We take on arms masks from henna for the face. Home Benefits, Secrets, and Recipes - Everything You Wanted to Know


Henna (shredded leaves of Lavsonia) is one of the main beauty secrets of women of the East. In Russia, this tool is traditionally used for dyeing, restoration and treatment of hair.

However, the crushed leaves of Lavsonia can be used to solve the problems of various parts of the body. For lovers of home natural care, recipes for masks from henna for the face will be a real find.

What is the use?

• Henna face masks have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin as a whole: it becomes more elastic, smooth, nourished.

• Owners of problematic skin will benefit from a pronounced antibacterial effect. Natural antiseptic is used for the complex treatment of acne and other inflammations on the face, normalizes the sebaceous glands.

• The soothing component of henna (fisalen) will remove redness from irritated skin.

• Masks with henna rejuvenate the aging skin of the face, make it more fresh, supple and toned.

• Henna has a tonic and regenerating effect, saturates skin cells with oxygen, and is suitable for restoring aging skin.

• Dry and cracked skin of the henna mask will moisturize and soften.

• This tool helps in the fight against black dots. Henna masks are suitable for delicately cleansing the skin of dead particles.

• When using henna, allergic reactions are almost completely absent. Even women with very sensitive skin can use a natural remedy without fear. Procedures can be performed during pregnancy and lactation.

Tip: cases of individual intolerance to henna masks are extremely rare, especially if they contain additional components (for example, essential oils). To make sure that the product is safe, apply a small dose to the wrist or elbow. If after 5 minutes there is no redness or burning, the mask can be used on the face.

Choose the henna correctly

In stores, most often there are 2 types of this powder:

• colored henna, designed for dyeing hair in a palette of copper shades;

• colorless henna, which is not inferior in its useful properties to the first appearance of this powder. She does not color the body and hair. A product without coloring pigment can be safely used by women with very fair skin and blondes.

For cosmetic facial treatments, only the colorless option is used. When buying, be careful and keep in mind that analogues designed to give shade to the hair will color the skin brown.

Tip: never buy henna in markets or in unverified places, in bulk - without factory packaging, and instructions for use. It is better to give preference to pharmacy products or purchase henna in specialized stores. So you are confident in the quality of the product.

Want to feel the effect after the first procedure? Make face henna masks correctly

• Henna is able to enter into chemical reactions, therefore, for the preparation of cosmetic products based on henna, do not use metal dishes. Ceramic, glass or plastic containers and stirring spoons are best suited.

• Before applying the mask, thoroughly clean the skin of the face.

• It is better to apply a hot or warm mass. The high temperature of the mixture will have an additional warming effect, the pores will open better and the effect of henna will be deeper. Comfortable temperature can be determined by applying a drop of product on the wrist.

• Mask action time: 15 - 20 minutes.

• Do the procedure 1 to 2 times a week. A course of 15 masks will be optimal.

• Finish off with a nourishing cream.

Henna Face Mask Recipes

Classic mask for all skin types

This recipe is the basis for more complex options. Moreover, the simplicity of cooking does not detract from all the useful properties of henna.

The base mask is prepared as follows. A tablespoon of henna powder should be brewed with the same amount of boiling water (approximately 90 - 95ºС), mix thoroughly and cover for several minutes. Upon reaching a comfortable temperature, apply the mask on the face with a thick layer. Do not allow the mixture to dry on the face.

Mask with essential oils

Make a henna base mask. When it cools down a little, add 1 - 2 drops of essential oil to the mixture. Choose an ether for your skin type.

• Normal skin - cedar, neroli oil, geranium, lavender, sandalwood, rose oil, patchouli oil, fir, orange.

• Dry skin - nutmeg oil, chamomile, jasmine, geranium, sage oil, sandalwood, ylang-ylang.

• Oily skin - juniper, fir, bergamot oil, lemon oil, rosemary oil, lemon, tangerine, lavender, pine.

• Sensitive skin - chamomile, rose, jasmine and lavender oils.

• Combined skin - nutmeg essential oil, cedar, sage oil, lavender, ylag-ylang.

• Problem skin - cedar, pine, fir oil, bergamot oil, orange and lemon oil, peppermint oil, rosemary oil.

• Age skin - nutmeg essential oil, neroli oil, rose oil, sage and eucalyptus oil, myrrh oil.

Henna masks with clay

Make a standard henna mix with one tablespoon of cosmetic clay. Choose it by your skin type.

• White clay - suitable for oily and problematic skin, removes excess fat, dries, tightens pores, whitens the skin, tightens the oval of the face.

• Blue clay - tones and heals the skin, saturates it with useful elements, cleanses, improves complexion. This clay has a rejuvenating effect.

• Green clay - cleanses the skin well and restores water balance. Recommended for dry skin.

• Red clay - rejuvenates, wrinkles noticeably smoothed.

• Pink clay - suitable for normal skin, nourishes and moisturizes.

• Yellow clay - able to treat acne, improves complexion.

• Black clay - removes toxins from the skin. Perfectly removes dirt.

Masks for normal skin

Mask with aloe. Add 2 tablespoons of aloe juice to the mixture. Your skin is nourished and rejuvenated!

Yolk mask. In a traditional henna mask, stir one egg yolk. Get a nourishing mask suitable for the winter.

Masks for dry skin

Oil mask. In a henna mask prepared in the usual way, add half a teaspoon of cosmetic oil. It will enhance the action of the main component, enrich the mask with nutrients. For dry skin, it’s best to:

• olive oil;

• Sesame oil;

• grape seed oil;

• jojoba oil.

Creamy mask. Pour 1 tablespoon of henna with hot water. In a warm mixture, add 1 teaspoon of cream, mix thoroughly.

Vitamin mask. Enrich the classic henna mask mask recipe by adding 1 ampoule of liquid vitamin A.

Masks for oily and problem skin

Sour milk mask. Prepare the henna mixture in the usual way. Add 1 teaspoon of low-fat sour cream or natural unsweetened yogurt. Sour milk and kefir are perfect, and a few drops of lemon juice will help whiten the skin and remove unnecessary shine.

Honey mask. Mix honey with henna base mask in equal proportions. Do not add honey to a mixture that is too hot so as not to lose its healing properties. Make sure you are not allergic to bee products.

Mask with chlorophyllipt. This oily pharmacy product made from eucalyptus leaves will enhance the antiseptic properties of henna and make inflammation on the skin of the face less noticeable. Add 1 teaspoon of chlorophyllipt solution to the mask.

Masks for aging skin

Banana mask. Make a classic henna mask. Add 2 tablespoons of banana puree and 1 beaten egg. Banana and egg yolk nourish the skin with beneficial substances, and protein provides a smoothing effect.

Mask with fruits and berries. Get a vitamin boost by enriching the mask with the pulp of persimmon, melon or strawberry. Seasonal fruits and berries to help you.

Herbal mask. Brew the powder with infusion of chamomile, string, sage or a decoction of parsley. Mint water will have a tonic effect.

Whitening mask

1 teaspoon of pre-dissolved gelatin, cucumber pulp and chamomile infusion in combination with a henna base will help whiten the skin and make age spots less noticeable.

Choose a suitable mask from henna for the face and see for yourself that this tool is no worse than store cosmetics, and sometimes even more effective.


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