7 secrets of the "black gold" of the Mediterranean. Useful properties of carob syrup and contraindications


The carob tree, or siliculose tsarotoniya, is an evergreen bean family tree. Homeland is the Mediterranean. The scientific name comes from the Greek "keration" (horn), apparently due to the similarity of the shape of the fruit with formations on the heads of animals. From the earliest times, the seeds of the leguminous tree have been used as a measure of weight, since they differ in the constancy of their mass (keration - carat).

In the modern world, they learned how to make ultra-precise scales, but the tree has not lost its relevance. Its seeds are widely used for the manufacture of powder (carob), which is used as a substitute for cocoa powder by people who are harmful to caffeine. Also, fruits are used for baking, as sweets, they make refreshing drinks, compotes, liquors. In medicine, medicines are made that are used for colds, coughs and gastrointestinal disorders.

A popular product is fruit syrup. It is about him that will be discussed in this article. But first, about the beneficial properties of carob fruits.

Useful properties of carob

It has many uses. The universality of the fruit is greater than it seems at first glance.

1. Cafein free. Good news for those who are sensitive to caffeine in chocolate. Since products from the horns do not stimulate the central nervous system and do not increase blood pressure. In addition, they tend to be considered vegetarian.

2. High in Vitamins and Minerals. Especially large amounts of calcium and iron. It is also a good source of riboflavin, folic acid, niacin, vitamin E, potassium, copper, manganese and selenium, and is also characterized by a high fiber content.

3. Lowers cholesterol. This is explained by a high level of fiber. Some studies reported that participants who consumed the fruits had a positive trend in lowering blood cholesterol after 4 weeks. Carob fiber, also known as locust gum, can control blood sugar.

4. Cancer prevention. Polyphenols in the horn have significant antioxidant activity. They inhibit various cancer cells, in particular cervical cancer stands.

5. Regulation of glucose in the blood. Helps maintain normal blood sugar levels due to high amounts of fiber. Insoluble fiber helps to bind water and contribute to the healthy functioning of the intestinal tract. This helps digestion and naturally maintains proper insulin levels.

6. Help in digestion. Traditionally used to treat diarrhea. A recent study showed that carob juice can effectively treat diarrhea in young children and, presumably, in adults.

It has also been proven that tannins in the horn help prevent the growth of putrefactive bacteria and parasites in the intestines.

7. Safe for pets. Cocoa and chocolate contain theobromine, which is toxic to dogs and cats. Horns have significantly less of this substance, and it can be safely used in the preparation of treats for animals.

Carob Syrup

This adhesive substance is brown, almost black in color. The structure resembles honey or sugar syrup. It is a completely natural product, there are no third-party chemicals in the composition.

Get the syrup by grinding the pods and boiling (evaporating) them in water. You can buy it in an organic food store or search in pharmacies. As a last resort, find on the Internet. Usually imported from Greece or Cyprus. It is reported that it contains even more calcium and minerals than the powder, due to its concentrated form.

Carob syrup is used as a natural sweetener. It has all the beneficial properties, but has a higher concentration of sugars, can be stored for a long time in a convenient form. People suffering from fructose intolerance should not use syrups in their pure form.

• The syrup contains a high content of organic acids, pectin, starch, tannins. Rich in B vitamins. Does not contain oxalates and phenylethylamine.

• It helps with frequent headaches and migraines, neurological disorders, and insomnia.

• Supports CCC due to its high sodium and potassium content.

Be careful, since syrup can slightly increase blood sugar, which is important for people with diabetes.

• Syrup is a good dietary supplement. They are advised to replace sugar in everyday life for the prevention of various diseases. Can be consumed with tea, coffee, etc.

• Due to the wealth of trace elements, it is widely used by cosmetic companies, beauty salons. Can be added to masks, scrubs for face and body.

• It is a useful source of trace elements for pregnant women and children.

Popular among vegetarians as it does not contain stimulants. What can be useful, as this will save you from "energy failures."

The use of syrup for weight loss is a controversial occupation. Like any syrup, it is high in calories. It makes no sense to eat it if you are on a diet consisting of a huge amount of fruit. Keep track of simple carbohydrates and count calories.

The syrup effectively helps to cough, with bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, sore throat. With it, you can improve the condition of the digestive tract, cleanse the intestines of toxins, toxins, metabolites, carcinogens and other harmful substances.

Use syrup for medical purposes should be with spoons. Namely, one tablespoon 3-5 times a day for half an hour before meals. For children, dosages are measured in teaspoons, and for teenagers, in desserts.

It is not addictive, as it does not contain caffeine and theobromine.

Storage and selection of the right syrup

When buying, carefully read the label. The composition should not contain any other components, sugar, etc., except, in fact, carob fruits. Remember that a completely natural, original, high-quality product will not be cheap.

Do not save on your health.

It is better to store containers with syrup in the refrigerator on the door. Shelf life is indicated on the packaging.

Harm from consuming carob syrup

It is not toxic, therefore there are no contraindications. It is not an allergen - it can be used without fear of skin rashes. But with abuse, constipation can occur - the substance is sticky after all. It is not recommended to give children under one year of age for the same reason.

If in doubt about an exotic product, it is best to play it safe by consulting your doctor.

In general, the advantages of syrup more than cover its minor flaws, which could not even be remembered. If you are a big lover of sweets, while adhering to a healthy diet and want to maintain your health - start looking for where to buy this product with the most beneficial properties. In the West, it has long been widely used and gained popularity.


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