Treating a bruised foot at home is simple and effective. But is it always acceptable to treat foot injury at home?


Bruised foot is one of the most common household injuries. It is very simple to get it, it often happens even in the walls of a house. Most often, such a nuisance occurs with children and athletes, but in fact, no one is safe from injury, and everyone should know what is worth taking in such a case. The simplest and most affordable is the treatment of foot injury at home. Such methods and techniques are time-tested and highly effective.

Symptoms of a bruised foot

Not everyone, in case of a bruise, inspects the damaged place with the necessary thoroughness and seeks help from a specialist.

If the injury is initially ignored, in the future it may take significantly more time to recover.

Of course, this can happen to everyone, but in case of such a nuisance, you should know the symptoms of the bruise:

· An acute attack of pain. It appears immediately after injury. The pain will be most severe at first, later it will weaken a little, it will become bearable;

Swelling and hematoma. They have the property of occurring after some time after injury. If timely first aid is provided, the hematoma in size will not greatly increase.

Subsequently, the hematomas of the vessels in the area of ​​the bruised foot are torn. A small bruise forms, but with time it increases;

· Motor function is reduced. This is especially true in the first minutes after injury, when several people can’t move their feet at all;

· Not always, but it happens that the skin around the bruise is gradually rejected. This happens in case of severe injury. In such cases, one should not rely on the treatment of foot bruise at home, the recovery of a patient with such damage should take place under the close supervision of a doctor;

· The consequence of a bruise is discomfort when walking. Due to edema, the leg greatly increases, you will have to refuse to wear the usual shoes, because when walking even in the most comfortable and free shoes discomfort will be present, there will be no pain left. To walk in case of a bruise, you should try to a minimum, spend more time in bed.

Features of the treatment of bruising during pregnancy

We apply cold to the damaged area, try not to strain the leg, fix it in a comfortable position. It is extremely undesirable to select drugs on your own, since most of them are contraindicated. Also, during the period of bearing a child, x-rays are unacceptable. But the following folk remedy will not bring harm: add 2 tablespoons of vinegar to a liter of water, moisten a towel in it (preferably if it is cotton), apply to the foot.

How to distinguish a fracture from a bruise

Symptoms of these two injuries are very similar to each other. First aid is also not much different. But how to distinguish them among themselves in order to conduct the correct treatment in the future?

If there is a hematoma, edema, we make a cold compress, put the foot on a pillow, take pain medication. If after such procedures it became easier, the pain subsided - we are dealing with a bruise.

The next method of verification is trying to stand on the foot, knock on it. Intolerable pain indicates a fracture. The surest way to check is to take an X-ray.

Classification of bruises

Types of bruises are distinguished as follows:

· Minor;


· Single;

· Multiple;

· Heavy.

According to the degree of injury, 4 types are distinguished:

First degree. With such injuries, mild pain is characteristic, there is no violation of the skin, small scratches may be present;

· A bruise of the second degree is accompanied by a rupture of internal tissues, blood vessels;

· Accompanied by a bruise with acute pain, sometimes hematomas form;

· With the third degree, not only soft tissues are damaged, but also tendons can rupture. The pain in the foot is severe, you need to see a doctor, since dislocation of the joints is also possible;

· At the fourth stage is characterized by severe pain, damage to muscle groups, which is extremely dangerous in case of refusal of hospitalization.

How to provide first aid for a bruised foot at home

A person who has received a bruised foot will need first aid. It may not necessarily be a medic, but simply knowing what to do in this case, a person.

The first thing that is necessary for the victim is to ensure the peace of his injured limb. This can be done by conveniently laying the patient on the sofa. It is necessary to apply cold to the injured area as soon as possible. It can be a bottle of cold water or ice. Soak should be up to 20 minutes. They do this in order to ease pain and not allow the swelling to increase.

Important! People with diabetes should not be given such cold compresses. They should raise their sore leg so that it is higher than the body, this will achieve the outflow of blood.

With timely first-aid treatment and proper treatment of foot injury at home, recovery will occur within two weeks, and possibly if the damage is minor, and at the end of the first week.

Treating foot injuries at home is simple and effective

Bruised feet in most cases are treated at home. It is necessary to exclude those when, in addition to bruising, we are dealing with rupture of ligaments and fractures. In the latter cases, hospitalization is necessary, in all the rest you can do without it. Next, we consider methods of treating foot injury at home.


Aloe is a good remedy for bruises. Take 100 grams of plants, add 200 grams of river sand. Such a mixture should be insisted for three days, only after that it is considered healing. The mass should be wrung out before use, lubricate the foot several times throughout the day.

It helps to absorb hematoma if sugar is added to aloe: 200 grams to several leaves of the plant. Everything should be mixed thoroughly, to achieve a homogeneous mixture. It should be placed in a jar, covered with a tight lid, insisted for several days. Before use, the liquid should be disposed of; for this, the mass can be filtered to get the slurry, lubricate the bruise with it.


To prepare the medicine, take a tablespoon of linden leaves, previously chopped, pour boiling water, insist 30 minutes. It is necessary to cool the infusion, strain and rub the bruise, until the bruise passes.


It is good in case of injury to apply a sheet of plantain. The slurry from the plantain leaf is applied to the injury, fix with gauze on top. But you can’t knit very tight, this will not speed up recovery, but complications are possible. Throughout the day, you can change this bandage several times.

You can also use the juice of any green plant. Thanks to the chlorophyll contained in them. Both pain and bruising will begin to pass soon.


A good remedy used by our grandmothers is vinegar. 2 tablespoons of vinegar are added per liter of water, the cotton cloth is moistened in it. Impose on a bruise a couple of times throughout the day.

It is also good to use apple cider vinegar (1/2 tablespoon), add 2 teaspoons of salt, 4 drops of iodine. In such a solution, the tissue is moistened, applied to the injured area.

Another recipe using vinegar - take a tablespoon of it, water and vegetable oil. Apply to the site of injury and insulate.

You can also make a grid of iodine. Do not completely apply iodine to the wound, as this can lead to a burn.


Take beans in an amount of 5 pieces, add potatoes - 1 piece. All boil, knead until gruel, attach to the site of the injury for half an hour. The procedure is repeated throughout the day 3 times.

Burdock Ointment

An ointment made from burdock leaves will perfectly help with bruised feet. To prepare, take brown laundry soap, rub it on a grater, add 30 grams of camphor powder, 30 ml of alcohol, a little white turpentine. All mixed until a homogeneous mass. With this compound, the injured leg is lubricated until the pain passes. The procedure is periodically repeated.

Traditional medicine is tested and justified by time. They can be used regardless of the traditional treatment, if the damage is not severe, but can be combined for faster results.


Watch the video: Mayo Clinic Minute: Ankle sprains 101 (June 2024).