Get the inspiration and lightness of birds, doing gymnastics Slavic charmer! The beneficial properties of gymnastics charmer


We are fascinated. You are charming. Enchantress ... It's nice to hear such words, isn't it?

They sound charming, and the woman charmer is seen as harmonious, beautiful, healthy, full of strength and energy.

This is a woman who captivates a man and can keep him, preserving love and giving him true happiness - the happiness of a family, having children, a cozy home.

Learn to be a charmer!

The body is the outer shell of the spirit and must be maintained with the same strength as the spirit. As they say, in a healthy body - a healthy mind.

Bad habits destroy the harmony between the two. It is especially important for a woman to be healthy, clean and bright, because she gives life, she is the future mother. What is inherent in genetic memory is passed down from generation to generation, so it is important to develop your best qualities and strengthen yourself.

Exercises aimed at strengthening the body can be different: this is popular fitness, and running in the morning, and Pilates, and yoga, and makko-ho, and qigong. All of them develop endurance and strength, not only strengthening the body, but also tempering the strength of will and spirit.

Exercises of the Slavic gymnastic complex can remind you of gymnastics from other cultures, because the physical basis of all people is the same. But the roots of this gymnastics come from the Slavic origin, and therefore the worldview on which these exercises are based is also Slavic from Ancient Russia.

Starting to practice this gymnastics, women will notice how a desire to manifest their feminine beginnings appears. Do not be surprised if you want to wear dresses instead of trousers more often, to be more elegant and feminine, to engage more in the atmosphere and relationships within the family.

We open female energy, we carry out Slavic gymnastics exercises!

Russian women have always been famous for their article, meekness and strength.

To achieve the harmony of the inner world, which fills a woman with beauty, article and strength, try to perform a set of exercises that are not inferior in strength to eastern techniques.

It is advisable to perform exercises alone and in nature, in order to completely relax and hear your inner state, learn to understand and feel. The only contraindication is that women's gymnastics should not be performed by men. Otherwise, you can practice gymnastics at any age. During pregnancy, practicing gymnastics is not contraindicated, but the exercises should be performed more smoothly and carefully.

We stand right, look into the future and develop our wonderful world!

Exercises should be performed without straining, the stomach is relaxed, breathing deeply and mentally direct the energy of exhalation down. Exercise helps to stretch up, stretch your feet, strengthen your back and level your posture. The starting position in this complex is built as follows:

• Stand straight, feet shoulder width apart, knees without tension, slightly bent.

• Bend your elbows in your arms behind your back. The palms are turned to the sides. The hands are slightly touching each other with the back of their hands. Gently push your wrists along the spine. The elbows are brought forward and tend to each other.

• Spread your shoulders.

• The chin is raised, the gaze is directed straight.

• When performing further exercises, make sure that your knees remain in a slightly bent relaxed position.

Exercise 1 - we rise above the ground. Take the starting position of the set of exercises, gently rise on your toes and return to the starting position.

Exercise 2 - open up like a flower bud. We leave from the starting position, rising slightly on toes. Sliding the back of the palms along the body and bringing the intertwined hands at the level of the chest, connect them above the head in the form of a bud. Try to keep balance and not bend forward. Return to starting position along the same path.

Exercise 3 - we stand a bird on one leg. Transfer the weight from the starting position to the right foot by lifting the left foot and placing its foot sideways on the right knee. The supporting leg is slightly bent at the knee. The knee of the raised leg is maximally turned to the side. Turn the body all the way to the raised leg, and then return to its original position. Do the same on the other leg.

Exercise 4 - fly forward. From the starting position, transfer the body weight to one leg, while tilting the body slightly forward and stretching out woven arms with palms in the form of a bud in front of the head. During the adoption of the posture, stretch your arms along the body, trying to be in contact with the body as much as possible. The brushes from the initial back position behind the back should turn around on the sides and move their palms together on the chest in the solar plexus, after which the palms connected by a candle are lifted up and twisted above the head in an extended position. The movements are smooth. Lift up a little on a toe, keeping balance. Get down and return to starting position. Do the same on the other leg.

We get on our knees - get rid of laziness!

This set of exercises helps to stretch the muscles of the back, arms, establish a hormonal background, open the hip joints and increase the flexibility and mobility of the joints.

The starting position for performing this set of exercises repeats the starting position of the previous complex, with the only difference being that it is performed on one’s knees. The knees should be slightly wider than the shoulders, the feet apart.

Exercise 1 - From the starting position we extend our arms along the body, turning them on our sides. Running the ribs of the palms under the chest, we connect the palms with the back side in the solar plexus, weave them and put them up above the head, weaving the bud. We return the hands to their initial position, trying to move along the same trajectory, only in the opposite direction.

Exercise 2 - From the starting position of the knee rack, sit on your heels and tilt the body down with your cheek on the floor. Also strive to lay your shoulders on the floor. We take our hands out from behind, passing them through the body, and we spread them apart. The hands are on the floor and palms pointing up. Keep your hips perpendicular to the floor. When returning to the starting position, try not to use your hands, but to raise yourself, pulling the buttocks and hips to the heels.

Exercise 3 - While in the starting position, flatten the feet. Move your hands from behind back and up, connecting them with a bud, and tilt the case slightly to the side. Return to the starting position, moving your hands behind your back along the same path as at the beginning of the exercise. Dilute the feet again. Perform the same exercise the other way.

While the pies do not need to be baked, you can lie down with health benefits.

This set of exercises helps to relax and stretch the spine, develop back flexibility and improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs.

The starting position is taken from a kneeling position:

• By moving your hands along the body and lifting them to the “bud” position, then bend your elbows and place your hands behind your head, then put your palms on your shoulders.

• Join your elbows together and gently lower them.

• Bend your lower back. Keep your knees and elbows perpendicular to the floor.

• Keep your head straight, look away into the distance.

Exercise 1 - In the starting position, pull the knee to the chest, and then bring the straight leg back. Hold your foot on the weight for a few moments and return to the starting position. Do the same on the other leg.

Exercise 2 - With your original elbow-elbow position, extend your arms forward as far as possible. When arching the lower back, strive to reach the ground with your chest. Stretch further, but avoid pain.

Thus, performing a set of exercises of Slavic gymnastics, you will achieve results in the realization of your female desires, establish physical fitness, strengthen strength of mind, patience and endurance.

More fully about the exercises of Slavic gymnastics, systematized to date, can be found in the book “Gymnastics of the Slavic enchantresses” by G.E. Adamovich or watch the implementation of exercises on the Internet.

Be healthy and peace to your home and family!


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