The meaning of the name Tamara, the nature and fate of its owner. What does the name Tamara mean, what is its origin and history


In choosing a name for their unborn child, it is important for parents not only to focus on a beautiful and sweet name, but also to familiarize themselves with its interpretationm

What does the name Tamara mean? What is the origin and history of the name Tamara?

The meaning of the name Tamara

Tamara - means palm. The zodiac sign that patronizes Tamara is the scorpio. He makes the girl wise, judicious, insightful. The planet that rules the life of Tamara is Pluto. Thanks to her influence, the girl is often lucky.

The color that most impresses Tamara is crimson. The tree from which you can make a talisman for Tamara is a date palm. The plant that will bring her luck is rosemary. The stone that will become the talisman for Tamara is garnet.

The origin and history of the name Tamara

The name is of ancient Greek origin. What does the name Tamara mean? Palm - such a meaning is given to the name, since in ancient times a palm tree was considered very important in the construction of housing, the manufacture of utensils. The flexibility and resilience that are inherent in palm trees are also inherent in Tamara.

Tamara celebrates the birthday twice a year. April 29th and May 14th. In different languages ​​of the world, the name has the same sound. But the most widespread it was in Europe.

The nature and fate of Tamara

The positive character traits of Tamara include:

• Honesty;

• openness;

• Caring;

• Willpower;

• Purposefulness;

• Analytical mind.

She is very emotional, but at the right time can take emotions into a fist. Tamara is constantly evolving, she never rests on her laurels, she is interested in everything new. She quickly learns all the educational information, attends a huge number of circles. This insanely pleases the girl's parents.

It is also worth noting the negative character traits of Tamara:

• exactingness;

• hardness;

• straightforwardness;

• Conciseness.

Since Tamara has a huge number of plans, she often does not have time to fulfill them, so she is nervous and upset. She is straightforward, but not everyone likes it. Many do not accept this and stop communicating with Tamara, despite the previous friendship. She suffers from such situations, tries to find a reason in herself, but then calms down and find new friends.

Tamara is always attentive to other people's problems and other people's situations. She is a good listener and can be very attentive, affectionate, even with strangers. For this she is loved at home, appreciated by the team. She is strict, principled. He likes to understand everything to the end. At the same time, he admits his mistakes, never argues, if he understands that he is not right.

Tamara demands the same attitude to business, to life from the rest. The trouble is that most people are used to playing roles, coming up with problems. Tamara is a realist. She does not like to suffer in small ways, to spend her life on frustration. She prefers to live real. Here and now.

It is worth noting Tamara's genuine love of art. She is able to spend hours listening to her favorite music, likes to visit exhibitions and galleries. She likes to walk in the fresh air, travel to different cities and countries. Thus Tamara is resting. She needs something to give positive emotions and make sense.

Noisy parties and festivities in a large company Tamara does not really like. Therefore, friends with a cup of tea. Tamara strives to be an interesting conversationalist, always ready to listen to other people's problems.

Tamara is executive, neat, so the work of a librarian, psychologist is suitable for her. If Tamara devotes herself to art from childhood, then the work of an actress, singer, artist is suitable for her. She can combine her favorite work and creative hobby.

Tamara has so many abilities and talents, they develop and reveal throughout her life. Tamara is envious of many, but she herself does not understand why she is so easily given that which is not given to others.

Tamara can be a great leader. The meaning of the name Tamara - determines its flexibility in managing the team. She is loyal and demanding. Always ready for a compromise. Helps your colleagues and subordinates. No one refuses help.

Tamara has no friends at work. She is confidently building her business, her business. Competitors envy her endurance and ability to conduct a business conversation. Tamara always has time not only for work, but also for leisure. She loves to conduct him in a team circle.

Its employees appreciate such sensitivity of the boss, such dedication. Tamara has many advantages over her colleagues. She does not like to sit at home and do housework, she is constantly developing and learning. If Tamara decides to devote her life to education, she can get a degree. At the same time, she very subtly feels what kind of work can bring her maximum profit.

Tamara's love

The nature and fate of Tamara determine her preferences in love. She appreciates:

• Wise;

• Aged;

• Well-mannered men.

He will never waste his time on a man with whom there is nothing to talk about. She always wants to be the first in everything. This may interfere with its implementation in personal relationships. The problem is that Tamara can compete with her partner. She can assert her rights for no apparent reason.

If Tamara feels that the partner is pressing on her, she will stop communicating with him. With age, Tamara becomes wise and flexible in relationships. She seeks to bring every relationship to the family. She wants one man, only her beloved and dear.

Tamara has many suitors, but she chooses a job, not a passing hobby. Having married, she becomes the guardian of the hearth. Husband and children are not deprived of attention and love. There is always peace and harmony in Tamara’s house. She does not stand dirty linen in public, does not like gossip.

Every weekend Tamara seeks to spend with her family. She wants to make the rest vivid and memorable. She succeeds very well. The husband loves and appreciates her, just as she does him and his children.


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