Blood plasma donation is good and bad. What the donor should know about donating blood plasma - is it beneficial for the body


Donation is presented in society as a noble and useful act. Individuals who donate blood regularly, its components provide various benefits. This is an additional weekend, and coupons for free meals.

But is the plasma donation procedure so safe? And what is the flip side of the coin? What you should know about the sampling procedure and how to prepare for medical manipulation?

Plasma. A bit of educational program

Plasma is a liquid fraction of blood. Its specific gravity is 60% of the mass of whole blood. The objective of this fluid is the transportation of blood cells to various organs and tissues, the delivery of nutrients and the excretion of waste products.

Plasma is necessary to maintain the homeostasis system, the formation of fibrin clots at the site of injury. The composition of this biological fluid includes protein fractions that ensure the salt balance of the body. In addition, they participate in metabolic processes, stabilize the immune system.

Plasma is widely used in medical practice. The introduction of this blood component is indicated in patients with shock, massive blood loss, an overdose of anticoagulants, cardiomyopathies of various etiologies.

All these conditions are extremely serious. Therefore, donating blood components, the donor saves someone's life.

Blood plasma donation. Donor Benefits

The sampling procedure is an invasive manipulation. Therefore, there are cases of intentional distortion of information about the benefits of donating blood plasma to a donor.

The World Health Organization has developed recommendations for donation of blood and its components, including the frequency and volume of intake of body fluid. Following WHO protocols is mandatory for medical personnel.

Benefits of donating blood plasma to a donor:

1. Updating the components of the body fluid.

2. Prevention of atherosclerosis, ischemia, embolism.

3. Lower cholesterol, which reduces the risk of heart attack and cerebrovascular accident.

4. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle - the requirements for a potential donor are quite strict.

5. Prevention of diseases of the liver, urinary system, pancreas.

6. Extension of life - it is proved that donors live on average 5 years longer than their peers.

7. For women - the prevention of breakthrough uterine bleeding, complex childbirth with massive blood loss.

8. Prevention of bleeding - donation is a kind of training for the homeostasis system. In addition, the body learns to quickly restore lost biological fluid.

9. Material side - not always the delivery of components of the biological fluid is free of charge. The donor receives additional days off that can be attached to the main vacation. The status of "honorary donor" is a list of various benefits provided by the state.

10. Moral satisfaction is the very fact that donation of plasma can save the life of another person;

11. Before the donation, a compulsory medical examination is carried out. And even if the donor’s candidacy is rejected, he will know that he needs to undergo examination and quality treatment with a specialist. This will benefit even without blood plasma donation.

Biological raw materials can be handed over only in specialized medical institutions. With strict adherence to WHO protocols, the benefits of blood plasma donation are undeniable.

Blood plasma donation. Harm to the donor

Any medical manipulation both heals and injures the tissues and systems of the body. When donating blood plasma, harm to the donor can be done in the following cases:

• the procedure is carried out without a preliminary examination;

• manipulations are carried out with a reusable tool;

• donor infection due to violation of asepsis rules;

• intake of excess body fluid;

• violation of the recommended number of donations during the year.

Blood components are a valuable biological substance. Therefore, transfusion specialists strictly adhere to the protocols of the World Health Organization.

During the year, 10 acts of plasma donation for 1 donor and not more than 600 ml of biological fluid per 1 manipulation are allowed. In medical institutions, strict records are kept. Therefore, it will not be possible to exceed the frequency of donations.

When donating blood plasma, harm may not be caused by the fact of blood loss, but by a violation of the rules and safety precautions during the procedure for taking biological fluid.

How is the donation

Donation is a strict adherence to the rules of preparation for the procedure and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Just the desire to donate body fluid is not enough.

Requirements for a potential donor:

1. Age from 18 to 60 years and weight not less than 50 kg. In rare cases, the minimum body weight is 47 kg.

2. Be a citizen or have a residence permit. You must have documents with you to identify you.

3. Be healthy.

4. In women, during menstruation, plasma sampling is not performed.

Before taking the biological fluid of a potential donor, a doctor examines. A general blood test is indicated, the group and Rh factor are determined, examined for syphilis, hepatitis and HIV. With a reduced level of hemoglobin, plasma sampling is not performed.

If the candidate is allowed a donation procedure, then he must have a bite before medical manipulations. Usually this is tea with a bun.

The patient should be supine. During the procedure, the donor involved 2 hands. From one passes the intake of biological fluid. Blood enters a centrifuge to separate red blood cells, platelets, and other cells from plasma.

Then, a platelet and erythrocyte mass obtained after centrifugation is introduced into the vein of the second hand. The resulting plasma is frozen.

Donation Behavior

During plasma sampling, the amount of hemoglobin does not decrease, as with the delivery of whole blood. But the body is still experiencing stress, so after donation, weakness and dizziness are possible.

How to behave so that the donation of blood plasma is beneficial, not harmful:

1. Do not smoke.

2. For a day, forget about alcoholic beverages. Do not believe the myth of the benefits of red wine for recovery from blood loss.

3. After plasma collection, do not remove the pressure dressing for several hours.

4. Rest for half an hour after manipulation. Eat a bun, have some tea.

5. Do not go to the gym or engage in labor feats during the day.

6. Eat normally, drink enough water for 2 days after donation.

Failure to comply with the rules of conduct after donating blood plasma will harm the donor, as the body will recover much more slowly. Weakness and dizziness will be present.

Before deciding whether to donate blood components, discuss the benefits of blood plasma donation with a transfusion physician. Well, the harm of this medical manipulation is extremely doubtful.


Watch the video: What Really Happens to Your Blood After You Donate? (June 2024).