will affect the well-being of the baby. There are many questions about some foods and drinks, because there is the possibility of food allergies and even colic. Therefore, for some time they should be excluded from the diet of mothers. But is it allowed to use kvass during breastfeeding?

The same, favorite kvass

A large number of people on hot summer days like to sit in the shade with a glass of cold life-giving kvass. This is not strange, because such a drink is not only tasty. It perfectly quenches thirst, tones, invigorates and even relieves fatigue.

Surely, many people know that kvass has long been considered a rather useful drink, however, how it will affect the body depends on the preparation technology and its composition.

It is homemade bread kvass that has the greatest nutritional value. It is made from crackers of rye bread, crusts, and used as an independent drink, and for dressing no less than millions of okroshas. If kvass is fragrant, made from natural ingredients, it will perfectly quench your thirst, cheer up and increase your performance. Real rye kvass will perfectly affect digestion, strengthen tooth enamel, remove toxins and toxins from the body. The healing properties of this drink can be said due to the content of vitamins E, group B, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and other substances that are necessary for the proper functioning of the human body. It will relieve dizziness and will be an excellent way to prevent vitamin deficiency.

Moms with babies also want to taste it. But is it possible to breastfeeding kvass?

In order to accurately answer this difficult question, we must remember that this drink is a product of fermentation, so a baby who constantly clings to her mother’s breast may begin to have colic or a tummy swell.

You should know that despite so many “advantages”, this healthy drink has contraindications. Since it contains a little ethyl alcohol (most often, no more than 1.2%), rye kvass is not recommended for nursing mothers, pregnant women and children under three years of age.

So is it possible or impossible for kvass to nursing mother?

And yet, each rule has its own exceptions. And so that the use of kvass during breastfeeding does not harm, some important points should be taken into account.

Indeed, some nutritionists do not recommend drinking kvass during breastfeeding. But most of them adhere to the following point of view: you can drink it only in small quantities, if this does not lead to uncomfortable sensations and the baby's body responds well to it.

If we focus on the fact that Mom will drink kvass while breastfeeding, then it is more correct for her to choose a drink prepared at home. If she does not have such an opportunity, then of the purchased options should be considered barrel.

This is not to say that kvass sold in bottles is completely natural. As a rule, it is carbonated, it has a rather long shelf life. Therefore, preservatives have been added to it, and this indicates that such kvass can not be called a natural "live" drink. It is not harmful, but it is better not to use such kvass for nursing mothers: in the vast majority of cases, the body of the babies will react quite negatively to it.

A taste of childhood from a barrel ...

If you exclude home-made kvass, then mothers should drink a barrel version of this drink during lactation. It is much better than bottled. But here it is necessary to pay attention to what kind of workplace the seller works, because it must comply with sanitary standards. A container intended for kvass is better to bring with you. And do not be shy to ask for documents that will confirm that the kvass is "live", that is, natural fermentation. The shelf life of such kvass should not be more than three days.

Due to all these conditions and the need to take into account every nuance of the production of a tasty drink, it is permissible to drink to nursing mothers only in small quantities. The usual norm is considered to be only one glass per day. After all, do not forget that kvass is a healthy drink, which contains trace elements that can strengthen the immune system. And part of the mothers say that it was thanks to kvass that they were able to overcome the lactation crisis (although there is no medical evidence for their words).

Which kvass is preferable for a nursing mother?

If, nevertheless, a mother having a baby is determined to drink this delicious drink, she should know that the least yeast is in caraway seeds. Thanks to caraway seeds, a positive effect on the lactation process and the well-being of the child will be provided. By the way, you can cook it at home. Cut into slices of rye bread and dry it in the oven. The resulting crackers are poured with water at the rate of five liters per pound of bread. It takes four hours to get the bread soaked. Then sugar is poured into this liquid - one glass, ten grams of yeast and two teaspoons of caraway seeds. This kvass is infused in a warm place for half a day.

So that kvass can quench your thirst, you can drink a slightly cool drink. Cold lactating mommy is not recommended so as not to get sick. And in a glass with kvass add a couple of ice cubes.

At the request of a nursing mother, slices of different berries and fruits are also added there. Just make this drink too sweet is not worth it. Its benefit is that thanks to its use, Mom will strengthen immunity. Therefore, it is homemade kvass that is recommended for women who have experienced a difficult birth or a cesarean section. With the help of this drink they will regain strength. But even if the baby does not give a negative reaction to it, kvass for nursing mothers should be drunk little by little, constantly monitoring the presence of various alarming signals in the crumbs in the form, for example, of a rash or redness. If the child begins to have colic, gas formation has increased, this product should be abandoned at least for a while.

So is it possible or not to drink kvass during breastfeeding? Let's summarize

Nursing mothers are tormented by doubts about the use of kvass for the following reasons:

- in this drink there is a small percentage of alcohol, which affects the liver of a young child through breast milk;

- kvass is in a sense a carbonated drink, therefore, it is possible to provoke some problems with the tummy in the baby;

- usually kvass is drunk rather cold, and such a temperature regime in drinks during breastfeeding is contraindicated.

The best option for solving such a difficult issue would be a compromise: combining kvass and breastfeeding is quite realistic, but only natural and no more than one glass a day is allowed to drink kvass.

The well-known arguments against this, frightening mothers, especially young ones, cannot be called completely true. Let’s figure out why.

In kvass, there really is a little ethyl alcohol (about 1.2% - as mentioned above), which is formed in the drink due to natural fermentation, similar to kefir. In this volume, such a substance does not pose any danger to the body. In addition, the body already has this alcohol in small quantities, even if a person does not touch alcoholic beverages. And kvass is not classified as an alcoholic or low alcoholic beverage, so it is allowed to drink to nursing mothers and drivers.

Only partially can we say that kvass is a carbonated drink. In natural kvass, of course, gas is present, but it is one that is formed as a result of fermentation. But in kvass from plastic bottles, a completely different gas appears artificially. As a rule, this is a usual soda, in which there is both taste and aroma of kvass. It is this kvass that can provoke problems with the tummy in babies. After all, if a nursing mother has problems with the digestive tract, she should be careful even when using natural kvass. What to say about this - from a bottle?

How baby reacts to natural kvass is very difficult to say in advance. Some people have gas, others take it quite calmly. And only the gradual introduction of this drink into the diet with subsequent observation will help mom to figure out whether to drink kvass, or better to wait.

Drinking, which is close to icy in temperature, is of no use to anyone. Mom, breastfeeding the baby, should choose warm drinks, but if she drinks one glass of a little chilled kvass, the lactation will not be harmed.

It should be recalled that the best kvass is homemade. In extreme cases - barrel. And by no means shop!

So, if the kvass is natural, mommy can drink it in limited quantities, because it can be useful to her. And its useful properties (some of which have already been mentioned before) are very relevant for a nursing mother: kvass will perfectly relieve fatigue, quench thirst, tone and invigorate, and besides, it has vitamins and minerals.

What follows from the foregoing? If a nursing mother drinks kvass carefully and little by little, he will not do her any harm, on the contrary, it will even be useful.


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